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Everything posted by deepnrawnyc

  1. Great story telling. I can't wait for the sequel!
  2. Yes, the Gay Cable Network
  3. Dude I didn't say anything about the accuracy of what's been being said. I just said you all seem to keep forgetting there has been no conviction yet. Someone should stand up for Austin as you 'grandstanders' keep crucifying him. If you don't like my post, don't read it.
  4. Let's not start a pissing match buddy. You're trying to sound all smart and knowledgable and you're coming off like a big dork. Again, no one asked you directly to explain anything to them or answer any question . It's fine that you're trying to be helpful but I'm tired of you acting like Austin is a convicted criminal. And I quote "I'm not suggesting Wolf will get life, or even, say, 40 or more years. But I'd be shocked if he got less than ten to fifteen years, and I would not be shocked if he got at least 20."
  5. I'm sorry but I find your 'lawyer' bit getting old, also kind of annoying and tedious. Austin hasn't been convicted of anything yet so all your babbliing is just speculation at this point. Maybe you're watching too many "Law and Order" episodes.
  6. I'm sorry enough dumping on Austin already!! I don't know him and frankly never heard of him before the BZ post that started this thread but after listening to all you guys I have come to feel sorry for him. I totally disagree that he will get a stiff sentence. As a first time offender, with the jails already over crowded, and he has a clean record up until now, I think they will plea bargain and give him a deal. Now don't get me wrong, I think kiddie porn and raping children is wrong and there is no real justice for the scarring that child will have for life. However, I do believe someone is innocent until proven guilty, there are two sides to every story and we haven't heard what Austin has to say for himself. You guys are acting like judge, jury and executioner. If it was reverse, how would you feel about people judging you like this? You're all acting like it's an open and shut case. Look at the crimes your future President is getting away with, he's raping democracy and the criminal justice system over and over again and not serving any jail time. Now excuse me while I go watch Austin's videos and fantasize about him fucking me which I hope happens one day.
  7. Welcome Back! First and most importantly hope you are doing okay, losing someone is never easy. My sincerest condolences. Next, wow another blockbuster chapter to this great story. You are one of the best writers on here and my dick seems to like your work a lot too! lol Can't wait for more!
  8. Totally agree! The problem with regular NY traffic is their attitude. All they are interested in is an 18 year old pumped up Adonis with a 10 inch cock. Otherwise it's just judgment city with these NYers, who's too old, who's too short who's too fat, who's dick is too small or too big, who's too hairy, the list just goes on and on and they are more interested in passing commenting and complaining than having hot sex. I'll probably catch some flack for my opinion but those NYC guys know it's the truth.
  9. Guys, I need your help. Can you tell me why you think it is that I'm fearful to go crazy and get fucked by everyone when I'm in a ABS. I have been there when I've been spun quite out of my mind. I have no problem getting naked in a booth and if I go with a top friend I have no problem letting him fuck me and people watching. I've had std's before and taken medicine and been fine. it's just when I'm there by myself I want to but I won't let myself just give in and have a blast. I wish I could conquer this fear. I really feel like I'm missing out on a fun time and I live to get loads. Never can get fucked enough! Thanks for any help! For any tops in NYC please reach out.
  10. I thought (could be wrong) they separated the gays from the general population in prison.
  11. Scanbu, you are a most excellent storyteller and gifted writer. Thank you for the major hard-on this story gave me with every new chapter. I can't wait to read your next work of art.
  12. I feel like I got stuck in that traffic jam!! I need to know what happens next!! Hope the next chapter comes out soon.
  13. What city is this bookstore in? I want to go!
  14. Can't wait to see how Martin finds out his virus wasn't the one to gift the boys! Please post next chapter soon! Just love this story, one of the best on BZ
  15. Another Chapter and I pumped out another load! Fucking hot story. Whatever you decide to do with these characters is fine by me. Might iike to see Jared seduced by the twins and Tex unbeknownst to Nick......
  16. Love this story!! Uncle Martin needs a real, real, real BAD punishment. Just freeing Paul isn't enough!
  17. Such a great story! Keep writing please......
  18. Can't wait for the next part!! Great story!!
  19. The back seat of a NYC taxi.....the driver just looked in his rear view mirror and didn't say a word
  20. Where is the Fair Theater?
  21. Hi...I will be in NYC midtown hotel Friday and Sat if you're looking for a real pig btm. Love, public, role-play and get never get enough cum! Let me know...
  22. Yippee! This is great news. Can't wait to cum again!
  23. Staying in Midtown NYC Hotel 1/10-1/12......looking for top breeders to use and fill my hungry hole
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  24. Scorpio writes the best stories ! I shot 2 loads while reading this. More stories please!
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