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Posts posted by ScorpionFF

  1. @brnbk Thank you for your reply. I had really been enjoying it until the end. Due to neuro cognitive difficulties alongside being genuinely interested in all you had to say I found myself as I methodically read through your long reply re reading some lines over and over again to really take it all in. I had made a note of some questions I wanted to ask you, but very unfortunately you completely shut down all possibility of further discussion with;

    On 2/14/2024 at 10:15 PM, brnbk said:

    yes, you are devoid of empathy

    My brain told me I could not have read that correctly so I read it again, and w0w, what a reaction. Despite having earlier ingested a medicine to calm my compromised nervous system down I upon re reading your spiteful (showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt) and more importantly incorrect assumption I immediately was presented with tachycardia, breathlessness and shaking via stress hormones as a result of what I see as a direct spiritual attack. You have caused me actual physical harm with that cyber punch, but I believe that was your true intent! 

    If I was all of or even just some of what you incorrectly accuse me of then I would not even have gotten involved with this discussion in the first place. I got involved as I was genuinely interested. I am grateful to have taken a lot from this despite the very unfortunate nastiness. 

    Thank you for proving my point that humanity is divided and fragmented. I made a big decision in recent times, and you have helped me realise it is the correct one. 

    To protect my emotional, spiritual and physical health I shall now leave this thread. Leave me alone

  2. Hey @viking8x6 dear kind man. I was going to reply to you second, but after what I just read within the last hour I now wish to reply to you first. 

    Since my main comment on this thread I have given this more thought and done a bit of digging to put with what I have been exposed to these last few years and it seems very clear to me that there are many folk who are using the term woke as one and the same thing in relation to the term left (political affiliation not direction of course.)

    Thank you for this thread as I have learned a deeper understanding of this term and can now view videos or read writings through a new lens of perception. All the best.

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  3. 4 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

    From what i can ascertain, rawTOP started this section on BZ on May 2010 with a post tilled: 

    "Post political discussions in this forum" 

    Generally speaking, BZ is a discussion forum that, to me, stands out as wonderfully unique and unusual in the gay community precisely because we can discuss things here that depart from the usual. 

    i , for one, appreciate anyone who will "elaborate on why"  when they state a position, be it Top, bottom, versatile, queer, trans, republican, democrat, libertarian, liberal, conservative...ad infinitum.   

    To me, all of those terms are just starting places, labels that need elaboration to determine their detailed contents.  Without that elaboration, at best, one gets defined by the reader.  

    i would suggest, even argue, that it is through elaboration that we find common ground  that can thwart the polarizing effects of generalizations. Generalizations,  catch phrases, are used by unscrupulous manipulators to gain and maintain position and power where very few elite 'win' and the majority on both 'sides' lose.  

    i believe it is through sincere scrutiny and elaboration that we uncover substance, what is real. Open discussion, i think, helps us find causes where we can work together, while oversimplification leads to decisions and actions based on absolutist notions that do not reflect the majority. 

    Thank you for sharing this 🙂 I did do a search for the original post using the title highlighted in yellow but no results were returned. I particularly resonated with;


    i , for one, appreciate anyone who will "elaborate on why"  when they state a position, be it Top, bottom, versatile, queer, trans, republican, democrat, libertarian, liberal, conservative...ad infinitum.   

    To me, all of those terms are just starting places, labels that need elaboration

    Labels indeed. As a result of waking up within the last half of a decade I now no longer define as Gay (a label in my eyes that I did use for about the best part of 30 years) even though I am obviously attracted to men, and even no longer define myself by my Christian name which is just another label that was given to me. Nor even by my skin colour. I am simply just ME. Maybe I could even strip it back another layer still and no longer define as a Top even though I am the individual that gives the seed. Boxes are for cats! 😸 I am undefinable, ying and yong and ping and pong, lol (yes, I have plagiarised that last bit from a comedy classic). Thank you again. 

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  4. Sorry viking, my input is not exactly what you are looking for, but I feel compelled to say something nonetheless.

    I have done some Google searches and taken some photos from my 1994 Oxford Dictionary for the definition of woke and put into an album (see link below). Oxford Dictionary online from what I could see does't even give the bloody verb, argh. 

    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/gallery/album/11111-woke/

    ''If you put an S in front of words it becomes swords, and that is what words are.... cutting. They can cause you great trouble! Humans are word controlled creatures.'' - Jordan Maxwell. 

    Anyone wishing to see the short video from where I took the above quote I am more than happy to share it! 🙂 I just listened to it again for the first time in ages and was reminded about the corporation that was formed in 1868. Very enlightening. 

    To quote @PozBearWI ''Honest I thought that is what I did with my husband each morning. I woke him''.... When I first saw this thread that is the thought that went through my mind to what the word actually means. Example, a friend calls me:

    Me: Hello.
    Friend: How is your day going?
    Me: I just woke up.

    If the call is at 3pm that would be very fucking plausible, lol.

    On 2/12/2024 at 10:04 PM, PozBearWI said:

    To me "woke" is a verb.

    Correct. Give the man a cock to play with as a reward, hehe. 

    I digress...

    How can woke mean being ''awake'' in the context presented as it were when according to @topblkmale, quote; Back then it referred to watching out for 'the white man', end quote. Therefore, my question is, who originally coined the term to what the entirely different meaning it is supposed to be today? A manipulation tool by an intelligence agency to cause further division with our beautiful species maybe? Just a thought. 🤷‍♂️

    Not heard of the term woke in its present form until about 5 years or so ago. How and WHY did it suddenly enter into the mass consciousness? So many other terms have come into the mass  consciousness in the last half decade or so too, unless I have been living under a rock. For me at least our world today is completely unrecognisable compared to a very short 10 years ago. I truly feel like I am living in a simulation. All very unpleasant. A nightmare in fact. 

    I personally do not label myself as being woke, does that mean I am devoid of any empathy? Does that mean I am devoid of any knowledge? No one human holds the monopoly on the aforementioned, yet certain arrogant sanctimonious folk from both sides of the dichotomy go about as though they do, happily mocking and pouring scorn over others whilst not giving a fuck who they upset from their tower of virtue for which I have experienced and observed aplenty of during the last several years or so. As @viking8x6 puts it; ''abuse and denigration.'' Laughing AT someone using the ''laugh'' emoji can easily be used for such cowardly cruel spite too. 

    For me woke in todays world is much like the terms liberal, conservative, right wing, left wing... all divisive LABELS by design. As long as humanity is divided and fighting with one another then we are so much more easier to RULE over!

    Once upon a time before I awakened four years or so ago from a life long hypnotic trance I would have labelled myself with this and that, now, I reject all of it as none of it works, as I understand it it was never meant to. I just desire peace and harmony within humanity, and we do NOT have that, not by a long mile; sickness, poverty, homelessness, war. From my perspective humanity is completely fragmented, and from what I have learned in recent years that has been the point the entire time. I believe all humans are inherently good people, so what has gone wrong? Are darker forces at play here? At this advanced point, I think so. If that makes me a crazy lunatic then so be it. I have been called far worse.

    I LOVE to speak with others, discuss and debate in a friendly manner, but it has reached a point where one has to keep ones mouth shut to retain inner peace and emotional well being. The hostility out there on both sides is truly frightening and deeply disturbing - I shy away from it! I hope I am in a safe zone having my say here. To be honest I am apprehensive doing so. I am acutely aware there are rattle snakes lurking, ready to strike, albeit unprovoked. 

    As said, all these terms are as I see them are mere labels with an agenda attached therefore they would become (and are) meaningless if we were just to let it all go and walk away from the noise of illusion. 

    What do I (maybe naively) desire: For humanity to unite and come together and just BE. It is up to us to bring about such peace... US! This cannot come from any given puppet government. 

    Right wing and Left wing --> Same bird! 🐦 If I really had to define myself it would not be on the right nor the left, and not even the centre, no, I would be the Cheshire Cat down the rabbit hole in Wonderland, always smiling and trying my best to make sense of it all via the medium of logic as I dig for what is true. I have learned a great deal yet I haven't even scratched the surface!

    Love and Peace to my fellow man.

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  5. 51 minutes ago, viking8x6 said:

    Trust me, if I didn't have a sense of humor I'd have run screaming for the hills about 20 minutes after I started being a moderator.

    Hahaha, that gave me a much needed laugh, thank you @viking8x6. I will give a deserved ''laugh'' emoji for that portion of your comment as it really did tickle me. 

    I would like to have my say on this thread, but I would like to give it some proper thought first. 

  6. Thank you very much @tallslenderguy for such an eloquent response to what I had to say. I found myself nodding and saying out loud; that's true to.....

    19 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

    but no two guys are alike.

    A big shame to hear that you lose a big portion of guys when as you say have triggered conditioned responses when you use certain words.. However, although quantity has its place it is all about quality at the end of the day, isn't it. 

    19 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

    my seed and orgasm are the ones He plants inside of me.

    Perfect mindset!  👌

    Thank you once again for a thoroughly enjoyable spot on read to part of what makes me tick. 

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  7. Depends on the dynamics and the desires/needs of both (or more) parties. On a personal level it is all about an attitude/mindset of subservience thus way much more than just the physical act of bottoming. I think I might be rather different from others in general in this respect. Also, one of the most important factors for me is the bottom forgets he even has a dick, I find that most distracting and interrupts the natural flow. Being there to serve a Man who is much more than just a Top is paramount. 


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  8. 10 hours ago, SlampaBay said:

    It maybe, "We'll go with you."

    Ha, nice one.

    I note your profile @birthdaywoes seems to have been reversed out of imminent account deletion, hooooraaaay. I am very much looking forward to the next chapter. No rush, the best things come to those who wait and all that. 

  9. Once I have reclaimed my gut health I will not hold back on food that I love.... Greek! Especially Kleftiko, fuck me, that dish is just heavenly. Gyro is also delicious, especially when one is intoxicated with alcohol. I adore Calamari too when it is fresh (if it isn't it will be tough). More of an ouzo man too as opposed to Mythos. Now I am hungry, lol


  10. 20 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    These folks that spend hours a day on social media are denying themselves of actually "meeting"- interacting others, in-the-flesh.  There's no substitute for actually interacting with others

    Indeed @hntnhole. And I agree. For me the internet is great for information, I have learned a lot that I would not have done without it. But on the other hand I also can see the negative impact on humanity as even though we are connecting with others online we as a species have predominantly become disconnected on a deeper level. My perspective at least. Maybe there will be an event that will reverse us to better times where real time interaction is how it used to be. 

    21 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    I wonder if some of these people could go more than an hour (I mean being awake) without fooling with their damned phone

    Or go to an event and just actually be in the moment and ENJOY it without having to fucking film it. Oh look, I am having a fry up for brunch, let's take a photo and share it.... EAT IT before it gets cold, no one gives a rats arse what you are eating, well, unless it's cake, I can make an exception there, ha. 

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  11. Thank you for your resonating comment @Spunkinmyarse. Even though I am completely out of action for the moment that is not stopping me now and then laying the ground work (is that in itself futile) for when the time comes. As an example and to connect to your comment I recently was chatting online with this twink who like me is into full Leather Gear and was an interesting conversation to say the least. He would never do bareback even if in a monogamous relationship, and would never be rimmed as he thinks as he put it.... unhygienic. As said, your comment very much resonated within myself. 

    On 1/28/2024 at 11:59 PM, Spunkinmyarse said:

    I think this has unwittingly led to the demonization of all sexual activity.

    I agree. And yes, a great shame indeed. 

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  12. As my Circadian Rhythm is well and truly fucked I have worked out I'd be much better off living in the PST region as opposed to GMT. All that said, as I am posting this just gone midnight I think it is to safe to say that I am one big night owl.... tu-whit tu-whoo

    In fact, here is Patsy Stone channeling me 😆 

    No glass slipper was lost in the writing of this comment. 

    • Haha 2
  13. A hot start. And so the stage is set! 😈 

    I hope you manage to reverse your request for account deletion. It's like when someone fun wants to leave a party and everyone (in this case myself and others here) are like....


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  14. A good friend of mine who is a bottom recently had a fuck albeit it was him doing the fucking, and by that I do not mean he was the Top, but it was he who done ALL the work. He rode the Top and had to ask if the Top had cum which he had. However there was no sign of that an orgasm was about to happen or was happening..... No heavy breathing, not a single sound from the mouth, hell, the guy apparently didn't even move a muscle. Are you alright down there? Are you even alive? Maybe he had a hard day at work and was very tired. Haha. 

  15. On 8/1/2023 at 10:43 PM, 7angel said:


    A beautiful and delicious looking cunt. I'd love to use my Dick, toys, my tongue, more toys, and my fist to make those cunt lips even more swollen and to bring that rose to full gaping bloom before the finale of a deep insemination! 👅🐷

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  16. I have stated this multiple times over the years on this site that when fucking I will always cum with my Dick impaled balls deep. This insemination of my seed is Breeding. No better sensation/act to enjoy on both superficial and primal instinct levels with the latter going way deeper, certainly for me at least.

    On a much more personal note I would for multiple reasons love to make an FTM actually pregnant, but that is another debate entirely. 

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