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  1. Today I will be processing two newcomers, Alex and Gordon. I can't remember much about them, but I know my student assistant Bradley will have studied their file carefully and will be able to fill me in on the details. Bradley is always on top of things. When I enter my office, I find Bradley in fact already on top of my desk, stripped, on all fours, his belly pushed down, his ass raised, his legs spread; underneath his junk, the vinyl sleeve of the cum collector lies floppily on the desk. Bradley gives me a slightly pained look. I can tell he is achingly eager for release this morning, so I don't even take my coat off, but sit down at once on my office chair, and roll it over so my face is even with his ass. I chuckle a little and say, “Good morning, Bradley,” then pat his ass in a friendly way before I reach between his legs and begin working the cum collector up over his massive cock. Wrapped with thick blue veins, his cut cock is a little under 10 inches even when it is not hard and is merely a thick hose emerging from his groin with its head resting on his ball sac. Now, firmed up, it is so fat that I can't completely get my hand around it, and have to pay close attention to get it seated properly into the cum collector. Getting the cockhead in is of course the trickiest part. It is a broad silky expanse of firm flesh, with a thick ridge that I know from experience can provide an amazing variety of pleasures to the receptive rectum and throat. Even the piss slit is beautiful, long and dark, with narrow lips that swell up and spread open excitingly just before a stream of scalding hot cum or piss spews out. His ball sac is covered with the same glistening, black silky pubic hair that covers the rest of his groin in a dense pelt. The sac is long and low, pulled down by the weight of two firm, massive nuts, the size of ping pong balls, with really excellent round shape and definition, even in cold weather. Once I have Bradley's cock firmly seated in the cum collector, I pull his butt cheeks apart, part the dense crack hairs with my fingers, and breathe in the aroma of his crack and hole—clean and yet powerful, the essence of young male musk and fresh sweat. He shudders like the fine young stallion he is at the first touch of my tongue on his anus, my tongue exploring the deep, silky folds of skin that radiate outward from his opening, savoring all its complex flavors and textures. I place my hands on his butt to steady him as he pushes a little bit of the end of his rectum through his anus so that my tongue can move deep into its hot, silky, red darkness. And I feel his body convulsing as the ropes of jizz begin to spew into the cum collector. I know from his grunts that this morning's cum harvest will be massive, even though his nuts will a few minutes later be ready to deliver the even heavier blasts of semen required by the Admission and Evaluation Procedures to come. Bradley is a graduating senior, and though I know he will come back for regular visits, someone else will have to take his place in this part of our morning routine—the only time he and I are ever alone together. I will miss the lad deeply.
  2. I am the Vice Principal of Discipline at St. Androphil's School for Businessmen of the Future. The parents of the young men sent to St. Androphil's are typically well-to-do and well educated and are concerned that their sons are so openly homophobic that they won't fit in to the more progressive work force needed in today's economy. This is why, as you probably already know, St. Androphil's has an innovative zero-tolerance policy toward homophobia, and why the parents of the young men sent to St. Androphil sign an "anything goes" release that permits the school to do anything it deems necessary to effect "appropriate behavioral and attitudinal adjustments" in its young scholars. You won't be surprised to learn that St. Androphil allots 23 percent of its annual operating budget to the Department of Discipline (DOD), and that the DOD has its own large, handsome three story brick building (the Discipline Center, commonly referred to as the "Castle") with a basement used exclusively for temporary imprisonment and scheduled corporal punishments. The second floor is dedicated to Anal Exercises and the third to Genital Specialties. The main floor contains the Administrative Offices, most of which have attached laboratories in which customized treatments are conducted under close supervision of the Discipline Staff. And every floor is of course supplied with a large number of "evacuation areas" fitted with showers, trough urinals, toilets, hoses, slings, leather covered "horses," industrial enema gear--everything you might imagine that might be required in the proper Discipline of homophobic Businessmen of the Future. My job, as Vice Principal of Discipline, is to oversee the process by which young students get admitted to the "Castle" for a correctional period. I evaluate each admission, do a thorough Evaluation Test and prepare a "Correctional Recommendation" for each student admitted. As time permits, I visit students undergoing correction to evaluate their progress--but I have a staff of 10 assistants to help with this. We also use volunteers from the community, but they are carefully screened and trained. As you can imagine, we have many more applications for volunteers than we have spaces. In this blog, I will record some of the more interesting Admissions cases I have dealt with recently.
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