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Posts posted by keith55

  1. Desire the gift from a poz top unmedicated and very willing to breed me poz.

     I am up for being the whore who will be bred by many guys because the more experienced the top poz guy is the more experienced that I will be because I am sleeping with all his sexual partners.⚧🏳️‍🌈

    By sleeping with one guy I can effectively be a whore by sleeping with all his previous sexual encounters .

    Absolutely a perfect whore and a quick way to fuck loads of men at one time.

    A genuine desire to be poz converted will be mine.


  2. You have not addressed my serious concerns about my personal safety which has been jeopardised by you publishing my data on the World Wide Web.

    Your terms and conditions state that this website has public discussion forums and my understanding is that what I post is visible to other registered users within the context of the website.

    Nobody reads all the terms and conditions of a website before registering. I personally think you have taken advantage of this fact. It should be made perfectly clear what your intentions are for publishing on the World Wide Web when registering. Instead it is ‘hidden’ away in your Terms and Conditions.

    Your policy of publishing user data on the world wide web exceeds and jeopardises the privacy and safety of each and every registered member of your website.

    Not everyone in the world is as tolerant and  understanding with barebacking or bugchasing as users of this website.

    I seriously think you are undermining the so called ‘ bareback community’ that you purport to support.

    By the use of search engines I do not see any of my data from other adult sites published on the World Wide Web.

    To suggest it is common practice for a registered user of a website to have their data from the website published on the World Wide Web is incorrect.



    • Downvote 5
  3. I am very concerned and now I fear for my personal safety after you have publicly displayed my data on the World Wide Web.

    You have seriously and adversely affected my life and the attitude and interaction of of friends and others in my community towards me.

    I never gave you my consent to do this and according to your Terms and Conditions, under Your Warranties, you detail how my data is filed into a database in which you can use and seemingly distribute as you see fit.

    This is a breach of the data protection act.

    Despite what your Terms and Conditions are, you do not own my data and you are certainly not safeguarding my data in line with the data protection act and privacy laws.

    I query if this publishing and distribution of user data on the World Wide Web is a design fault of the site which is being exploited by you or you have always intended to so called ‘out’ the users of this site without their express consent.

    Keith Campbell 

  4. Hello.I am confident of my experience of this website and sure,I have not so sure moments,but I firmly believe that,the best path is to 'wash your dirty washing in public'.Nobody can surprise you then.   I have  four accounts registered here. I cannot delete the memory,so why agitate myself.Life is too short.  My Question is this:How can I amalgamate the four profiles into one,so that by changing the account profile name,I subsequently changed all four?  Maybe the I.P.S. of each could physically locate them me etc as I have not used Tor Browser or the equivalent, to hide myself.

      Thanks again.Keith.x

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