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Posts posted by Barehorny

  1. On 12/26/2017 at 9:06 PM, Guest Deviantlad said:

    I will take piss any way possible...throat, arse or into my piss slit as well as being pissed on all over, clothed or unclothed mmm

    good boy. I wish al guys where like you. I love pissing on & in male holes but will not refuse to shower a clothed guy. Especially not at work or on the street. Must be hot to wave him goodbye & see him going dripping wet on the streets or among his colleagues😋

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  2. On 11/25/2018 at 8:56 PM, makingwords said:

    I'm a cumwhore but I rarely get STDs these days. I have no way of knowing for sure but I think it's because I have a circle of about 20 regulars who I trust and I generally avoid big sex parties with lots of unknown partners. I do 1 on 1 sessions and smaller, private groups. The last time I had an STD was February. And I get tested once a month, which may seem overkill/paranoid but I like having the confidence of knowing I haven't picked anything up recently.

    this will not reply your question but message from my cock; your ass is welcome any time😉

  3. when in dark rooms I like leading cocks to some guy's hole & push it inside. I basically don't care about bottom or top and condom or not. I want cocks to get in asses. For a quick fuck, shoot or a long intense fuck; cocks belong in male ass. I can't stand cock & hole not to cum together when in darkroom. Age, looks & role is not my prob. I love your body to be used for my sexual fun but whoever cums in you, remember I shoot first. No ass around but yours? Nope I don't feel the need of touching your cock except if it is a huge xxxl black one. 

  4. On 2/9/2017 at 3:10 AM, blacktopchaser said:

    I was 24 and traveling alone in Europe. Went to a public restroom that had a long urinal trough. Looked over and saw an older guy with a huge dick...at least 10 inches and it was totally soft!! He saw me and started jerking off and that thing got even longer.  12 13 14 inches? I got nervous and left. He followed me in his car as I was walking to my hotel. I should have hooked up with him,,

    Indeed, pretty scandalous you did not hooked up with him but thanks for the lesson. We should never refuse a fuck when occasion is being given. I will remember that one:);)B)

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  5. getting blindfolded by a guy you do not know or hardly know:o the story itself is well written & pretty hot. I guess blindfolding is ok as long as you can remove it yourself but  you should never have someone you are not sure of use handcuffs & related. Never like never. Especially on a quick fuck from an unknown guy you got to learn on some ad or profile. It does look obvious but too many guys forgot about this in the past for a tragic end as a result.  Good occasion you are giving to have this rule repeated. I do not know your place & country but European black & oriental guys are known to be hot rather rough tops. Absolutely perfect for white bottoms & subs hole in need of a good hard pounding. I am as white as can be but I love those hot XXXXL black cocks to pound white holes & same for Moroccan rascals & bad lads using occidental white. I am not saying my very own white on white pounding is bad but theirs has a little something I love. On the other hand I totally dislike a white guy to fuck a black guy. Total turn off & same for cutie boy fucking a dad but those are just my preferences & ideas on interracial & intergenerational hotness;)

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  6. the only things I can tell for sure is they are like about 5 people in this world on which the hiv virus did not developed the usual way for now. Insisting on for now. All other people yet millions are on meds or passed away ways too early. My tip to you, have yourself tested twice a year & make sure to stay happy & alive. Many guys ended physically challenged (disabled) because of not taking the right meds on time.   

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  7. this could eventually be sort of a nowadays fashion for porn or the bottom models having had they holes already destroyed. I basically do not care about the as or hole as long as I can still feel some pressure or I could aswell fuck some pudding dessert! Talking about the view, I do agree a normal looking hole is ways more enjoyable to look at but then who will spend lots of time looking at some!

    One thing I know for sure, men want twinky cutie boys to have smooth or shaved tight ass & hole. I must (again) be an exception. I don't like women to be hairy & un waxed but I like men to be natural yet hairy if having hair. Whatever the place, natural looks nicer:). At least up to me

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  8. I would not say it is making me mad but it would piss me off if a bot or sub would not drink my golden male juice. Talking about piss porn videos, worth is when not fucking bare but that is something I would say for absolutely all fantasies. Probably the reason I do not really share those unless they are really hot;)

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  9. nice to se there that many pervy hot guys enjoying it a bit rough & sadistic. My guess is not many bottoms have fun while being fucked on stage.That's the difference in between real life & filming. No idea who he is talking about but I agree with Cali@2012. Fisting is nothing comparing to having your hole fucked the whole day. Not only because of time but because bot do not choose when he gets fucked nor how long it lasts,position etc... This was for the non hot technical part. The pervy hot part is fuck the bitch more & more making sure tops have XXL dicks. Intergenerational black hotness is very recommended. Especially on young tight twinky holes. This being said, such is not bdsm nor the way a relation in between a Master & a sub is mend to be.  Pervy hot script you described & enjoy is more like forcing/ rope videos. Role play obviously but you might enjoy the pervy atmosphere & fucking;)

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  10. Do you only realize what you have written & done? your nephew had been fucked for years & you didn't even know he was gay:o bad uncle. It was about time for you to fuck him. you having had a couple of minutes hesitation just because he is your nephew, are you serious? I wander what your reaction would have been if it had been your younger brother asking for your cock to fuck & breed him. This being said, very nice story & perfectly written:clap: I have enjoyed both your words & pervy hot mind. My suggestions;keep on writing & stay that perfectly pervy hot ;)

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  11. I red a couple of your posts & replies, you are 100% right. I do like (aggressive) black tops or doms to fuck white male pussy myself. Bloody hot, especially when bare & forced fucking a tight hole. As for dom/ bitch Master/sub or whatever you call it, many fantasies & many kind of sub sluts. All having their own preferences, wishes & fetishes. Respect will be the one rule you should need to find on & from both sides (Master & slave). That is the ultimate one rule & way for a good & real sub/ domination to be. you wanting to be called bitch, cum hole or whatever is just a game & names used while the action is going on for your & his Alpha cum to rise up in a particular climax you both decided & want. It is pretty obvious a Master will not ask his sub the way slut will have to but Masters not respecting a slave they own yet an Alpha man not respecting his own possession & human hole he will put his cock in to, is not a real & good dominant the way it is supposed to be in a real bdsm relation. This being true for both a one night stand or a long term hot servitude relation. Last one, years of experiences on the web have taught me there incredibly many fake time wasting subs & same for so called Masters. Hope it has clear up fuck slut about what is, unfortunately to be found on the web & what a real Alpha & slave relation must be. If not, open both your mouth & ass for me to show you 

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  12. This is just so typical. Not only for ads, Google+ & Facebook posts, tweets, blog posts & even well extended profiles! I do understand not everyone wants to spend an evening reading everything & I do know the web is full of liars & fakes but what the is the use of taking a few minutes to reply, write or make a wrong, bad profile knowing you will be ignored & rejected:confused: kind of mystery to me. Take it from me, simply ignore bad replies you get. you did it the right way having all needed info given. Their fault if not reading a very few sentences & rather waste their time replying your ads wrongly. People not being honest or too lazy to read you & scamers trying to fuck up honest guys is no reason for you to waste your precious time. you better use it to have fun, your hot ways;)   

  13. First, you can peak on mine & blow it any time. I do though want you to swallow for I can not accept my male cream to be wasted. Sort of the same for my piss when being busy with a man so get ready for both and you will may look at my cock as much as you want.  Now about urinals & strangers, let me tell you a little pervy secret. I usually piss standing a bit behind & see if the guy has any interest of seeing  more & better. A pleasure I will usually gladly give him. Especially if he's a hot older man. My usual rule is simple; the pervier the guys behave, the more I show & give. It may not be fair but too bad for those extremely shy men. I basically do not like to show off but it does not cost a penny to give a few minutes of fun so why not:)On the other side, I do love exhibitionists to show their cock, piss & wanking. Not because I want to see it but because I do love that pervy hot kinkynotaboomensex attitude. No wander, I do love all pervy nice guys & their hot unconventional ways of having fun. I'm so bloody naughty I love it:)

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  14. No bars or club with a bath (or several) for golden shower actions & nights? Looks easier & safer to me. Most clubs I know do organize such parties when not always having those for hot piss action.  Unless you were talking of straight places to be pissed on? I definitely would but not sure straight guys will piss on you when seeing there's a naked guy on their urinals  in a pub or club. Especially if being a bit drunk & with their mates.

  15. Looks like you are right. Italian & nope indeed I do no ask a guy for his tests, papers or favourite food! A man will need to be on my sexual level having the right attitude & same expectations yet giving me his holes for preferably aggressive fucking & more not even 1 hour after I met him and that would be the big difference in between a man and a chick. 60 minutes to have good sex with a man, 6 month to have classic, basic sex with a chick:concern:  

  16. you're not being too demanding it's just you're facing the sort of the same probs all guys have to face with. How many time has it been for both of you to have a big, deep & sincere  open hearted discussion? you wouldn't like him if he was like you & the other way around. It is though very important for you to make sure you know about his wishes & points of views for life as for sex. Same way as it is important for him to know yours. I'm obviously talking about a serious long lasting love relation & no one night stand! Bigest prob you may encounter is he (or you) do no like getting & talking personal. Maybe not even like talking at all but I'm afraid that's a needed root when wanting to build something strong & keep it that why. Good news will be you both are guys & no girls.

    Even better; you both are gay guys. you do not have the prob of a different vision about sex like str8 guys & chicks have ;)  Bad news will be some of you (gay guys) may be as jealous as chicks. As if not more & again the reason why open hearted discussions are needed. If jealousy is no prob in your relation; why not simply make sort of compromises & agreements for both of you to get what your lover is not into  elsewhere ;)  Example; you both like piss= do it together. you like scat while he does not, have some with other guys. He will know it's just sex you're having yet no danger for your relation. Same way as you know it is him you love & not that unknown guy you're having dirty fun with. Going elsewhere for a fuck is exactly like going to a pub with ur mates for a beer. you will have a good time but will always go back to the one & only you love.  you may like him to behave like a sub while he might not like it at all. Simply forget it  with him & have that kind of fun with submissive guys. There is no fun in behaving & doing things you don't like. Pretending & doing to please is no long lasting solution neither. Not to mention it ain't fun nor sincere :mellow:  don't forget you love him for what he is, same way he loves you for what you are. you guys simply wouldn't have cum & be together if you were different beings. Life will have both of you changing. A lot or not but ur & his  inner roots & self will stay. The only important question is will you both change in each other's direction or away from each other.

    Hope it does give sum kind of  helpful answer to ur questions. Not the kind of talks I usually have on sex sites but you asked for it.

     take care, be very naughty & have fun the way you like & want it ;) 

    Pervertly yours,

    Sir Philippe

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  17. Dadson yet gay intergenerational is the hottest. Not only because I have always found dads being better looking comparing to young cutie boys pudding male flesh. Dads attitude & behaviour usually are ways hotter & naughtier being open to much more actions. Honest, straight forward & open minded yet more like me ;)  One thing though that is true for dadson as for all actions, videos or photos. Daddy & boy are the models but what makes it really how they will fuck & what thing(s) they will do. Someone saying he's into dadson is a bit like saying he likes sex, it doesn't give any precision on what he likes them to do yet the actions he's into. I usually like it rough but I will have any action if the dad is hot :)  Many years web works has showed me there many twinky boys looking for dads

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