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Everything posted by worshipper
How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
It has been almost two years since I contributed to this thread and while my life has changed so much not sure if it is 'old news' or if there is still interest. If there is I will finish/update the situtioin- 70 replies
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How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
It seems I let things go too far between the two. For a few days it was good but one afternoon helper stops by and frankly I had a headache and was not in the best of moods. Helper comes in and attempts to force me to my knees when I say something about having to take a rain check today since I was under the weather. The rest is a bit of a blur. I know he hits me full force in the face and sucker punches me and I am on the floor in pain and he says something like when I come over you will always be in the mood. He is pissed and not in a good way. I was truly afraid and just did not move or say a word. He leaves and I try to get the bathroom. Never before had I been beaten or even punched. I did not know if I should call the police, and tell them what? Or just tend to my wounds or go to the ER. I decide to just lay on the bathroom floor. Either I passed out or went into shock because it was hours later when I woke up buried under towels, shaking and feeling horrible. I get up and look in the mirror and am shocked on how I look.- 70 replies
How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
Everything went kind of like it did a few days before. Suck, kiss and drink. Kind of mechanical but nice. He said landscaper had left him a list of things to do outside so he would be around a bit. A few hours later he came into the kitchen pushed me down and feed me his piss again. Before he left he mentioned he wanted to keep our times together private. He also told me he considered me 'his' and he intended to take full advantage of the situation since I appeared to enjoy it so much. To be honest I did not know how I felt about the whole thing. It was totally different then how things started with landscaper and I enjoyed that situation but helper also had its charm, a fantastic body and a seemingly endless possibility of fun and adventure. No one stopped over for another few days. And then landscaper showed up one night as he had returned from the beach. He shows up on the porch dressed in black jeans, a black t and a weeks beard and nice tan. This man was beautiful. He tells me he was a bit freaked out from our last encounter and went away to visit his family. I tell him I am there as often and for whatever he was comfortable doing. He pushes on my shoulder and I am on my knees blowing him. No piss. We sit around having a few drinks afterwards and he mentions if I had seen helper when he was gone. Said he had given him a list of things to do and had he stopped by. I said yes and before I could go on landscaper tells me to be careful with helper. Tells me it is a long story, that he is a great worker and good guy but not to take things to far. Now I am between a rock and hard place. Do I tell landscaper about the times I had with helper?- 70 replies
How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
This unexpected encounter was over as quickly as it started. It was kind of odd because I felt left out of the celebration type of mood. But the two of them dressed and talked about the rest of the day and finally said their good byes and left. I started thinking immediately on what this meant for landscapers and mine 'relationship'. Would it go back to piss drinking or take on this new expanded version. I thought well tomorrow will tell. Except he did not stop by, or the next day. I started thinking things had gone to far for him and that it was over. So on the third day when a truck pulled into the drive I thought FINALLY. I went out of the back and was surprised to see helper but no landscaper. Turns out landscaper had received a call from his wife a few days ago and decided to run over to see his family. This was the first time I had been alone with helper and did not know what to do. I didn't need to think to much about it because he took control and pushed me back into the kitchen and said now that we were alone he knew how to handle me. Gone was any sense of the tenderness I had come to expect with landscaper. This guy was tough and before I knew it I was face first into his armpit while he was unbuckling his jeans.- 70 replies
How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
Damn I was not going to let anything stop me from enjoying every minute of this encounter. I am sucking on landscapers thick cock paying attention to it's head gently teasing it with my tongue when someone, who it turns out to be landscaper but his voice was so different I could not tell right away, asks where do you want it. Helper says on his tongue. Realizing landscaper is about to cum I move his dick so it is barely in my mouth because I want his cum on my tongue so I can enjoy it. He cums and cums and cums. It is thick and rich, not thin and watery like some Helper is holding him from behind with his mouth on his neck and his arm over landscapers shoulder keeping him firmly in place. I let him cum and shiver and get lost in the moment. I can see him tense and relax and tense and relax. He finally stops and I have a nice mouth full of his cum. I let it roll over my tongue and taste it, let it fill my throat and enjoy every drop. I have waited and jerked off over this fantasy for months and was going to taste every minute and savior each drop. Landscaper relaxes and helper lets go of his shoulder and landscaper begins to laugh. He is in heaven. He looks at me and says not even his wife does that for him. I have cum as has landscaper so helper steps around stands in front of me and beats off. He cums and catches it on his palm and puts in in front of my face. I can smell it. The earthy salty smell and take his hand and with my tongue begin to play with his cum. I hear him say to landscaper see pigs love the stuff.- 70 replies
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How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
It came to me that landscaper is just plain uncomfortable in this situation. Discreetly helper puts his knee in my back and nudges me towards landscaper. As I move in for the kill helper moves in and begins kissing landscapers neck. I take his dick and begin slowing sucking and it seems with me on my knees concentrating on his crotch and helper on his neck landscaper is off someplace else deep in pleasure. I look up and helper has opened landscapers shirt and all I can see is one muscled chest against another. Landscaper gently takes the back of my head and moves his cock deeper and deeper and begins face fucking my mouth. I feel his balls and run my hand back and under his body and reach his ass and gently hold him firm against my face. I stop his movement and enjoy having this man who I have spent months lusting after finally in my mouth. I breath deep and smell his heat. I have an odd thought, that this straight dick has been inside his wife and produced kids yet here I am enjoying it for no other reason then just pure enjoyment. I never want this experience to stop. I shiver and cum in my pants- 70 replies
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How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
So the three of us are standing in my kitchen and suddenly helper strips down to nothing. He is standing in front of me totally nude and I am like what the fuck but my tongue was hanging out. A great body (not great face), hard, hairy, ripped. His nuts are lowing hanging and his dick semi hard sticking out right in front of me. He pushes me down, pops in his dick and empties himself down my throat. My dick is so hard I am uncomfortable but there is nothing I can do. He lifts up my chin, calls me a pig and empties his throat into my mouth. I almost gag but then landscaper leans over and coughs up and spits in my mouth. Within seconds helper is almost sitting on my face and I am sucking those low hanging nuts and waiting to see what happens next. To my surprise he moves my face to landscapers zipper and says to landscaper, he is yours. He begins to unzip but helper is like no no no and grabs his belt and jerks landscapers pants down to his knees and suddenly I am face to face with landscapers cock and nuts. Helper says to landscaper he is a pig, he wants your piss and seed. Use him for your own enjoyment and he will have a great time. I did not say a word but thought YES. Lets do it.- 70 replies
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How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
For a few days things stayed as is. Got together a few times and now I was on my knees drinking straight from the source but not allowed any other contact. But the five day he stopped by but brought along his helper and things got really interesting and HOT.- 70 replies
How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
So we have crossed the bridge. He has allowed me to take his cock but when he was finished I attempted to move to his nuts but he pulled back and nicely informed me this was a first for him and while having a guy on the other end of his dick was not bad he was not prepared to go further. We ended up having breakfast and talking. Just normal stuff but at one point I did ask him why he had never brought back his helper that I have blown and he tells me he felt bad because he thought helper had taken advantage of me. I corrected him and told him I had enjoyed the encounter but it was up to him if he wanted or not to have him come back.I of course wanted him back because he had a killer body, great dick and was just forceful enough to let me know who was in control. I get a hard on just thinking about him.- 70 replies
How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
This was also unusual because normally once he gives me his piss the kissing stops but not this time. Sweet. Anyway I get to know him much better. He is a sweet heart, kind, sort of a county boy gee whiz type but I also discovered he has a darker side. Devilish, daring harder edge. He stopped drinking way before I did and I am feeling no pain. It takes everything for me to keep my hands to myself. Anyway we spend the evening together and he decides it is time for him head home. When he leaves I stumble to bed and sleep. Waking early I feel like I have not in a long time,,,hung over. And how do I wake? To the sound of a lawn mower. Land scaper is already here working. I dress quickly and find him im the back. He seems bright eyed. I ask him how he could be here with so much energy so early and explain my hangover. He laughs and says all I need is some hair of the dog. He takes me by my shoulder and leads me inside. There he pushes me to my knees whips out his cock, puts it down my throat and pisses like there is no tomorrow.- 70 replies
How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
It has been a while but trust me, it has been an incredible few months. To go over everything would take hours so I will try to post a few things at times over the next few weeks. My last update was towards the end of July but on August 1 he shows up early evening, dressed not in his work clothes but a nice pair of pants and white shirt. He looked so fucking hot. Anyway he comes bouncing up to the back porch with a bottle of gin and some beer, sits down and tells me his wife/family has just taken off for three weeks at the beach. He is going to try to meet them for a long weekend sometime in the middle of their vacation but depends on his work schedule. He goes inside fixes a few drinks, comes out hands me one and bends down and kisses me. Just like that. I am shocked but my dick springs into action and all sorts of things come to mind, We sit and talk At some point he says he needs to switch over to beer so he can take care of me. Over the next half hour he downs a few and springs up and with glass in hand and directly in front of my face at eye level whips out hi dick and starts to fill a glass. I have never seen his cock this close and wanted nothing more then to bend forward and take it. But the way things where happpening figured I did not want to ruin anything. He is holding his cock with one hand and the glass with the other. He fills it and stops just show of the top and hands me the glass saying, (are you ready for this), it is going to be a wild few weeks getting to know each other while his family is out of town. All I can think is what the hell does he mean by that. I drink the entire glass of hot piss while he is bending over me. When I am finished he leans over with open mouth and attacts my mouth leaving behind a serious case of beard burn and mouth full of his spit. This goes on for a few hours. We talk and really get to know each other with breaks for piss, kisses and spit. He does tell me over the course of the evening he loves coming over because he can live out his fantasies and I am open for whatever. It is the first time I get the impression this is going to go further.- 70 replies
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How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
He has been back but not as often. We have had a lot of rain so his work has been limited. The few times he has been around have been like the normal sitution we have settled into. He pulls me to him, I bite on his neck which drives him nuts, I run my hands over his body until he can't stand it anymore and moves my face to his and plants a huge kiss. While I am sucking on his tongue I run my hands over torso making my wy to his crotch and feel his hard on. One thing that is making some progress is that I have moved my hand a little closer under his jeans waist band and even got to the top of his briefs before being stopped. Baby steps I guess. Of course it all ends with him providing a huge bottle of hot piss which I begin drinking wth him watching and finding some amusement. I love his piss. It is a perfect strength, not watered down but not too strong. I keep some and put it in an ice cube tray and use the cubes in drinks during the days he is not around. He is nice and tan now, and you can tell he has really been working his muscles because they are more defined. God he has a body to worship, now I just need to get him to allow me on my knees in front of him. Thanks for asking for an update- 70 replies
How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
Yesterday landscaper came by, alone, and worked his ass off in the yard. I thought he seemed a bit distant but towards the end of the day he walks into the kitchen and I am thiniking, piss time. But instead he seemed almost shy, a bit hestitant. We are doing the same routine, leaning against the counter, chatting with a bottle on the counter begging to be filled. After about 15 minutes which seemed like hours he reaches over and puts his hand behind my neck and pulls me to him and puts my face against his neck. He has done this before and I lick the sweat from his neck when he pulls his head back and I can tell he is really into this. As I am working his neck he apologizes about the other day and tells me he did not know it was going to go as far as it did. I told him not to worry about it because it was kind of fun but I also totally enjoy the one on one time we have together. Then the shocker. He moves my face from his neck and positions his mouth over mind and gives me the biggest, deepest kiss I ever had. I sucked on his tongue and ran my hand over his wet tshirt and moved my hand to his stomach figuring I might as well see how far to push this. He moves my hand to his crotch and I can feel his dick hard under his jeans. I squeeze his cock and his tongue goes deeper into my mouth. And then I guess I went a bit too far because as I struggled with the button on his jeans he pulls back and smiling says that is as far as he can go. He does not leave me dry as he reaches for the empty bottle, unzips and pulls out his cock and begins pissing into the bottle. It was all l could do not to drop to my knees but this has gone further then I ever thought and did not want to push it but allow him to take it where ever he wants it to go. When this all began I had NO idea it would go this far and now am hopeful at some point of getting that cock down my throat and have him fill my gut with his piss directly from the source.- 70 replies
How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
Well things have taken a turn. For the last few weeks landscaper has had a variety of helpers. All nice looking with hard worked bodies but I have not paid that much attention. Our little routine has remained the same. He comes in for a drink, we chat, he reaches for bottle, fills it with piss hands it to me to drink some, shakes his head and leaves. Not sure what he is getting out of the deal but I am a happy camper. So on Saturday he comes over with a new helper, early 20's, not overly handsome but nice body with a great hairy chest. He is working in garden and landscaper is in my kitchen and be begins talking. He asks me when I am not drinking his piss what do I like to drink. I mention gin, volka and other drinks and he lights up and says mixed drinks, I say yes. He immediately calls helper in and says he looking at me but talking to his helper, he likes mixed drinks. This obviously has been worked out because without missing a beat landsaper picks up a pot, helper pushes me to my knees and they both begin pissing in the pot. My face is only inches away from two beautiful dicks splashing piss against the pot and against my check. I was surprised how much they pissed and how much they filled the pot. Helper with his jeans around his knees ask me to suck on his nuts to clean them of of the piss that has splashed against them. Without missing a beat I had that sac in my mouth sucking them and wondering where this was going. The pot had disappeared and helper handed me a glass filled with piss. I gladly drank it down looking up at him. I could see landscaper watching this internaction and heard helper ask something but i missed it. Landsaper said go for it. Helper had his dick in his hand, my chin in the other and without saying anything slipped his cock into my mouth and began fucking my face. I remember him saying any fag that wants to drink his piss surely would like to blow him. This guy is nicely hung, not huge but thick. On my knees looking up at this swimmers body covered in hair and my landscaper standing next to him watching me blowing his helper was fantastic. Landscaper said to take a break, leaned over and taking my checks again like a few weeks ago blow a huge wad of spit directly onto my tongue. He gave me back to helper who held my head steady as he got harder and harder and finally shot a nice thick load onto my tongue. I could taste him and watched as he had one spasm after another. Out of the side of my eyes I noticed landscper shake his head no and poured me another glass of piss which I did not want to drink right then but to enjoy the cum coating my tongue. I did not have to worry because helper took it and sat it on the sink. He was soon zipped up and heading out the door. And then something touching happened. Landscaper ask if I was ok. I said GREAT and he seemed relieved. He left and that was it. A one time thing or a new chapter. Time will tell- 70 replies
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How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
It has been several weeks but a good time has been had by all, or at least by me! Landscaper now visits twice a week sometime with one of his helpers and sometime alone. Now it does not seem to matter. At some point during his work he comes into the kitchen, we play our litle game, he fills a container full of piss and watches as I gulp some down, laughs and goes back to work. About ten days ago during one of these visits it was really hot out and when he came to make his donation he was shirtless and covered in sweat. This guy has an incredible body. Anyway, he puts the empty container on the sink and as I reach for it to hand it to him and ask for a refill (this has become our routine) he takes my head and puts it tight to his neck and tells me to lick the sweat from his neck. He moves my head to his chest and then pit as I clean him of his sweat. He pushes me on my shoulder until I get on my knees and I was face to zipper with his crotch. My dick was so hard I thought I was going to explode. He slowly unzips his jean and I can see his briefs, he pushes my head to smell his crotch. My mouth is only a piece of cotton away and as I lick his dick thru his briefs he pulls me back, takes out his dick, brings the container down and begins to fill it with piss. I am only inches away and go in for the kill but he pushes me back. The smell of his body heat and piss are overwhelming and I move in again but he pushes me back again and says that is the closest I will ever get so enjoy the view. He takes my head and turns it so I am looking up at him and says something like if you want more how about this...he pushes on my cheeks and forces my mouth open and coughs up the biggest ball of spit I can imagine and deposits it in my mouth and releases me. He laughs when he is putting himself together and says you are the sickest sob I have even meet. But then says laughing but at least you are my sob. On his next visit we were back to our previous routine so don't know if that was a one off or what.- 70 replies
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How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
A big thank you for the suggestions to just be honest and ask when he was going to.... I got the courage today to be bold. Landscaper and one of his helpers spent the day in my yard and since there were two I did not have much hope for anything to happen but before i knew it helper was gone and landscaper was in my kitchen downing a huge glass of water. I reached in the cabinet and pulled out a container, sat it on the counter and said it was time for a refill. Without missing a beat his dick was out and filling the glass container. This time I did not make any excuse or try to hide the fact I was watching with great anticipation. He just about filled the container, sat it on the counter while he pulled himself together and when I went to reach for it he pulled my hand away and picked it up and rubbed it against my check asking if I liked the heat from his body. I could smell his piss and actually found myself shaking as he teased me. He put it on the counter and ask what I was going to do with it. I picked it up and put it to my mouth and drink a huge gulp watching his reaction. I could not tell what he was thinking but when I stopped he told me that was either the sickest or hottest thing he had ever seen. At least he said it with a smile. I have no doubt now I have an unending source of piss from an incredible man with muscles galore and it seems a pretty nice heart too. Since the cat is out of the bag I will not have trouble from now on asking for what I want.- 70 replies
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How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
Yesterday, Monday, my landscaper stopped by to do a few quick things. Like normal he had two of his workers with him. Now don't get me wrong, these guys are hot as hell in there own right but just don't have the same thing going on as the landscaper. But anyway when he stops over and is not alone not much happens. But this time it was a bit different. Landscaper does a few odd jobs for me beside gardening and I had ask him to install a fixture in my three season porch. So he gets his tools together and instead of getting a ladder be brings a three step stool from my laundry room and asks that I hold it steady when he is on the top step. Not thinking anything of it I hold the stool and find my face directly, and I mean inches away from his crotch. He is like taking his time and when he is almost finished holds onto the top of my head and pushes it hard against his jeans and I swear I could feel his cock hard as a rock. It happened so fast I can't be sure but I would swear. Nothing else was said, he did a few more things but nothing out of the ordinary happened. But I can not believe I was that close to the promised land and for the first time am starting to believe there are interesting times ahead.- 70 replies
How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
I must not be very good at dropping hints. I tried this week to no avail but then Sunday afternoon he stopped by with his two kids to hang out on my porch while his wife was shopping up the street. There was of course no way to do/say anything with his kids but it was fun to watch him being a dad and thinking how lucky his wife was to get him every night in bed. After awhile his wife called and said she was ready to be picked up. Before he left he needed to use the toilet and I was hoping against hope...but nothing other then he brushed my arm when he walked by. He went, came out and got his kids and gathered his stuff saying it was time to pick up his wife and get the kids home to brush their teeth and go to bed. And off they went. For a few minutes I sat there and finally went in myself to use the bathroom. Standing there I noticed the glass on the sink that holds my toothbrush was filled to the brim with a beautiful golden fluid. He is playing with me. But no matter I did get another sample of him. I did not ever think anything would happen but now think there are possibilities. What they are I don't know but there is movement forward and while I think it is going to take awhile I am going to push the envelope as far as I can- 70 replies
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How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
I am bummed, three visits and no comments or anything about his previous visit. Other then some shirtless yard work (and boy does it look like he has spent the winter working out) nothing to indicate more fun to come.- 70 replies
How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
I can not imagine that happening but then I could never have foreseen this last scene. But I will be frank, there is NOTHING I would not do to make it happen. This guy is beyond hot and to think I could service him drives me crazy- 70 replies
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How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
No one has commented on my prior post but thought I would do an update. This winter has been hell where I live with a brutally cold and snowy weather. Not great for a landscaper. All my guy has been able to do is shovel snow, not enough I guess for his family. So landscaper was over during this past weekend and we were in my kitchen talking about how tough it has been and he finally gets up the nerve to ask for a loan which I had no problem giving him. I mean he is leaning against the counter with tight jeans and coat looking like something out of catalog. I go to get some money for him and when I get back he has next to him on the counter a large glass beverage container from the dishwasher. Asking if I was bothered by any animals during the winter and before I knew it he has his dick out and into the top of the container letting loose a big hard steady stream of piss like only like a 25 year old can produce. I don't know if he saw me staring because I could not take my eyes off what was happening but we stood there for what seemed like a full minute until he finished, shook his dick and put the now half full bottle on the counter as he zipped up and put himself together. He handed me the bottle and commented on how hot the bottle was and that it would keep my hands warm. He had the biggest shit eating grin on his face as he thanked me for the loan and headed for the door. I could not muster anything to say but as he headed out he said something along the lines that if that did not do the trick there was more where that came from. As I heard his truck door close I was already drinking the fresh piss from the bottle not even thinking of saving any of it but enjoying this guys hot, foamy delicious piss and not believing him letting me watch as he provided it.- 70 replies
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How do you like to sneak piss from a man in public?
worshipper replied to incub8er's topic in Watersports Discussion
I have this incredible landscaper that is so hot it would drive you crazy. But straight as an arrow and not terribly bright. So last summer I told him I had some animal problems in my garden and was told if I could get a guy or two to piss in a container and then keep it for a few days and spread it in the garden it would keep the animals away. He took a bottle behind the garage and filled it. He took off and when it was still hot and streaming up the container I was inside drinking it down. Damn I have beat off to that memory for months. Next summer I am going to try again but this time freeze some to add to drinks when he is around so I can enjoy a piece of him without him knowing it- 70 replies
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