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Everything posted by MDsubpigslutt

  1. Hot as fuck!
  2. I totally agree!!! Back in the day, we had a joke. "Did you know versatile is a French word? It means bottom:" but it is so true. All these so called "100% versatile" guys always have NO TOTAL BOTTOMS in their ads or blogs or profiles. But you NEVER see no total tops!!! MMMM I wonder why? Denial is not just a river in Egypt. But I guess if they can't be honest with themselves, how can I expect them to be honest with me. They also only talk in their blogs, ads and profiles or have pictures of themselves getting fucked or dominated. If they were TRULY 100% then if i were them my ads, profile and blogs would reflect it. That is just me I try not to be something I am not but be the best faggot I be. If you want to judge me, guess what if you ain't paying my bills or fucking me on a regular basis, then your opinion of me means zero.
  3. Please continue
  4. I could not agree more ! I literally cried when Todd asked our hero to marry him....I really think it was the story we ALL have waiting to hear to give us all hope that we all have our happy endings ......NOW this is how you “live happily ever after” in our childhood stories! Consider adding as the opening line “Once upon a time, ....”. Congratulations socalboi88
  5. Dark Alley is in RFC, TIM, WF of the top studios
  6. I love Wurstfilms (Freaks 1/2/3/4/5 and Perverts 1/2/3 are some of the hottest made) , RFC, TIM. But #1 Pig Productions www.pigprod.eu.....you can spend $20 rent scents and watch them 5 (yes five no exp) times and they keep track under your account.
  7. Hey if ever in PHX or driving through let me know OINK

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