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Posts posted by txlaw69

  1. My favorite internal cumshot (though it's a bit old) is the first scene in PLOWED by Treasure Island. In it Jesse O'Toole is being ridden by the bottom -- the camera is between is legs and the bottom comes about halfway off his cock when Jesse cums -- you can clearly see his cock contracting as it pumps cum into the bottom -- it's 2001 but still one of my favorite scenes.

  2. rawTOP, I agree with the concept of some sort of expiration date on HIV-negative status. However, I think that you are giving guys too much credit when you change the expiration date based on their self-professed status as top/bottom/vers. We all know that there are a lot of guys who don't like to admit to being a bottom -- this especially frustrating to those of us who would prefer to bottom. I am generally list myself as versatile -- I would prefer to bottom, and when I do search profiles on BBRT, I pretty much exclusively search for tops or vers tops -- I rarely even talk to versatile guys -- nonetheless, in the last 3 years 90% of the time I end up topping, because when I show up to meet this guy who claims to be a total top, he ends up deciding that he's "curious" about bottoming -- and strangely, the "tops" who are "curious" about bottoming always end up wanting me to cum in them (and I am a big cummer). Those guys should not be getting test LESS often just because they claim to be a top. But I think most bottoms out there will tell you that the number of true tops out there is much less than half of the number of professed tops.

    I will also point out that the actual tops in my life seem to all just want blown, but everyone I've been with who wanted to blow me ended up wanting me to cum in their ass. So, even though I would prefer to bottom, over the past 3 years I have bottomed exactly 3 times (unfortunately, twice with a condom) but I have came in a large number of guys.

    Finally, I can point you to a "straight" guy on BBRT who bottoms less than once a month, but EVERY time I have seen him on BBRT looking for tops he's traveling to one of 10 cities for work and is setting up a gangbang where he's the bototm. So, he only bottoms once a month, but his parties that I've been to each had 10-20 tops.

    So, why should my negative status expire sooner (based on my bottoming once a year) than the status of the "tops" out there who are bottoming much more than I am but just don't want to admit that they are a bottom? For a large number of guys out there, there is a coming out process as a bottom beyond just coming out as gay. I would strongly suggest you set the same expiration period for everyone regardless of what they call themselves.

    One other suggestion that I would make . . . perhaps put some status for other STDs -- or at least the STDs (like herpes) that don't go away. As a guy with herpes, I will tell you that I serosort because 12 years ago I gave herpes to a guy who had HIV -- we had talked about it and he was OK with the risk because I have never had an outbreak (just a doctor who was insistant on testing everyone) -- a few months later the guy ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks with no feeling his legs because the herpes virus has flared up in his spine. I will also tell you that guys on BBRT who are "pos friendly" are freaked out when I mention the herpes (even though I've never had an outbreak and I have been taking Valtrex daily for over 11 years -- though I still have to disclose it because 1/2 of the guys who herpes don't know it and 3/4 of the people with herpes get it from someone who is showing no symptoms). So, for someone like me, it would be great if you would allow me to list that status, so that I didn't have to go through the "fun" of talking with a guy and thinking I was going to get to bottom for him only to have him change his mind when the herpes talk comes up.

  3. While that may be true of most STDs, HIV is not the only STD that stays with you forever.

    I was diagnosed with herpes 13 years ago, and it's not as easy as just getting antibiotics. I can tell you that I have had a large number of guys on BBRT (of all HIV-statuses) turn down a meeting as soon as they found out about the herpes -- even guys who were "poz-friendly" or even bug chasing got freaked out by herpes.

    And, despite what some people say, herpes can be passed even without symptoms -- the CDC estimates that 1/2 of the people who have it don't know because their symptoms are so mild that they don't notice them; and something like 3/4 of the people who have herpes got it from a partner who was not exhibiting symptoms. In fact, I was shocked to learn that I had it -- I had never had any symptoms, and I just happened to go to a gay doctor who routinely tested new patients for everything -- I thought he was being stupid until the test results came back.

    As for the reason some people might be uncomfortable with herpes . . . I have a friend who is HIV+ and also has herpes -- he ended up in the hospital for two weeks with no feeling in his legs because the herpes that was dormant in his spinal cord flared up. So, some STDs do present issues that simple antibiotics don't help.

    Even with the STDs that are easily treatable, it's not always a minor things. Some strains of HPV (the virus that causes genital warts) also cause cancer -- so even after your doctor burns the wart off with acid (or freezes it off with liquid nitrogen)--a process which I can tell you from first hand experience may require weekly or bi-weekly appointments for months--you still remain at risk for genital, anal, or oral cancer (depending on where you had the wart).

    A friend who was a medical student in NYC (so he knew better) thought he had an eye infection, but it progressed very quickly and within a day or two it got so bad that he couldn't open the eye -- when he went to the doctor, they told him that he had gonorrhea in his eye and that if he had waited another day to go in they would likely have removed his eye. Likewise, syphillis can have major effects if not treated.

    So, in some senses, HIV is no bigger worry than the other STDs that are "nothing to worry about."

    Sorry to be a downer.

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