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Blog Entries posted by RandyCubby

  1. RandyCubby
    A guy told me, "I was ready to leave the bar last night, and it was you or nothin." I got him off 3 x - including one round w/me on all fours in his backyard like a bitch. I got 40 mosquito bites - about 10 of em on my nutsack - but he said I was cheaper - AND more satisfying! - than a bag of White Castles! (And when he was done w/me, my butthole was as greasy as a bag of White Castles.)
    When I left his place, I stopped at the adult bookstore on my way home. Gave 2 blowjobs!
  2. RandyCubby
    Once, on vacation, I was on my back, legs in air, getting pounded by some guy in a hotel. In walks his buddy... with 2 more guys. They stand there watching, laughing. "Told ya he was a slut." At first, guy riding me was self-conscious, but he started to get off on being watched. One guy elbowed another, "Go on. You said you needed a blowjob. Look at him. He's a fuckin slut. Here, I'll go first."
    I left there... and went str8 to the fuckin bathhouse! Lined up to get in the bathhouse, I kept giggling and telling everybody who'd listen about my loose, spermy butthole and my sore nipples. Several of the guys in line ended up using me later inside the bathhouse.
  3. RandyCubby
    Once, I got genital warts, but because I'm a cocksucker, I got em IN MY THROAT. The clinic sent me to a specialist in Infectious Diseases. I didn't recognize the name when I made the appt. I didn't recognize him till he walked into the examining room. It was a str8 guy I went to college with.
    A str8 guy who couldn't stand me in college.
    And there I sat on one of those paper-covered exam tables - a referral from the public STD clinic downtown. With genital warts. IN MY THROAT. Who the fuck gets that?
    Taking a cue from me, he pretended not to recognize me. But his smug grin got bigger and bigger as he examined me. Playing dumb, he began asking questions. I turned red and stared at my feet, avoiding eye contact.
    "So I take it you're a homosexual?" Me: "Yes." He grinned. I'd just confirmed what he'd accused me of in college. "And you... engage in oral sex with men?" Me: "Yes." Him: "That's how you got genital warts in your throat?" Me: "I assume so." Him: "You assume so? Could you have contracted them some other way?" Me: "No. No, it couldn't have been any other way." Him: "So your partner had penile warts?" Me: "Some of them did, yes." Him: "Some of them?" Me: "Yes." Him: "So you've had multiple partners?" Me: "Yes." Him: "How many partners would you say you've had? 10? 20? More?" I was silent. "So, more. Would you characterize yourself as... promiscuous?" I stayed silent. He repeated, "You're promiscuous?" Me: "Yes." Him: "Extremely promiscuous?" I stayed silent, then whispered, "Yes. I'm... extremely promiscuous." He snorted. "Typical homosexual. Typical homosexual. Where do you meet men?" Me: "In adult bookstores." Him: "Oh, classy. Very classy! You do it right there IN the adult bookstore?" Me: "Yes." He put his head back and laughed. "Like a farm animal. Just out of curiosity, do you perform oral sex on... black men?" Me: "Yes." He snorted again. "Figures." He dropped all pretense of not recognizing me. "You've worked on it, but you still have that lisp. Bro, you have ended up the lowest of the low. Tell me, Randy, is it genetic? I mean... was your mama a slut like you? Did your mama like dick like you do?"
    When I came back a week later to have the warts removed, he used a device to go down my throat and shave them off, cauterizing as he went. I was 'twilighted,' not anesthetized; I remember seeing flashes of light. That was the cauterizing part. I kept squeezing the nurse's hand, fighting down panic. I swear I heard the doctor sneer, "You'd think he'd be used to having a big hose down the back of his throat." Even though she was squeezing my hand and comforting me, the nurse laughed, too.
  4. RandyCubby
    Once, in Atlanta for Pride, I hooked up w/2 bears in Heretic. I didn't get their names, but back at their place, Bear A was enjoying a mustache ride as Bear B fingered my butthole. "He's a good buttlicker," Bear A laughed as he unloaded on my tits. I came too, all over my belly. Bear B said, "OK, you want me to pull my hand out fast or slow?"
    "Hand? HAND? Your whole hand? in my hole?" I was muffled, cause I still had my tongue up a butthole. Guess I looked like a real slut, not realizing I had a whole hand in my hole, huh?
    Oh, and Bear B still expected to be serviced.
    We got ONE hour's sleep. They had to staff a booth for some club - Southern Bears? - at Fag Pride. I was free to roam around the park till my friends that I'd left at the bar the night before showed up. By 9 AM, I was bored. It was 94 degrees, so I ditched my shirt...
    I kinda spent the next 7 hours giving BJs. (OK, I got fucked 3-4 x, too.)
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