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Posts posted by Mightymouse83

  1. On 11/21/2020 at 2:54 PM, BootmanLA said:

    First off, you need to learn how to quote on here. Putting YOUR words in the section showing that *I* said them is fucking rude, asshole.

    Second off, I shouldn't be surprised, because apparently your idea of "masculine" is "maximum asshole". Why you think it's "feminine" (or whatever) to be polite to someone, I can't imagine, but since you prefer people to be rude if they're men, I'll oblige. Go fuck yourself with a farm implement, preferably a spiked and rusty one.

    As for masculinity, I think it's precious that you're so bent out of shape about being labeled with the clearly and highly accurate term "racist" as though your little fee-fees are all butthurt but you want to play the big butch man barking at others. Precious little fucking snowflake.

    I got confused with the quoting thing lol fuck a guy can’t make a mistake round here lol 

  2. 6 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    OK, Mr. "fairly attractive" (whatever THAT is supposed to mean): I'll offer one more free hint. When someone comes back with "but why", all you're required to do is say "I'm just not interested, but thank you." And if they persist, block them, because at that point, they're being rude.

    But being preemptively rude in the first place with your shitty 'no blacks' public statement just shows you're an asshole - which, you might note, seems to be the common theme in the responses here. People are people, whatever the race, and deserve to be treated with at least a minimum of respect until they prove they're not entitled to more. Doing as you do not only disrespects a huge portion of the people who look at your profile, but deprive you of any claim to the high


    I'm just not interested, but thank you." Lol we’re men. Not the ladies in Oprah’s audience. I feel like guys like you might have a little bit more estrogen going on inside of ya bro like fr fr. When was the last time you had your free testosterone checked? If I feel like responding I don’t say “no thank you” I say “back tf off”  

  3. 3 hours ago, blackrobe said:

    I think you've proved your hypothesis wrong based on your choice of comparison. Being called a Nazi has not lost it's punch even today, and even though the majority population of a nation were members of the Nazi Party it was never diluted. There are however, important differences to be called out. 

    A person can perform an act that is racist and a person can be a racist. Within that world there is also conscious and unconscious racism (bias). It is possible to exhibit unconscious racism while consciously believing you are not racist. People born in the US have been born and raised into a racist system that is an artifact of it's history, it's politics, and it's culture. The same is true of many colonized countries, starting with the indigenous people, and extending to people kidnapped, sold, and transported as slaves. People living in the US are aware of the systemic racism to wildly varying degrees.

    I wasn't born in the US, but I was born into a country with it's own racism. And I've lived here long enough and learned enough history to see and sense the racism here. There is unconscious bias you soak up without even knowing it's happening. 

    If you've never been attracted to a person of color, if you've never had sex with a person of color, and those people of color are part of your community, that requires some careful self-examination. I understand the concept of sexual selection, but even it doesn't provide an out or an explanation for why an individual might rule out an entire racial group (or groups) as sexual partners. Clearly it doesn't as we see interracial relationships all around us.


    I see what you’re saying - I hear you. But I don’t want to exterminate an entire race. I don’t want to ignore them or devalue them. I just am not sexually aroused by blk guys-fat guys-fem guys. I really am not sexually aroused by chubby guys (I literally want to puke if a chubby guy sends me nudes and I’m not even exaggerating). I’m not going to apologize or feel bad for how my dick operates. Now if a chubby, fem blk guy hits me up then I might go into cardiac fucking arrest lol 

  4. 17 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    It takes about four seconds to tell people that you don't reply to people without pictures. But you don't really care if they have a picture or not - as long as they're not black, right?

    The idea that you think it's "polite" to put "not into blk, chubby or fem guys" in a profile tells me you really don't grasp the meanings of simple words, like "polite", so I suppose it shouldn't be surprising to see you also don't understand what "racism" means, or that you're showing it.

    The only upside to posting something like that is that for people like me, who have a  "not into assholes" preference, it's a nice big red flag waving that says "Stay away".

    Here's the thing: Nobody's saying you need to sleep with black guys. You're free, naturally, to have sex with anyone willing, and to avoid having sex with anyone you don't want to. But dismissing entire classes of people on the basis of race is the very essence of racism, and if you're too fucking lazy to type "Thank you, but no thank you" to black men who hit on you, then you're not only racist but lazy and probably a shitty fuck on top of it all. 

    Ok lots of assumptions you got going on here but w/e lol. I’m not a shallow guy but I am fairly attractive and I’ve done the whole “thank you but no thank you” before and it’s followed up with “but why” and then blah blah blah. Like stfu and move on already. I DONT HAVE TIME. I DONT CARE TO WASTE MY TIME. And you can try to make me feel shitty and say I’m bad in bed (yip lol) but at the end of the day I’m going by MY experiences and my fucking truths. So go fuck your self bro (since you must be so much better than me at it lol) 

  5. 17 hours ago, BlackDude said:

    Not necessary responding to this quote, but using it as a springboard.

    I just think it’s funny how when the topic of racism in the gay community comes up, a lot folks always run to sex so the can hide their racism under the cloak of preference. They never talk about the crappy way they treat black people in a professional environment (see the lawsuit against the city of SF), social environment, or even how they react to friends who may have black friends. Many of you say “preference,” yet have zero black friends, won’t hire/promote any Black people, hate your black neighbors, or treat your black customers/clients differently. I really don’t care if you have sex with me or not (their are thousands of dudes out there), but when I walk into your business, don’t tell me something is double the price you told the white guy.

    Yea I agree, THAT is coming from a place of hate. I don’t feel like listing all the ways I’m not racist because nobody really gives a fuck imo. Having a sexual preference is one thing - being outright hateful is another. 

  6. On 8/6/2020 at 8:41 PM, drscorpio said:

    A lot of it comes down to not being an asshole. You don't have to be rude about your preferences, but you also don't owe anyone an explanation for why you aren't into them. 

    Putting "no blacks, no asians" in your profile because you can't be bothered to say "no, thank you" to people who don't do it for you seems like being an asshole to me. Repeatedly asking "but why won't you give me a shot?" is definitely being an asshole. 

    I hate dating apps because far too many times you start a great convo with a guy and then they just fizzle away. It’s a waste of my time tbh. When I’m on such apps I don’t have time to say fucking ‘no thank you’ to every blk guy who Hits me up because most, in my experience, don’t even have a pic up. So I waste time clicking on their profile and then scrolling to their race and realizing it’s not a race I’m sexually attracted to. And yea maybe to some that might seem racist but my dick does not get hard. The same if it’s a chubby person or a fem guy. So, in being respectful of my time and theirs, I politely put on my profile, “not into blk, chubby or fem guys”. Firstly, I’m amazed at how many guys don’t even fucking read a profile and secondly, I’m amazed at how many times I’m called a racist or bigot. Seriously bro? I’m not saying anything hurtful or disrespectful- I’m basically indicating my sexual preference. So fuck all the sensitive, politically correct cry babies lol 

  7. On 8/6/2020 at 8:41 PM, drscorpio said:

    A lot of it comes down to not being an asshole. You don't have to be rude about your preferences, but you also don't owe anyone an explanation for why you aren't into them. 

    Putting "no blacks, no asians" in your profile because you can't be bothered to say "no, thank you" to people who don't do it for you seems like being an asshole to me. Repeatedly asking "but why won't you give me a shot?" is definitely being an asshole. 


  8. Have you had GI issues like before? That mucus thing is very common in patients with diverticulosis. Have you ever smelled it? If it smells a bit fishy then I’d say you might have this problem which is very common. Do you actually enjoy the sensation of anal sex? Because from all what you’re saying it sounds like you might be very uncomfortable during sex (with the bleeding and possible feelings that you have to shit). Try this, after you’ve done a deep cleaning, eat something. It’ll get the bowels moving again and expel any residual waster/mucus. Then you should be good for a couple hours.  

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