2. NEVER question your MASTER for any reason. Every time slave addresses its MASTER, do so by using SIR or MASTER in every sentence.
3. slave is NOT allowed to use condoms,he is a BAREBACK slut for everyone.
4. slave will always be grateful for any punishment its MASTER may give to it, giving the MASTER proper thanks for it afterwards.
5. slave will never be allowed to negotiate any sexual acts with its MASTER, those decisions coming strictly from the slave owner.
6. slave will NEVER have any limits.
7. slave will always be expected to keep itself clean and in good health, telling its owner of any health issues that may arise. And always ready for use by its owner.
8. slave will always be ready to serve its MASTER 24-7-365.
9. No is NOT an option.
10. Master is allowed to expand the rules.
That are my Slave rules.I WILL OBEY
Thank you Master.