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Posts posted by Endymion

  1. Good luck getting a girl to rim you, they do that less frequently than they give blowjobs, lol. I hate rimming a hole with stubble. So if you shave keep it smooth. And be prepared for your balls to chafe or stick to you thighs. Hair acts like a lubricant to keep,skin from sticking together and chafing



    The girls i have been with all wanted to rim me but when i told them i got a hairy ass they said they would only do it if it was smooth/shaved.


    I bought all the stuff, might shave tonight


    (can you post pictures in a post?) if so how

  2. As a straight guy, I have to admit, this discussion got me hard lol. And I've done it to numerous chick's. My load goes deep or it doesn't go.



    Yeah i love fucking chicks without a condom, all the girls i sleep with dont want kids/hate them so it works out, a few times they have gotten knocked up we simply party for the weekend. And she drinks lots of coffee, so far i have no kids so it works.


    Only been with one guy(many times) he would cum inside and i never asked him to pull out(because he was clean and i cant get knocked up so i did not see the point)

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  3. I'm relatively smooth, so don't have to shave...but have a HUNG black fuck buddy, who wants his pussy shaved smooth -- won't put his dick in a hairy or stubbly hole...so I find that dry shaving (slowly and carefully) actually works great around my hole...then moisturize!



    Thank you i will get some moisturizer :)

  4. Can't comment on having sex with girls, as I never had sex with a woman, only guys. I am gay.


    He sounds like a teaser. Turning you on but doesn't deliver. Get rid of him. He's a loser. Not worth spending time on him. Look for other guys.


    I once asked a bi guy what got him off. He said that although he liked girls as well, the best sex he had was with guys. Easy access and straight to the point. No hassle. If that is what you want then go for it. You are 20 yo...my God. Every top should be happy to fuck your ass.



    I reported on my sexual escapades in the park when I was younger in other threads, but would be happy to send you a PM about that if you like :-)

    Please do!


    I would love to hear about it.


    Yeah he was a tease, was not very nice.


    I am actually quite proud of my ass(besides the hair) i think i got a cute bum

  5. Some guys take it slow. Not everyone is into having sex on their first date but want to get to know someone a little better. Means they are looking for more than just a quick hookup. If you like him go out with him again. Don't expect sex but do prepare (so clean your hole every time you are meeting him:-)


    It took some time before me and my (ex-) BF had sex. That opposed to the times I was getting it at the park at night!


    The park at night i would love to hear about that you should PM me ha ha



    Its not that i wanted sex on the first night(as i have only had sex with one guy before) but when i am dating girls i always fuck ont he first date.


    But he kept teasing me, kept rubbing my bulge and ass, wispering in my ear saying dirty things, talking about how he was going to pound me stuff like that, then when i was like so wanna go to your place/my place he said "oh i have to go sorry"

  6. It went okay, he teased me all night in the movie and the car ride back , but he could not stay and had to go so i was left with blue balls ha ha.


    We did talk about barebacking and he said he was okay with it(he is a virgin).



    Not sure i will go on a second date with him. he was really into holding hands(and it was only our first date)

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  7. I'm with the guys saying "don't shave" ;) My personal opinion is a shaved skull is sexy as hell, but anything else should be left to grow...

    One suggestion from the days when I was foolish enough to try body shaving is that you can relieve some of the irritation from the hair re-growing by using hair conditioner on it: it soften the hair somewhat and that decreases the itching (though I should really just let you itch as punishment!)



    The hair on my ass makes me embaressed, so i wanna try shaving it.

    plus i want to have girls rim me, and they wont do it unless its shaved.


    I will try you hair conditioner tip.

  8. I just use my regular Gilette razor. Put one leg on the toilet seat and shave one side close to my hole in my ass crack, then put the other leg up and shave the other side. Works for me. Use quality razors, not the cheap ones. I just use hot water to shave, no foam or gel. Same for my balls.



    I am going out tomorrow to buy some good razors.


    If it goes well i could post pictures , lol if anyone would even wanna see that ha ha

  9. If you have a really hairy ass (as you say you do) you'll find it easier to use a set of clippers first to trim away the bulk of the thick hair. Once you've done that, take a couple of brand new razors - disposables, Gillette or something like that - and some shaving foam. I find it easiest to lay on my back in front of the mirror (webcam also works ;) ), spread my ass and cover it with shaving foam. Then work from one side to the other with long clean strokes, from the front of each ass cheek to the back. Go slow and take extra care when shaving around your hole, taint and ballsack, so as not to cut that sensitive skin. Once i've worked from the left to right side of my ass, I like to repeat in the other direction with a clean blade for extra smoothness!


    If this is your first time shaving your ass, you may be in for some "interesting" experiences lol. You may find that it itches and irritates as it grows back. I had this the first few times I shaved my ass but I don't get it anymore. You may also find that without the hair to create friction, your ass cheeks slip and slide against each other, especially when hot & sweaty lol. A little talc between the cheeks can help with this...



    Thank you, I will go and buy some shaving cream, and a Gillete razor.


    I think i have a large mirror i could use as well.


    Any tips on shaving close to the hole? i want a silky smooth bum ;)


    Talc? like baby powder?

  10. I hope this is in the right part of the website.



    But i am wondering if anyone has any advice on Shaving , i want to shave my ass but dont know the best way(i got a really hairy ass)


    Should i buy a good razor/electric one


    or do cheap disposables work?


  11. So i have taken some of the advice guys on here have given me, and i have a date tomorrow with a guy i know casually, he works at the movie theater, he is quite cute, and had asked me out before(but i was at the movies with a girl i was dating).



    I am a very sexual person , and i like sex(or at least some head) on the first date.


    I want him to fuck me and i don't want him to use a condom, how do i go about doing it without out right saying "i want to go bareback"

  12. Maybe i am missing something , but if i was getting fucked and the guy told me i was not allowed to get hard/cum he would be getting kneed in the balls real quick.


    Fuck that noise.


    Real men, are kind, respectful and are just as interested in your pleasure as their own.


    As for the "bottoms" here who say there "only purpose is to serve real men" then you have no respect for yourself, and i feel sad for you.



    But then again, what do i know.

  13. This is a tough one. If I was a parent and knew my teenage son was being lured to the home of a 30-something teacher, I'd be livid. But if I was that teenager, I'd probably enjoy feeling desired, spoiled and pleased by an adult authority figure. So your advice will come from different perspectives.


    I think it's good that you've discussed this with a therapist, because when I came out, a therapist felt like the only person I could be honest with at the time. A good therapist will be your sounding board and mostly sit and listen while you talk. But if you feel strongly about not pressing charges and pursuing any legal action at this point in your life, make that clear to the therapist so it won't even be open to debate. Tell him or her that you're not ready or willing to discuss that option right now.


    This is one of those things where you'll have to follow your gut. But you're not fucked up. You're surprisingly normal. Sounds like you enjoyed being appreciated, cared for, admired ... and who doesn't?


    As for future dates: This is one of those that's OK to tuck away in a corner for now until you start getting a strong feeling about a potential partner. They don't have to know your entire history, and if it's uncomfortable to discuss it, just tell them you don't kiss and tell. If you truly get serious about somebody, then that discussion can happen, but only on your terms.

    Thank you for your reply.


    Yeah i don't want him to get in any trouble.

    I will tell my therapist the next time i see her


    Thank you all for your replies and your kindness

  14. I agree with the other posters here that you should be more careful about what you share with people you are dating. Only people who have gained your trust over time should be allowed access to the most intimate details of your life. Always remember that once you tell anyone anything, you can't untell them.


    I think it is very good that you chose to talk to a therapist about this incident and other things in your past. I encourage you to continue to do so. 


    For the record, I do think what happened to you was inappropriate and illegal. But that doesn't mean that you have to press charges against the teacher. It will ruin his reputation and end his career. I know some will say it should. But that's a whole other discussion.


    What I do encourage you to do is to meet this teacher again face to face at some point and talk about what happened. Not in an angry confrontational kind of way. I think you should let him know that others have encouraged you to make this public, but that you will not because you don't feel traumatised by it. I think you should give him an opportunity to explain to you why he did it. If you are satisfied with his response, then you should tell him you forgive him. I also think that you should let him know that if he has done this with other underage boys OR is STILL DOING THIS with underage boys, then he should stop and get help. 


    This conversation will hopefully put the fear of God in him and it will help you close this chapter of your life. Don't have any further contact with him after that.


    This was a significant event in your sexual development and history so I am not inclined to downplay it as such. But you come across as a well-adjusted, mature young man and I think you will be just fine.


    If you go on to marry and have a son of your own one day, I don't think you would want your own 14 year old son to have such an experience with a teacher. Am I correct? 


    No matter what you do - even if it is nothing - you should be comfortable with your decision. You are not fucked up. Trust me, there are people way older than you on this planet who don't have the maturity, poise and common sense that you do.


    We have all done things that if we could turn back the hands of time, we would do them differently. And we have all done things we would not want to see on the front page of the newspaper. What happened to you sounds like one of those things. 


    Thank you so much for your reply.


    I have no way of contacting the teacher unless i go back to my home town and go to the school to find him, which i think would be ippropriate on my part.



    This is why people think i am fucked up....because even tho i would not want it on the front page of the newspaper...i would not want to change it, i felt quite a lot of affection towards him, and he was always kind to me.


    To be honest i never thought about him doing it with other boy's i assumed i was the only one.


    But again thank you so much for taking the time to help me out.

  15. First, I don't think you are fucked up, Endymion.  Second, it sounds, based on your writing, that you've sorted this out fairly well for yourself, and it's only the reactions of others that are causing you to question yourself.  Third, if I may be so bold, I think your dating problems may boil down to the simple issue of "over-sharing."  You really don't need to go into great detail about your sexual history.  Come up with a very vague response to that question, something like, "Oh, I've had a variety of experiences, but nothing out of the ordinary," and that should be sufficient.  If a relationship develops, THEN you can decide if you want to share more specifics, after you know each other better.  



    Thank you, i probably do over share!, i just feel like i have to be honest with them, as i expect honesty from them.


    But i will take your advice and next time i am on a date with a gal i will be sure to not over share

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  16. Thank you for your reply.


    He was really nice to me (even bought me the camera that i used to take my display picture-i still use it to this day)


    You are probably right, i should not say anything(i just feel that if they ask who i have slept with and i omit him then i will be starting the relationship off on a lie)


    Then again i have only ever dated Females, so that might have something to do with the reactions i am getting.



    I don't want to get anyone in trouble should i delete this topic? i would not want the people who own this site to get in to trouble.

  17. I have been a long time lerker of this website, love reading some of the nasty stories, and seems to have the most open minded people.


    I am a younger guy, and i find dating people almost impossible. The fault is completly on me.


    Figure i would come on here and see how the open minded people here can help, if they can.



    From when  i was 14 till i was 17 i had a sexual relationship with a teacher at my school, He was a bit older then me(34 when i was 14), and he did initiate it when he asked if i needed a ride home after school when i missed the bus(was busy getting high and did not keep track of the time, and i live far away from the school), i agreed because it is better then walking, the whole ride he kept asking me questions-about how football and hockey were going, if i had a girlfriend, what girls i found attactive, stuff like that.


    When we got to my place he told me he enjoyed talking to me and if i ever miss the bus again to feel free to ask him for a ride.


    After that he was really chummy with me, smiling at me, letting me get away with stuff in class.

    A few weeks later i was going to hang with a friend after school but she bailed on me and my bus had already left, i was going to call my dad to come get me but i figured it would be easyer if i just asked the teacher first, he said he would be more then happy to give me a lift home. This was on a Friday so he asked me about my weekend plans, and if i was not busy that i could come over to his house and hang out(even saying "as long as thats not creepy, i dont want to come across as a creeper")


    I figured what the hell, he seemed cool, and not going to lie i always wondered what the inside of a teachers house would look like. I told him that would be cool and that my parents thought i was hanging out after school so they are not excpecting me home till tomorrow, so if he could just drive me home after, he said that would be fine.


    We went to his house, which was really nice, he lived closer to town then i did, so it did not have much of a yard.


    It was awkward , i sat on his couch and we watched tv, he talked to me, kept asking me if i was uncomfortable, i said not at all(even tho i was a bit)


    After a few hours the conversations got more and more personal and sexual, he asked me if i was a virgin, i told him i never had sex but i have gotten a blowjob or two before, he asked from who, i told him a girl i met over summer last year. He asked if i ever watch porn, which i did not my parents had strict computer rules, so i was not allowed to be in a room alone on the computer, so i told him i never really have, besides an old porno megazine that me and a friend stole from his dads collection in the basement(they were from the late 80's).


    He said "oh you don't know what your missing" and he told me that if i wanted i could watch some on his computer and he could leave me alone if i wanted to.


    I was unsure, but said yes because i wanted to know what i was missing, he set it up for me and told me he put on one of his favorites....it was a threesome with a girl and two guys.


    He left the room and about 10 minutes in the one guy started sucking the other one as the girl started to lick the other guys ass.


    I was shocked to be frank, never seen guys do stuff before at that time(i knew what gay was but never had seen it before)


    I told him i was good, when he came back in he was naked in a house coat(which was hanging open) , i was like "what the hell" he said he was going to jerk off to it now that i was done, i told him i never jacked off  just watched it, he sat down and told me i could jack off if i wanted to...he started touching himself and i just went with it and pulled my pants down a bit...he reached over and started jacking me off until i came.



    I kept going over to his house quite often almost every weekend, to watch porn , the more i went the more we would do until we started having full blown sex(him fucking me).




    Now this is the part i need help with, when i was 17 almost 18 i moved to a new city, when i turned 18 i went to a therapist to deal with some family stuff and in a session i told her about those few years and how it is what made me realize i was bisexual(even tho he was the only guy i had done anything with)


    But she told me i was "raped" by the teacher and that he took advantage of me and that i should tell the police.....the thing is i don't feel like i was raped or taken advantage of, I don't feel tramatized by it.


    But whenever i date someone and they ask about my past sexual history i tell them about the teacher and they always go "omg you were mollested/raped by your teacher" and when i tell them that i don't see it as rape that we had consentual sex they always tell me i am "fucked up and should get help"


    So i ask you guys is it wrong that i enjoyed the relationship i had with my teacher? He was always nice, when we were at school we kept things professional, he never forced me to do anything, he asked me if i wanted to try getting fucked and i said no i am not sure and he said "okay that is fine, if you ever want to try it just say so i wont ask you again, just try it when/if your comfortable"


    He was nothing but kind to me.


    So dose that make me fucked up


    (reason i posted this here is because i am looking for honest people) 

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