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Everything posted by rambo13645

  1. I know some day it will finally happen. when i'm just the right amount of drunk and just as horny and there's a nearby guy on sniffies. world is different now that we have an app like that. it used to be craigslist and you'd have a general location but now holy crap. sign in and browse and you see all your very close opportunities.
  2. Age 40 here and i think i'm really missing out. i've had a strong desire to bottom bareback for well over a decade. i suck cock once in a while and bottomed once in my early 20s but he wore a condom. at that age i was just oblivious to the risk of disease and didnt even care if he wore one or not. but he did and i feel like i missed out. Now i understand the health risks all too well and no matter how powerful the urge is to bareback it never overcomes the risk or fear of acquiring something i do not want that's now with me for life. my biggest fantasies at this point are situations where i'd actually allow it to happen. a committed top couple who convinces me they're clean on a camping trip and they bareback me all week then they invite others in to share me further. another would be a guy who insists on fucking me and suggests a condom just to get in but then rips it off or asks me if he can take it off and cum inside my hole. i know i'd have no willpower to resist in the moment so it's all about getting started. all of that said i just avoid situations where I cant trust my willpower. i spend a lot of time reading here and jerking off coming up with new fantasies. being at this for 10+ years i wonder if i'll ever stumble across the right situation or just live my entire life having never experienced what i really want to. yeah i know - PrEP.., but prep has some health side effects, trashes the kidneys among other things although i havent looked up the details in some time. i also feel like it's still not safe enough. how can i find a truely safe partner?
  3. jeeze the replies to this thread are intense. I get it though. some hard reality here i cant totally disagree with and i may have to step back from this fantasy. I need to further clarify i dont waste guys time the way the last two posts suggest. I have identified through interactions, maybe 5-10 total over the years, this consistency in myself so i just dont message people admitting what i want. of the interactions i'm eluding to which are really rubbing people the wrong way most of them have been dead end roads while traveling and for scheduling reasons didnt work out. cases like that i breathe a sign of relief. then i get the guys who message me more recently to which my first reply is "sorry i'm not looking for guys". this way i'm up front and if they do want to engage me in a fantasy chat at least ive been clear i'm not ready or willing to meet. of all the interactions mentioned maybe 5 times total i've led someone on. i've identified this behavior i cant condone in myself and have changed my practice permanently. even if i've had a few i've been successful in not messaging people and not leading them on. i guess my big takeaway at this point is, yeah, folks are right in that i should accept the risk, or accept it's not for me, and maybe abandon this fantasy. Apologies for creating turmoil here.
  4. i'm simply being careful with language because basically what i'm saying is i want to be raped. not sure how that kind of talk goes here and if the post can get taken down. and no i dont go around wasting guys time. all i meant was in the 10-15 convo's i've had in the last 10 years, that is when i actually brought myself to message someone, if i know i let that tidbit go that i want it bare i dont hook up because then he knows he's got a green flag and i'm not OK with the risk. on the other hand there have been 5-6 times where the ad was just about a blowjob and i blew the guy and that was it. there was no expectation for more and i didnt put myself out there advertising what i really wanted. sorry for the confusion because what people thought i meant i agree is not cool.
  5. How many tops will push the envelope to get in their bottom bareback? I feel like for me to get what I crave (a load) the top will have to take charge and take what he wants. I really want it to go down that way but how often does it happen? Start with a bj and he eases in, maybe with a condom just to get started then rolls it off. I feel like once the chat goes toward bareback I just won't meet since he now knows what I really want.
  6. I an 37 and have sucked about 5 cocks over the years. Sucked my first around 25 years old. I was so nervous my body trembled at times and while I sucked I wondered what I was doing and why.. I kept going mostly because I and he took the time to chat and meet and I wasn't going to disappoint him. After not too long I felt him get super hard and I knew it was coming. I increased speed and instinctively swallowed not knowing how else to keep suction on the cock. (yeah seriously..) I left thinking why did I do that and so happy to have realized that it wasn't for me and I guess I could re focus on women or something. The months and years passed and I'll never forget that sensation of him pulsing and filling my mouth. I jack off thinking about that first time 25 times a year. Since then I've sucked a few more times. Think I'm up to 5 but experience such reluctance. But when the moment grabs me and I'm out of town in a hotel several beers in I can't help but put my usual feelers out. I'm very comfortable in my desires now and not embarrassed at all. The last cock I sucked I pulled him out and sucked with zero reluctance at all. Sometimes I wonder why I can't bring myself to find a local guy to suck off regularly. Locally I just chicken out all to often. So what is it? I cant figure out my hold up and also can't understand why there's such a strong returning desire to suck that's gone with the "why did i do that" mentality after but then it's a jerk fest for months being so turned on by the fact that I finally did it again and loved it.. I'm strongly considering going to key west FL as I've been approached there before. I feel like having the opportunity right in front of me camping or at a bar I'd really have a good time and in the moment not come up with excuses.
  7. Yeah that's a good question and point. And a better question is why don't I suck more cock? It's relatively low risk. Instead I pursue my cum fetish with women and try and find ones into straight mmf so I can clean up. Once anything gay comes up and I admit how much I want to bareback and suck cock I get scared off. I mean mostly it's health concerns there. I know deep down if I found a stable committed couple with a fully bi husband I'd definitely commit to them if they were willing. But this is off topic... Rest areas... Haha
  8. How can you suck cock or get sucked anonymously? What are the steps? Far stall leave the door cracked, have heard foot tap fake flush, etc etc but what's real vs fake and how does it actually go down? A story or two couldn't hurt either here. Every time I walk into a rest stop bathroom on a road trip my heart rate increases. Sitting there in the stall I wonder how I might get approached at 2am with a hard cock to suck and get that reward. Or 2 or 3 or 4 cocks later. Truckers with 2 day loads ready to blow down my throat. I'm mostly straight but have a solid cum fetish / fantasy. While traveling I've sucked a cock or two in my hotel but it's rare I bring myself to set it up and usually just jerk off. Wonder how often it happens at rest areas in stalls. I feel like theres a pretty good chance if a random cock appeared in my face without having to think ahead, plan, and set it up id definitely suck it every time and love the cum. Locations would be cool too.
  9. first time bottom seeking honest negative top. white athletic good looking guy here for same.
  10. yeah it's tough. i'm on the ship now, we're at cozumel, Mexico and you can tell it's all couples, tourists, etc... Next time need to book more of a swinger's cruise but carnival doesn't really seem to offer that. So if you're on the Carnival victory this week post here maybe we can hook up.
  11. anyone have any general pointers on how to hook up on a cruise?? Carnival Victory 12/10/18 out of Miami FL. Not a gay cruise so i doubt anyone from here will be on there, i just booked it for R&R but then got the idea and the fantasy ran away on its own. Not that i'm actively going to seek men but I just picture myself not saying no if propositioned and i love the idea of being taken advantage of if i've had a few too many.
  12. yeah i get prep is the obvious way to reduce risk, but i see posts every once in a while that seem to indicate people's bodies are real messed up after prolonged use. is that true? I'm also worried about other stuff, mostly HepC. i was more asking culture wise. it seems barebacking with women and couples is pretty easy to reduce risk. find someone you're reasonably sure isnt lieing to you where ideally the only other partners are the two or three of you. it seems almost impossible to find that among men. is it because it's just too easy? it seems that if a person posted an ad "looking for an exclusive guy for bareback" the tops would laugh or not reply at all. and maybe they dont take you seriously about that either, as i've seen on this site, it would seem very common to always want more and now the top is at risk. Where am i going wrong here?
  13. so i'm early thirties, broke away from the whole girlfriend thing a long time ago. lotsa craigslist hookups with singles and couples, all straight. between relationships 10 yrs ago i finally gave into my fantasies, found a dude, we sucked each other, and he fucked me. with a condom... i was so young i wasnt even thinking of std's, what a mistake. he was disease free and he would have cum in me. since then i've sucked a few cocks over the years when the moment grabbed me. every 6 months or so the guy guy fantasies come a knocking again and now i'm really in a dilemma. i'm too paranoid about dishonesty and catching something serious, but i want it very badly. i've heard it put so many ways - sex in a condom is like masturbating inside another person, it's not sex. etc... etc... I agree with all of that. why even bother. so in case it isnt clear - i'd consider myself a bottom and i want to get fucked bare and cum in. i'm sure it will be every bit as good as people on here say, i'm sure it will be addictive, and i know it will be amazing. so with all of that comes fierce matching reluctance. i could see myself depriving myself of this for decades... just to 'be smart/responsible' any tips or advice out there?? any ways to live my life and reduce risk...?
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