They weren't making videos as fast as I was consuming them so I looked elsewhere. Then I learned about the entire Queen of Spades scene; women who only slept with black men. It was hot. Really hot. Eventually it was all I could get off to. After a while, I started to admire those women. Not 'admire' in the way you admire someone's beauty but in the way you wish to be them, or at least in their position. I dreamed up with elaborate ways to seduce a black man and have him dominate me. But that's all they were, fantasies. At least at first.
I had started browsing an interracial sex blog. They mostly posted porn but sometimes they would post general lifestyle stuff. I was scrolling through the blog with my cock in my left hand and the mouse in my right when I saw a post about temporary tattoos. Jack of Spades often have tattoos that subtly hint they want to have sex with a black man, I hovered over it for a minute and thought about my fantasies. "What the Hell." I thought, "Worse case scenario i throw them out."
I hit the link and the page blinked to an online store. There were the usual Queen of Spades tattoos at the top and some more extreme stuff at the bottom. I chose a black, curly spade with a white 'J' in the center. For Jack. I was about to head to the checkout when I started thinking about the stuff further down. I could feel my ass get hotter as I thought about them. Maybe... just a peek...
I was largely disappointed by what I saw, most of it seemed over the top and grotesque. Then I saw one and my heart leapt. This one, this was one. I slammed on the 'add to cart' button and went to checkout. But after I bought them I came harder than I had ever cum in my entire life.
A few business days later they arrived and I totally forgot about them. It was one of those things that's really hot when you're horny but you're immediately ashamed of when you cum. I considered throwing them away but I couldn't, it would be denying a part of myself. "Maybe I'll go out to a gay bar and wear them at a bar or something?" As soon as I thought it my stomach tightened. What if I run into somebody I know? What if the guy I meet knows someone I do? What if he knows family? No. No way I'm risking that. I couldn't keep them, But I couldn't throw them away. Then I had a stroke of genius, I'd keep them in my fag bag, that way if I'm ever out of town or got a Hotel room alone I've got them right there. I pulled my black fag bag out of my closet and slid them carefully into the small front pouch,
A few months later I got a hotel room, So I went and got a cheap motel room. My room was completely red with white sheets. It had a heart shaped jacuzzi in the room. I pulled out the Chastity Cock Cage and put it on, I changed into a jock strap and some sweats and a tee shirt and watched TV. When I got a hankering for a coke. I counted out a couple bucks in quarters and headed for the ice machine.
Standing in front of the ice machine was a man straight out of my dreams. His skin was the color of Mahogany and he looked as sturdy, dense muscles stretching beneath hairless skin. He was huge, easily 6'2" with broad shoulders and huge pecs all barely hidden under a grey hoodie and blue jeans. "Hey," he said, "You have a quarter I can borrow?" I realized I was staring and stammered out some kind of affirmative before handing him a quarter. "Thanks." He had a tattoo on his body. I smiled and walked back to my room, conscious of every step.
My heart pounded in my chest and I swallowed hard. I'd always had a reaction around tall black men but nothing like that before! Then I remembered the tattoos. I opened my door a crack and peeked out. He just entered his room; 25, right next to the ice. This was it. This was the perfect moment. I yanked the tattoos from my bag and ran to the bathroom. I put the smaller one, the Jack of Spades, right on my arm, I put the second, larger one on my right butt cheek. It needed all the room i could give it. After a few dozen times checking them in the mirror I took a deep breath and knocked on his door.
"Just a sec." He opened the door and rose an eyebrow at me. "Hi." I said, I could feel my ass getting hotter. "Hi." He responded a little sarcastically. I swallowed hard and put all my effort into not shaking. "The phone in my hotel room doesn't work and I was going to call the front desk and find out how to get on the web, Mind if I barrow yours?" He looked me up and down and shrugged, "Sure, come on in." I murmured a thank you and and walked directly to the phone and started dialing.
His room was a carbon copy of mine, down to the red walls but no. Whoever cleans this motel deserved an award. I put my hand to the receiver and turned to him, "They put me on hold."
"Makes sense," he said, "It's Saturday night. Probably a lot of people getting rooms ."
I cradled the phone in the crook of my neck, pointing my tattoo on my arm at him, and acted like I was making idle conversation. "So what's the tattoo for?"
He smiled a little, revealing perfectly straight teeth, "It's nothing much, I've just been pretty lucky in life that's all."
I nodded approvingly.
"What's yours?"
"What this?" I pointed to it, "Nothing it's too weird."
"No come on, tell me."
"No I can't. It's too weird. You'll laugh at me."
"No I'm serious!"
I smiled mischievously, "Google it."
He rolled his eyes and pulled out his iPhone. Just then the front desk answered, I said I'm in room 41 and wanted to get the code for the web, being extra sure to say the room number a few times to front desk,
"Any luck googling that?" I said as I opened the door.
"Yea just one-" He trailed off and his eyes narrowed. He read over it a few times and looked at me in disbelief.
I smiled my best,"
A few minutes after I returned to my room there was a soft knock at the door. My heart hammered in my chest as I opened it. I held the door open as he entered and said, I think I figure out the tattoo" He took off his hoodie, stretching out his chest and back as he did, "You know I think I did." As he rubbed his dick, I moved down to my knees and pulled down the waistband of his sweats. He looked surprised but he smiled. I reached in to his boxers and my heart skipped a beat. He was way bigger than I thought. I pulled it out and it was almost one and a half times as long as my dick hard. And thick. So thick I could barely wrap my hand around it. I ran my tongue all the way from the base of his shaft to his head, reveling in the taste of his cock. "Good." I said and slid his cock past my lips and all the way into my throat. I held it there for a moment, pressing it to my throat before I pulled it out again.
I gasped when I pulled it out, but he gently gripped me by my hair and put my mouth back around his cock. Slowly he startled fucking my throat until his balls were hitting my chin. I gagged but let him fuck me. I wanted to please him. Finally he pulled out and rested his gigantic saliva-covered cock on my face.
"You like that don't you ?" He asked again. ?
I was still gasping around his meat, so I just nodded and caught my breath. He grinned and forced his cock back into my mouth, fucking my throat all over again. He pounded and pounded until his cock started to twitch and his balls sucked into him. I closed my eyes and waited for the salty taste of black cum.
But he yanked himself out of my throat and grabbed my scalp with his left hand. I closed my eyes just in time to feel loads of warm cum splash onto my eyes, nose, lips and open mouth. He squirted over and over until my entire face was caked with his Black Seed. I felt him shake off his last few drops onto my outstretched tongue.
My cock was so hard and pressing against the cock cage, as I swallowed the load in my mouth and then set about sweeping the cum off my face and into my mouth, gratefully swallowing every drop. When I opened my eyes he was still hard and I instinctively stretched my tongue toward his cock.
"Nope." He said, lifting me to my feet. "That was just a warmup."
I took off my shirt and climbed onto the bed. I immediately felt his hands on my waste band and he yanked down my sweats in a frenzy. He smiled when he saw my cock cage, And said you are going to be my slave, Once my pale ass was exposed he stopped, and chuckled at the black ink on my right cheek. The second tattoo read, "Black Cock Only"
I felt his massive head force its way into me. It hurt, a lot.
I couldn't handle it.
I begged, pleaded him to stop but he just pressed harder and deeper. When I started to squirm away he held me down. I didn't just feel the pain in my ass, it jolted over my legs and through my very spine as though I was being split in half. I grunted in pain and his massive black hand covered my mouth and he took my ass by force. My tears mingled with the cum glaze he left and flowed over his thick fingers as he made my ass his. Not tears of terror, tears of pain and pleasure.
He released his grip on me when he realized I was backing my ass into his cock. He said, This ass is mine now, Eventually the pleasure weighed out the pain and I couldn't keep myself from moaning. Long, deep animal noises in a voice that was not my own.
His cock slammed into my bowels in long, deep strokes until I could feel his massive balls slapping mine, dwarfing them.
Suddenly he grabbed my hips and pulled my ass toward him. I could feel his Big Black Cock pulsating inside me, sending waves of pleasure ripping through me. He was cumming in my ass. Marking it as his own. I could feel his load filling me, and I came with him.
He withdrew his massive BBC and his sperm leaked out of my ass and over my balls and already-limp cock. He smiled and rested his cum-covered meat in between my ass-cheeks, knowing I wouldn't -or couldn't- resist.
"This," He squeezed my ass like it was a new toy. "This is mine now." I own this now"
Unable to speak, gasping into the pillow, I merely looked back at him and nodded.
I rented the room all weekend, I stayed in all weekend, And he owned my ass for the weekend
That started a reg thing for me renting a room, And taking care of Black Men !