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Everything posted by seanpeck
I helped guide Alex down the stairs, him staggering the entire way. He looked so sexy shuffling down the stairs in only his briefs. There was something so hot about a young vulnerable, stripped nearly naked in a group of mostly dressed guys. Something degrading about him being marched through a party so exposed, a group of horny guys discretely beginning to swarm him, knowing something special was about to happen. We reached the bottom of the stairs, Alex hanging on to me for support, starting to notice the bright light above and the cold concrete of the floor on his feet. "Is this the bathroum?" "No, almost there." I could understand his confusion. At the bottom of the stairs was simply a tiny unfinished room, a folding chair, some boxes and a rather heavy looking metal door that had once served as the entrance to a storm shelter. I knocked three times and the door cracked open, and we were met by Sam. Sam served as the unofficial bouncer for these events. At 6'6" and 260 lbs, he was an intimidating man. He had played college football in his 20's and, even more than a decade out, was built like a ton of bricks. And he was handsome to. Clean cut, absolutely jacked, and a handsome face. And he had a big black cock, the biggest I have ever seen. My guess was that is was almost a foot long and thick, although even that may have underestimated it since he is such a muscular, tall guy. "Diego, my man. Heard you might be coming in with a new convert." "Yeah, this little fag twink, supposedly a 'straight' friend on one of my regulars, but judging from how friendly he was with tina, I doubt it." "Damn, how old is this kid?" "18. Fresh faced little twink jock, still living at home with mom and dad. Go ahead, say hi." Without reservation, Sam pulled Alex into his arms, his thumb feeling his bottom lip, his other hand on his ass, feeling it through his thin briefs. "God, I love this job," Sam joked, feeling Alex's bulge through the front of his briefs. "Let me get you guys in," he said, before giving Alex a little kiss and feeling the boy's tongue on his. Same walked back through the door, walked down a short hallway and came to another door on his right. The familiar toxic symbol on the heavy metal door swooped by as Sam unlocked it with his keys. Alex and I walked into the dimly lit room, the door closing behind us. --- My head was in a cloud and my vision was spinning. One second to the next felt like it could've been minutes or hours and vice versa. I fee Diego against me and peoples' hand on me. Lots of guys all around me. Someone's taking my shirt off. Is this a game? The logical part of my mind, the ones that inhibits my actions, I can hear it but it's like it has been cut off from the rest of me. I think someone is taking off my jeans. Who? I think is must be a guy. I'm not gay; logical me would punch a faggot in the face for that. But I feel a hand on my back, one on my butt. I feels good, to be touched; everyone around me dancing grinding on each other. A boy with a cock in his mouth in the corner? My thoughts feel like they're disconnecting from one another. Keep forgetting where I am. Can't remember how I got here. Something exciting about being here. I'm up against Diego. He's supporting me and I like it. He smells good. I feel secure on his chest. He walks me. Feel safe with him. I'm only wearing my briefs? Where are my clothes. I feel exposed; I see a group of guys and girls. They see me. I feel ashamed but something else. Excitement? I love feeling Diego's arm around me. He's keeping me safe. Where am I? Alex, Alex, Alex. I hear people laughing. At me? My dick is hard I can feel it. Is this okay? Stairs. I'm leaving? Are we going to the bathroom, I ask Diego. He says something back. I want to go back and dance with the boys. Didn't know bros could be so hot. I want them to hold me. I'm not a fag. God says being a fag is a sin. Dad says cocksuckers are disgusting. Blake. I want him to hold me. I want to make him happy. It's cold here, at the bottom of the stairs. Blake is talking to someone. He is huge. He's touching me, my lips. I'm a bitch? Where are we? When did we leave the party? His hand on my body. I feel my dick twitch when he touches it. Fag fag fag.
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The booze and weed were really starting to get to me. Sitting there, in Diego's truck, I was almost falling asleep. "You okay man?" he asked. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, just over did it at the party I think." "Gotcha. Here," he said, pulling off on a side road, "I got something to perk you up." Diego reached in the center console, taking out a pipe and a little baggy. "Man, more weed is going to put me to sleep." "It's not weed," he said, showing me the clear white substance in the bag. "What is it?" "Just something to keep you awake, cutie." I laughed, "alright." Diego filled the pipe with some of the substance and grabbed a lighter from the glove box. He started holding it on the bottom of the pipe, seeming to heat it up. After a minute, he took a big hit from the pipe and then let out a cloud of smoke. "Shit dude, what is that?" "See for yourself," he said, handing over the pipe. "Do it just like I did." I started heating the pipe up but couldn't help notice that Diego was taking off his shirt. He had a good body, decorated with a couple of tattoos. I wonder what he did to keep in shape. He had a good chest and really nice abs. "Sorry bro, this shit makes me kind of hot." "It's cool." Shit! He had seen me looking at him. Don't want him to think I was a fag. "Inhale." I did as told. "Good boy," he said. I thought it was kind of odd to say but we were both pretty fucked up. "Now exhale... good. Take another hit, it takes a few to start working." I kept going as he keep egging me on. At first, I didn't feel any difference. No doubt the booze and head were masking the effect. But after a few minutes, I began to feel this warm, rushing sensation, this burst of energy. "Shit man, this stuff is good. What is it?" "It's called t. Just kinda a mild upper. I know it sounds sketchy, but you can inject it to." "Shit, man. That sounds to hardcore for me. That's when you know you have a problem." "I thought so too. I've actually done it a few times. It feels amazing, but it's like I could take it or leave it." "Hmm, cool. Always thought people over exaggerated that shit to scare people away from taking drugs." "Yeah man," he said, "I've done almost everything and have never become addicted to anything. Honestly, alcohol is the most addictive shit out there and it's legal." "True," I said, "man I'm feeling kind of warm now too." "Take off your shirt dude. You look pretty fit." I agreed and complied. For some reason the thought of being a little more exposed than usual seemed... I don't know, exciting. "Damn boy, you do have a nice body." "Thanks. It's all the running from soccer." "You look pretty built though. You lift?" "Yeah, we have strength training twice a week and on my days off. But you, you're much bigger." "Yeah? Thanks, I been working pretty hard this past year. Here, feel," he said, guiding my hand to his arm. He flexed for me, letting feel his bicep, triceps, shoulder, even his chest and abs. "But honestly," Diego said, "I like your body, leaner but still ripped." He went down and felt on my chest and abs. I was a bit weird since I didn't ask him to but I guess he had just let me feel his body so why not. Actually, it felt a little bit exciting to have someones hand on my body like that, almost in a sexual way. "Shit," I thought, "I'm thinking like a fag. Must be all the drugs." "We ready to go to the party?" "Yeah, plenty more t there too," he said, putting away the pipe and the shirt, throwing them in the back. "Won't be needing those right now." We got to the party after about half an hour of driving. I was farther away than I thought, and I had no idea what part of town I was in. We pulled up on a discrete looking house and I reached back for my shirt, but Diego stopped me. "We don't need those. It's kind of a... everyone will be showing skin." "Oh, okay." I felt kind of embarrassed. Even though I knew my body was good, I felt like an asshole showing up to a strangers house shirtless. We got to the front door and Diego knocked. A hot looking young woman open the door. "Diego!" she said, "so glad you're here. I've had to watch the door for like an hour." She was wearing just a bra and jeans. I guess it was a shirtless party like Diego had said, which was kind of weird. "Hey babe," he replied. "Got some special treats for ya' later. Know were the action is?" "Downstairs, like always. Who is this hunk of fresh meat?" "This is Alex." I gave a awkward hello. "Is he..." she began to ask before Diego interrupted. "Eventually. We're going to make our way to the kitchen first." I followed Diego who seemed to know where he was going. "Let me make you a drink, something not to strong," he laughed. "Have a seat and mingle," he said, gesturing to a couch. I noticed everyone at the party. Everyone was fit, and there seemed to be a lot of guys. I mostly just zoned out on the couch, almost too fucked up to talk straight. ---- I brought Alex his drink. Little did he know, I had spiked it with a little g. I knew it was a risky proposition, with him already drinking, but I decided to say fuck it. I could tell this fag was fucked up. I don't even think he registered that most of the guys in the room were gay, half dressed or in underwear, making out. Pretty sure one guy was being blown by another in the corner. "Drink up man, then will do so more t." "Sounss good mann," he said, slurring a bit. He downed his drink quickly, rushing to get more and more fucked up. "Stand up man," I said, helping him up. "Let's get you out of these pants." They slide right off of him and he barely seemed to notice. He was wearing a pair of CK briefs and looked sexy as hell. "Man," I thought, "I can't wait to destroy this twink." Other people in the room noticed, knowing that I had completely fresh meat tonight. Feeling on his bulge, I could tell he was hard. I knew this guy was a fag, knew it from first meeting him a couple of hours ago. One of those repressed, in denial bitches who need someone like Tina to show off their slutty side. I went in for a kiss, wondering what he would do. And just like that, eves only half-open, he began kissing back, wrapping his arms around me as we slowly moved back and forth. "You like this boy?" I asked. "MMhmmm..." he replied, only semi-conscious. I don't think he even registered what he was doing or that we were in the middle of a party, him in just his briefs, in the arms of a guy. I knew it was time. Half-supporting him, I guided him through the house to the stairs to the basement. A few guys followed knowing what that meant, others stayed not knowing what was going on. I knew other would be downstairs already, having an okay time, not realizing the gift they were about to receive. We reached the door and began our decent down the stairs.
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Alex knew he had messed up... ---- He had always been a decent student in high school, but over the last year his performance had begun to decline. Admittedly, he knew it was probably due to running with a rougher crowd. See, all throughout middle school and high school, he had been kind of a loner. Well liked, but with few close friends. He could never pinpoint why exactly. Nominally, he was friends with most of the popular crowd, living in the same nice neighborhood, playing on the same baseball and soccer teams, getting along with everyone. And while at practice or a game, he was friends with everyone, one of the bros. Yet, he seemed to never received an invite for the causal party at a friend's house while the parents were away. He had never received the causal invite to hang out with "the guys." However, it seemed when people liked to hang out with him one on one. His friend Tanner, well liked by everyone and known as a funny guy, would call him up at random times to hang out. He mostly spent his time hanging out with other football players, but Alex would get a call to hangout on the weekend or to grab something to eat. Likewise, Ben would call him up to hangout and play COD or shoot the shit and chill. Beyond that, he mostly hung out with Shelby or Taylor and their friends, although he always felt like the odd man out being the only guy a lot of the time. Other than that it always seemed like he would make friends with random girls real fast. It always started with striking up chats and school or church and exchanging numbers. Then it always seemed like the girls would be extra friendly and chatty, calling him up to hang out after school or on the weekends. And for Alex, it would always end up the same. The girl would try to hold his hand, becoming more touchy, making plans like dates. It sucked for Alex because these were never the girls he really liked. Never the hot, unobtainable girls who seemed to hang out exclusively with the biggest, most popular jocks. If he could get a girl like that, he told himself, than he'd really want to go for it. At 18, he already felt weird for being a virgin, he's friends seeming to sense that it wasn't something to ask about. And it wasn't as if Alex wasn't fit. At almost 6 feet and 160 lbs, with blond hair and blue eyes, he knew he looked good. He had a nice six pack and a handsome face. He knew he looked at bit young, looking like he was 16 or 15 despite having just turned 18. But it never bother him. In fact, he kind of liked it. He knew it wasn't just him either. He had made a few instagram accounts, under random pseudonyms, where he posted faceless picture of himself. He mostly posted shirtless photos and got a lot of random compliments, which oddly made him feel kind of good. He knew it was silly to put stock in the opinions of internet strangers but it kind of turned him on too. He would get messages encouraging him to show more skin, show his face, take some underwear pics, even to post some nudes. He was still to shy to show his face but did oblige the commenters by taking some pictures in his boxer briefs and even some rather revealing briefs he had bought on the low down a few months ago. He wasn't sure why, but he was way to embarrassed to ask his mom to buy them or even to put them in the wash. The idea had been put in his mind when he was shopping with his brother. He saw some of the briefs and really wanted to buy them. They were pretty skimpy looking and colorful, basically the opposite of the dark colored boxer briefs he knew guys his age preferred. And they seemed even skimpier than the standard briefs on sale. He had spent nearly two hundred dollars on several pairs. He even included a couple of jock straps which really excited him in a low key. He kept them hidden in the back of his dresses behind his more traditional underwear and undershirts. Any day he knew he didn't have to change for practice or another place, he had them on. It made him feel sexy, even though he didn't think it would do to much to turn on a girl. One night, after drink some vodka his old brother had bought him, he did a full series of underwear pics. He wore some of his most revealing underwear and posed in it; he even had enough liquid courage to include his face in them. Of course, the next morning, remembering this, he deleted the pics. However, not before noticing that he had dozens of comments on them from the commentators. This got him going but before he could take care of himself, he hoped in the shower to get ready for church. Drying off, he quickly slipped on a pair of CK briefs before putting on the rest of his clothes, knowing that it'd make him feel sexy all day. Leaving the house, he knew he was going to be late to school, as he had been many times before this year. He blamed it on not caring, being a senior and all, even though he knew it put him danger of flunking first period English. Thankfully, his teacher seemed to turn a blind eye to it, Alex being a charismatic and funny kid how did well in class despite his absenteeism. He made up with Blake a few block from campus and parked behind him. "What's up man," Blake said, chilling, as Alex hoped into the back sit. His girl, Mariam, was in the front sit and her friend, Kelly was in the backseat. "Kelly, Mariam, what's up?" Alex said. He and Blake had gotten pretty tight over the semester. A lot of people were surprised. Alex had always been a pretty straight laced kid while Blake had a reputation for being pretty wild. He had been arrested twice for public drunkenness and possession of marijuana, though his dad had gotten him off with light punishments both times. However, something in Alex had kind of clicked over the year. Something in him that just wanted to say fuck it, have fun. "Hey Alex," Mariam said before returning to Kelly to talk about their plans to go to the city on Saturday and trying to assess where the best party was going to be on this weekend. "Hey, man," Blake said, "got a special treat." Flashing a grin, he made a joint appear. Alex was pumped. "Why don't we skip today and blaze up instead? My parents are out of town. Mariam and and Kelly are down." "Sure man," Alex blurted out, trying to hide his pleasure at being invited over to smoke. "I've got some absences left anyway. Should I take my car and met you there?" "Nah, don't worry about it. I'll drive you back later." "Ya, three day weekend!" Kelly blurted out. ---- We began to chat about the weekend as Blake pulled out. He lived about 15 minutes away, in a nice part of town. An only child, his parents had pretty much always spoiled him. He pretty much had his bedroom and the entire second story to himself. After getting to his house, we all went to the back yard to smoke. It felt good sitting in the sun, getting warm on a chilly September morning. He lit up, exhaling into the morning air, passing to Mariam. I reached out and took a hit. It felt good, knowing soon I'd be feeling a nice high, all the shit falling away. It was awesome to finally be part of a cool in-group of people. Finally being the person who gets invited to the parties, has access to alcohol and weed, knowing where they part was. "Well, I think Michael is supposedly having a big party tonight. His parents are out of town," Kelly said. "Have you been to his house, it's fucking huge." Mariam said. "Is he the one from precalc?" Blake asked. I knew he meant. "Oh yeah, isn't that guy a faggot?" I asked, hoping it would come off as cool. For some reason talking about a gay guy made me uncomfortable. I always seemed to get nervous when that shit got brought up. "Uhh.. yeah. He's a totally queer," Kelly said, though her joke sounded a lot less mean spirited than my comment did. "But who cares? His house is huge plus he always has tons of booze at his house." My head was already feeling nice and light. "Sure could be fun," Blake said. "I always managed to sell a lot at house parties." That pretty much decided it. Blake was the de facto leader of the group, and his choice usually won out. We spent the rest of the day smoking, watching television, and munching on snacks. Kelly and Mariam left in the afternoon to change outfits for the party, leaving Blake and I alone. We smoked another j out in the back yard then went inside when it started to get raining and cold. "Got some beer, wanna pregame before the party?" Blake asked, "Mariam driving tonight so we don't have to worry about getting a ride." "Hell yeah. What do you have?" We shat, drank and chatted as Blake told me about his favorite drugs. He had done more than I had even guessed. "LSD, MDMA, hallucinogens are my favorite so far. You've got to try them." "Got any on you?" I joked. "I wish man. Just weed. But we might be able to find something at the party. Been texting with a guy I know from Western and apparently he's coming to the party tonight and he has a guy who can get him almost anything." "Nice, what else have you liked?" "Okay, don't freak out but I smoked meth once. Can't say it was the best, but it was pretty good." "Shit, man, isn't that super addicted?" "I don't know, not to me. It was good but I prefer weed." Shortly after that, the girls arrived, ready to head out. ---- We arrived at the party pretty fast, or it at least felt that way. I was feeling pretty twisted by the time we got there. I had gotten pretty high from that second joint and then drank pretty heavy at Blake's before hand. I had almost started to get sleepy but luckily Blake came through. He had a prescription for Adderall and he taught me the trick that if you crushed it up it gave an extra hard burst of energy. I watched him snort it than took a try. It burned but he wasn't fucking around. My head was swimming but I felt like I could party for hours know. "Yeah, it's basically legal meth," he joked. When we got to the house, we could tell things were getting pretty wild. Luckily it was a large plot of land, pretty secluded from the street and far enough away from the neighbors. Inside the house was a chaotic scene. The entrance way was crowded but the living room off to the left was a sea of bodies, lights and blaring music. It was a huge space and must have had over a hundred people in it easy. We made our way to the kitchen which was relatively calmer. There Kelly spotted a friend of hers a peeled off to chat, with Mariam following suit. "We should try to find my guy," Blake said, handing me a solo cup full of sweet smelling juice that had come out of a big cooler. The bottles of everclear laying empty on the counter lead me to believe that whatever this stuff was, it was highly alcoholic. Blake and I made our way towards the back of the house were it was a bit quieter. It seemed like this part of the house was a bit more laid back; the smell of marijuana also seemed to quaff through the air. Here, it seemed to be mostly guys too. Trying not to stare, but I noticed a lot of the guys seemed a bit strange. Like, their clothes seemed, I don't know, more colorful. And people seemed to be really touchy. Hitting me, I realized that this was probably Michael's gay friends, which made me feel... uneasy for some reason. "Dude, I think we found the fag party," I joked, hoping it didn't sound as insecure to Blake as it did to me. "Bro, chill. My guy is back here." After another minute of wandering Blake spotted him. We got introduced. His name was Diego. I couldn't help but notice he looked a bit older than the high school crowd around him. But he seems pretty cool. It felt almost... more comfortable being around straight guys in a crowd of queers. He and Blake chatted. I got introduced but I mostly stayed silent, downing my drink pretty quick, the alcohol working to dull my memory as the excitement of the partied gave me energy. "Alex... Alex... Alex!" Blake half shouted. "What, sorry the music. What's up?" "We're gonna go to another spot. Diego can hook us up with some MDMA there. You down?" "Umm.. yeah sure." "Good, let's go." We met up with Mariam to tell her the plan. There, we found them huddled over a dark hair girl who appeared passed out, she looked familiar. "Amy?" Blake said, bending down. "What the fuck happened?" "I don't know. I assume the punch. We found here passed out on a couch in the middle of the party," Kelly replied. I remembered now. It was Blake's sister. "Shit man, do we need to take her home?" She perked up to a second. "Blake! I love you!!! What are you doin' here?" she slurred out. Mariam came up, "Yeah we need to get her and her friends back to your house." "Shit, we were just about to head to a different spot." "Blake! You have to a least get her home and into bed," Mariam said, looking mildly enraged. "Oh, alright! What about this, Alex, we don't have enough room for everyone so why don't you catch a ride with Diego and text my the addy when you guys get there." "Umm, sure, yeah, no problem." I felt a little weird going with this guy but fuck it. I wanted to get fucked up and he seemed really chill. Plus, I didn't want Blake to think I was a pussy so I agreed. We met Diego out front and told him the plan. "Cool, see you in like an hour bro. Let's go Alex." There, we split up, Blake taking his sister back to the house and me going with Diego, a drug hookup of Alex's I had only just met. We climbed into his truck and drove away, my head spinning from booze and weed.
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