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Posts posted by nymanhole

  1. I am a chronic carrier of Hep B and take tenofovir daily to keep the HEP virus at bay. I remain HIV negative. I contracted the HEP B even though I had been vaccinated for a couple years earlier!!! No one ever checked to determine if the vaccine had taken, which in my case it had not, and this is common among nearly 10% of those vaccinated the first time!!

    As for your contracting it, I would think the fact you are on PReP may be your saving grace. Truvada is 1/2 tenofovir (300 mg) the same doseage of tenofovir I take daily to keep the Heb B undetectable. Hopefully the PReP will work for the Hep B as it will hopefully help with the HIV! Good luck!

  2. I have been on tenofovir only for the last several years as a treatment for Hep B. Has worked very well and I have had no side effects (so far). I am HIV Neg and have wondered at times if the Tenofovir alone has helped keep me neg all this time. Anyone know if tenofovir alone is effective as a PreP?

  3. Opens up another question -- I am on Tenofiver here for Hep B -- works well and virus has been undetectable for several years. Since that is half the contents of PreP, was wondering if it also works alone as a preventative for HIV? Anyone have any knowledge of that?

  4. For those who are Poz -- > I am still Neg and know that to realize my love for cum and going bareback, that at some point I will likely convert. What is life like for those living with HIV -- the good, the bad and the ugly. Will I regret it or happy the anticipation is over? Looking to be prepared for the inevitable here.!!

  5. My question is directed to those who write in and claim they are true chasers; or those who claim to be willing gifters. For how many of you are your words truly reflective of you actions, or is the writing and reading just fantasy to J/O too??? Have to admit, for me, chasing remains more fantasy. However, the urge to act on the fantasy grows daily with my readings of this and other bareback sites. :confused:

  6. I totally understand what yurfuckhole is saying here, as I am in the same place. I am realistic however, to also know that if and when I take a load, regardless of what the giver may claim relative to their status, I am taking the chance of getting pozzed. It is a risk I have accepted as the price of the pleasure I derive from a BB encounter. Few want HIV, but it is our reality and it sucks, no matter how you view it!

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