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Posts posted by Dikkidoo

  1. Hey guys! I've been using poppers for a while now and am just coming to the end of my current batch. 


    Which ones are your personal favourites, and why? I have my select few but I wouldn't mind going by recommendation.


    I use these sites:






    Amongst these sites, are there any you've used and are worth trying?


    I like the new Potent Blue with power pellet, it's got quite a nice rush with that and doesn't set of my popper-headache so much! I also like Hard On for similar reasons.


    I'm aware they're all pretty similar but there is such a vast selection to choose from, there must be preferential choices!


  2. Took me ages to get used to it, I was in the same boat although last couple of years I started to use poppers and it started to make it a lot more enjoyable and lot more exciting. 


    That's not to say I rely on them though. I've got used to it without and enjoy it a lot more. You need to change your mindset if you want to be more versatile really.

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  3. I literally got mine pierced around 8 weeks ago. Only one of them though.

    The piercing process is simple enough, mine used a cold spray before to numb it slightly. It hurts but only for like 30 seconds. After it's a bit of a background pain that lingers for a few hours.

    After that, there was sensitivity when pressure was applied but that is expected.

    The first few nights I wore a cotton pad over it to sleep on, alternatively you can wear a top to bed.

    I didn't bleed during the piercing process but it went a bit crazy over the first couple nights.

    I naturally sleep on my front , so this proved to be an issue for a couple weeks. I found sleeping with a pillow on that side very helpful.

    You must not change it for at least 6 weeks, however this depends on healing. Mine seems to have done very well on the healing in 8 week, but it's still sensitive and I haven't been able to change it yet. You'll find you may need up to 6 months for healing.

    My partner had his done at the same time, except he caught it on a bit of plastic trim on a plane flight we were on, when he was squeezing past someone to get to the restroom. This pretty much undid a lot of the healing and started bleeding quite a lot. You need to be extra vigilant not to get it caught, or it'll fucking hurt!

    I'd be tempted to have the second done but I'm happy for now ;).

    You need to get it done and over with!

    PA - I wouldn't wanna go there lol! Personal preference though!


  4. So as per the title, why don't we start up a thread with all your stories? I did look around first to make sure one didn't exist so I hope I'm not repeating anyone!

    Doesn't matter if they are cringeworthy or embarrassing, I love reading them.

    My first time was when I was 19. It was also my first time enduring any kind of sexual encounter.

    I agreed to meet up with a hot, tall guy (around 6ft 4inches) who was 38 years old. I was totally nervous but super excited all at the same time, but I agreed to meet up with him as his home after chatting online.

    When I turned up, we started chatting and the kissing, and then he took me to his bedroom. We carried on kissing and then I would soon go down and suck him off. Swiftly after starting I blew my own load in my underwear. Totally lame!! It was beyond embarrassing but I was so excited at the time, it was all I could think about and could I couldn't control myself.

    After that we agreed to meet again and he introduced me to anal, he was HUGE. He hurt but it was amazing. Definitely confirmed I was gay ;). We remained FBs for a long while before I went into a relationship with someone else. He's in am open marriage so it was never going to be with him.

    Still good friends though.

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