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Posts posted by GoodAngel

  1. 2 minutes ago, nutlover said:


    I can confidently say that every single one of GoogAngel's replies on this thread has been either cringey, unfocused, poorly argued, and very worthy of a downvote. But Mr FreedomOfSpeech has also determined within about 5 minutes that every single one of my posts from my entire time on BZ is downvote-worthy...

    Weren't you just flaunting your record breaking downvotes? 


    Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at 3.19.06 PM.png

    Aren’t we allowed to down vote ? 

    • Downvote 1
  2. 3 hours ago, hornycumslut91 said:

    Where do I start? I certainly understand your viewpoint that HIV can be deadly, and you should be healthy, but people have the right to do as they with with their bodies, so long as they are not harming anyone, or in this instance, not harming anyone without their consent. 

    Do I endorse bug chasing, no. If I was neg, I would want to stay neg. Having said that though, becoming poz has actually made me realise how short and fleeting it is. And now since I'm poz I do want to have fun, and I want to feel a guy cum in me. You know what else I learned about, PrEP. I mean it doesn't stop other STI's, but it helps to reduce the chance of catching HIV. 

    Believe me, I wish they wouldn't chase HIV, but it's their choice, and if they willingly let it happen, I won't fuss about it.

    I thought i was clear with my intentions in my post. Cant keep both the part happy. Someone gonna dislike it regardless. 

    • Downvote 1
  3. 1 hour ago, 6811283 said:

    What a load of crap. HIV has been disproportionately affecting gay men since day 1 -- it's hardly something new, and it's certainly not due to bugchasing.

    Bugchasers are a very small community -- and gifters are incredibly rare, as anyone who reads the desperate posts of chasers here knows. This minority fetish plays an utterly insignificant role in the epidemic.

    The vast majority of new HIV cases are caused by people who are poz but don't know their status. HIV is at its most infectious in the first few weeks, when an antibody test would show up negative. Idiots who identify as "clean," don't get tested often enough, reject anyone who is honest about being poz/undetectable, and bareback with other "clean" guys -- that's who you need to be lecturing (but please don't).

    Yes, stealthing is unethical. We all know that. And we did even before you popped in with your missionary zeal to inform us.

    Where else do you stick your nose in uninvited to give sermons? What are you doing to help feed the hungry, house the homeless, and make peace in the world, like Jesus taught? Those kinds of moral messages are far more needed than lecturing others about their sex lives. But somehow busybodies like you are only concerned with what other people do with their private parts.

    You are clearly motivated by some inner turmoil of your own, not by concern for other people's well-being. Look in the mirror.

    I said TEAM work in my original post,Until HIV can be contained back to normal. You cannot let a wildfire take it course until it destroy until it takes over you nor advised anyone to be in its path. You try to approach it from a safe distance and contian it. I can belong my nose where ever  i want to lol now move along happy posting! Too many downvotes, did i break the record ? Lol

    • Downvote 1
  4. 1 hour ago, azguy said:

    You might want to reconsider your approach on things herp derp. I don’t agree with everything on this website nor many others. But your stained glass windows are just as shitstained as everyone else’s. :blink: So go judge yourself and leave others alone and stop hiding behind a computnmonitor to act superior. Life’s too short to be so fucking judgey. 

    Look who is judging who... lol i assume everyone is behind a monitor to be on this site. Not so smart. Lol not acting or trying to be superior. I said what I have to say. If your mind cant handle a simple post of mine, what can i do...& congrats on your negative status! 

    • Downvote 3
  5. 38 minutes ago, Memphian said:

    Yeah, this is not going to end well for the OP.  I actually understand the point he is trying to make but no one on here is going to go, "Hmm, I've never thought about it like that, let me rethink my opinions."  I'm relatively new myself and I'm not familiar with him but if what people say about other posts is true, sounds like he's very conflicted about his thoughts, which is perfectly natural.

    I'm just not going to pile on because that's equally counterproductive.  

    No one is being conclicted here. Not me. I am pretty confident about my life choices. And I don’t need anyone’s support here to cheer up my opinion. You do as you wish. If you chose a painful path its not my business but if you gonna take a innocent being with you on this path i have a problem. And it is exactly what i see from reading other posts, How guys willingly stealth other guys. 

    If someone is willing to chase something which is detrimental to him, then something is obviously wrong lol. Just like there is suicide hot lines to cope up with. I guess there should be one for bug chasers. They both go hand in hand. do not attempt to do something stupid willingly until you talk to a professional. 

    There is nothing conflicting about my post. I know my life choices very well. And this post was meant to put some sense out their. If you feel salty after reading it then you can move on with your life choices. 

    • Downvote 3
  6. 3 minutes ago, ConversionPiglet said:

    I agree with freedom of speech and such and YES sir I do care about my health (thanks for asking).  What I find disturbing is that you have been on this site for almost two months now, have followed numerous people on here and liked posts about "stopping prep" and now suddenly you seem have been overtaken by the need to save those on this site from themselves. 

    Please take my advise, worry and take care of yourself.  I am an adult and financially, physically, emotional and spiritually well-kept; I don't need some two-bit short-term self-righteous person that I will never met run or work my life.  Thanks but at 46 years old, I think I am doing a good enough job doing it myself.   

    Have a great and blessed Easter sir.

    “Worry and take care of myself” ? So should i not say when i feel something is going wrong ? I am entitled to my opinion as you are, and if this post bothers you so much then you can ignore it. I can say the same thing to you to mind your business. This a public forum and people can decide themselves on what to read. 

    Secondly, i upvoted previous comments that were fair regarding HIV. I did not upvote something which was unethical. And what does being 2 months on the forum has to do anything. I decided to post now after going through the posts. 

    I have triggered so many emotions! Lol i can be entitiled to post my opinion on here. I am not forcing anyone to follow what i say. Truth may hurt sometimes. Its k if you dislike my post. Have a good day! Its your life, you chose what you do end of the day but i can only give you my opinion. Take it or leave it. 


    • Downvote 3
  7. 17 minutes ago, ConversionPiglet said:

    I agree that one shouldn't promote or encourage someone to do something morally or legally wrong here or anywhere else; I have to wonder why are you still here then?  You posted in a different thread (delete my account thread) that you were logging off and asked the owner of the website to delete your account (something that was well documented that can't nor won't be done).  So why are you still here; do you wish to "stir" the pot or seeking something within yourself but still not mentally willing to accept that part of your desires?

    Freedom of speech ? Is raising awareness a issue for you ? You might not care about your health like i said. But others might find some sense in it. 

    • Downvote 4
  8. I understand people have every right to say or do whatever with their own bodies. 

    On this website i was amazed to read posts from other users about their experiences and other content which is posted on here. Though everyone has a right to speak what they want. But there should be a fine line between whats right and what is wrong. 

    HIV should not be taken lightly and after all it is still a disease which can be deadly. Your health is a gift to you and it is up to us to take care of it. I don’t care if you do not care about your personal health. But it is morally not correct to stealth someone with HIV or whatever it is you have, drugs etc. Reading the posts on here from other users has surprised me and makes me scared to go out with anyone at this point. HIV was not a gay disease but it has become one with all these views on bug chasing. Though in this day and age a person can live longer than expected but it is still a inconvenience and takes a huge toll on your wallet and health. Why cant we all as community try to eliminate it rather promoting it. I understand barebacked sex is a personal choice but bareback sex can be enjoyed without the spread of HIV. 

    I have read so many posts on here and it is pretty awful to chase after HIV in my opinion. Think about the long term, not about just one night stand which will change your life forever. Own your own health! Other users promoting the idea of “bug chasing” is just morally incorrect. Everyone should be warned about the consequences of it.

    i am pretty sure not everyone will agree with me, so it is my opinion on this subject and i feel like everyone should have a say in this matter. 







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