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Posts posted by leo51

  1. Granted, douching is a pain in the ass (no pun intended). But, i wouldn't be fucked without doing it first. i use an enema bag and warm water. Repeat until the water shoots out clear. Can take over an hour to do. Should be completed at least 2 hours before being fucked. That way the excess water is absorbed in the body and you don't have a squishy fuck.

  2. RawTop, Firstly, thank YOU for developing this site. this slut loves it. As far as being single is concerned, that is a good question, and not one i expected to find here. Glad YOU asked it. For me, a commitment was near impossible to make. Lots of men wanted to rush into a relationship with me and i found myself nearly hyperventilating at the prospect. Also, in the past i always found fault with the Tops i dated. And, i always dated Tops. i had many opportunities for a relationship but never took advantage of them. i used to bitch and bemoan the fact that i was single, feeling sorry for myself and sometimes feeling like a freak because my friends were in relationships. In my forties i got honest and admitted that the reason i was not in a relationship was because i didn't want one. Now i find myself wanting to give a relationship a shot, and have no takers (none that live nearby that is). i used to be a bitch with men, and i think that kept them interested. i was a challenge. Then, i got real, became nice, and can't seem to get past the first date. Go figure. LOL Still....i fully expect to be in a rellationship some day. Sort of like giving myself a gift, a chance to grow some more. Thanks again for the topic.

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