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Posts posted by Chubbearpa

  1. No, I'm just saying if you don't want to hookup again that is fine, but don't lie when someone asks you, guys need to learn basic communication skills and be direct with each other...just because it's the internet, that doesn't give people excuses to treat people poorly.  I'm not in love with him, the sex was good and I'm into fuck buddies, that's all.  It seems very common in the gay community that guys don't want you a second time, I know a lot of guys who are like seriously hot (young, fit, etc) and they can never score repeats, it makes no sense at all to me.  That's all I'm saying.

    Also another interesting note...he claimed he was on PrEP (I am and was just last tested a couple months ago to continue my medication) and this past weekend I seem to be having a lot of the "conversion" symptoms.  That would be pretty interesting if he's actually poz and he converted me as a top on PrEP.  I have felt like shit all weeken, 3 weeks to the hookup as of yesterday.  BTW why don't notifications work on this site?  I have all my notifications settings set but I get no notifications.

    To be honest, those "contracts" when a guy has emptied his balls are worthless. What else is he supposed to say?


    I dunno, perhaps be honest?  I realize that's a dying "art" in the gay community but I treat people like I want to be treated, I don't lie or lead people on.

    • Upvote 1
  2. A few things come to mind reading this thread...

    1) he didn't like you at all

    2) he didn't like you enough

    3) he didn't want to hurt your feelings

    4) he's hoping you will take the hint

    5) he doesn't like repeats or might have an agreement with a bf not to do repeats


    No matter how much sex is being offered online - if you know that you could have another fuck with a guy who's laying the ass/dick out in front of you, and you turn it down, then there's a REASON for it.


    I've ghosted guys for not getting/staying hard, being too rough, bad hygiene, being too hung, not being hung enough etc.


    That may sound bitchy but there are guys in my rotation that have a 100% hit rate, meaning they ask for the ass, they get the ass. Unless my ass is out of town giving out ass there. 

    I doubt that he "didn't like me", he made out with me and was here for almost 2 hours.  I don't know about you but if I'm not attracted to someone I'm certainly not going to make out with them let alone spend two hours with them...don't be so rude dude!

  3. This kinda gets under my skin and really bothers me, frankly I just don't understand it...I'll give you a good example.


    Going on a month ago I had noticed on A4A that this same guy who lived in my county was constantly checking out my profile, he was a pretty hot guy and I was definitely interested in him.  He would never initiate chat with me so I took the plunge and hit him up, he replied back almost immediately.  We chatted on and off for several days, I asked him if he was interested in having a regular fuck buddy since we lived so close to one another (like a mile max) and he said yes, if we click he was definitely game.


    So a few days later we end up hooking up, really good chemistry, we were both really into one another, the sex was amazing...he went crazy when I would squat down behind him and start eating his hole out...really nice lean body with kind of like a fat/jock ass!  So moving on...I went ahead and asked him before he left if he was interested in doing it again and he said yes and that was great with me.


    So about a week later I hit him up, took him a day or so to read my message, he hadn't been online.  He said he was definitely interested in a repeat but that the next few days would be tough for him because he had company in town, etc (yet he was constantly logged into all the hookup sites and apps.)  I kinda let it go and was like whatever, it just seems like he's making up excuses and since our hookup he hasn't initiated a chat one time, it's always been me...he does answer but always has an excuse.


    I just don't get it, if you don't want to hookup with someone again (regardless of how hot it was) why can't guys just be honest instead of bullshitting everyone?  I would rather you be honest with me then lead me on.  I understand online hookups are usually considered "NSA" but that doesn't mean if you find a good match that you can't be regular fuck buds (if both parties agree to it of course) and in this case it was exactly that, but he seems to do the complete opposite.  So I've left him alone...it really sucks cause he had a nice/tight body and a really great ass and I really want more of it.


    Just kind of ranting, I've always said I have a girls brain in a guys body.  For the life of me I will just never understand the shit guys pull!

    • Upvote 2
  4. Dominate chub top Sir seeks twink/younger fit white guy who wants to be pimped out to tops that your Sir approves of, you also need to be OK with sexual exchanges between yourself and your Sir.  Seeking out a boy for a *IN THE NEAR FUTURE* party...you host, I host or you secure a hotel/motel.  *SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY!*


    Would prefer you to send me a private message, rather than replying here.  Check out my gallery before hitting me up!

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