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Everything posted by Mike81sd

  1. Whats your W //?
  2. Anyone around wanna chat? - w: dotmatrixsd
  3. looking to chat with like-minded and such on //. My W is: dotmatrixsd
  4. Anyone wanna chat 😉 on wiccker //? my screen name is: dotmatrixsd
  5. you have wick //? message me on it if you want - my user name is: dotmatrixsd

    1. CumslutSD


      I don’t have [deleted] sir. Telegram or something else l? 

  6. Heya. Feel free to hmu on wick. My SN is: dotmatrixsd
  7. Hey guys, anyone wanna chat? dotmatrixsd on W pretty open, hmu
  8. Hi guys, I updated my wiiker to: mikeinsd hmu if into taboos My other wiiker got lost 😕
  9. looking for other pervs in SD, hmu. 😉 Into younger guys, incest, cheating and cumming in peoples food/drink. wickr: mike81sd
  10. Anyone in SD wanna perv? chill? hmu wickr: mike81sd
  11. Looking to perv/taboo on wickr: mike81sd - into younger, incest, cheating and cumming in people's food and drinks. Hmu. Anyone in SD?
  12. Cool sorry late at replying, did you have wickr or anything else? ;)
  13. Awesome just let me know. You have wickr we can talk? Or something else?
  14. Following up, any guys wanna perv in SD? wickr: mike81sd Taboo?
  15. nice hmu on wickr: mike81sd
  16. Looking for other perv's in san diego, dads with sons that I can join, hmu... taboos?
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