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Posts posted by bttm4uncut

  1. I lucked out and found a great "rapist" during the CL days. He was about a 2hr drive and was looking to explore this idea. Over the course of the last few years we have done over a dozen rape plays. Our first time we chose a simple unlocked door, sleeping victim. I drove down and got a cheap room. Cracked the door and had  few drinks and then txt him the room number. He told me to wash up, drink, and go to bed. I had worked a 10hr shift that day so I passed out pretty quick with the tv on. I don't know how long it was but I felt him get on the bed. I started to get up, and that when he pulled my shirt over my face and pushed onto the bed. Before I was even awake he had flex cuffs on my wrists and pinned me down. Next he forced my legs apart, ripped down my boxers and lined up his cock to my hole. I started to fight so it was a little high when he shoved it in. I yelped and tried to wiggle away. The pain was way more than I thought. He thrust about 8-10 times and blew his load. As soon as he was done he pulled out, cut one wrist free and was out the door before I knew it. I laid there in pain for a good 10min trying to figure out what happened, why I did it, and why I was so turned on. The next morning I inspected the aftermath in the mirror. Some blood and cum but no real damage. I was shocked to find the cum because he wanted to use a rubber. I found out way later that he had put one on but it broke because we didnt use lube.


    2 days later I get an email full of questions as to how I felt afterwards. I was shocked at how much the rape shocked me. I was anally sore for a solid week, but I loved it. I hated the rape while it was in progress but I loved it after. Its gotten eaiser, but more brutal since

    • Upvote 2
  2. Hello Kinky Guys!



    I know this is my first post, ,but I have been reading the forum for a few days and love it. I found BBRT while trying to research my question. This is an awesome site with a ton of great info. So this is not a "wank fodder" question, but hell I even enjoy those. 


    So here is a little background. I will try not to get too long winded. I am a sub bottom that just learned a few years ago what I am. I have been into ass play since I was in my teens, but thought it was wrong. I finally found a group of great guys that helped me start my exploration. There are 7-10 of us that meet often on the weekends to play poker, and sometimes have more fun. It is with one of these guys that I got into huge toys and fisting. Out of this whole group, I am the only "sub" bottom. Most are verse with a few tops. Anyway.... the one guy that hosts and provides a good amount of the food and drinks for the group is having is 40th soon. A few weeks ago we were all talking about our bucket lists and he mentioned he wanted to fuck a bottom in chastity after he had taken many loads. He had had a few drinks, but it seemed like what really got him off was his cock pushing all the other loads out and breeding his poz load in. I am not a poz chaser and  I am on meds so I didnt think much of it. 


    The next day I was asked by one of our group if I would be willing to make it happen. I really like this guy but until now I have been kinda picky bout who I play with. He isnt my type, but I am turning into just a take any cock bottom, so I agreed I would think on it. A few of us met last night and they told me the idea of what they want to do. We all kind of agreed that his real fantasy is to see the locked up bottom pumped full of anon loads and then take him home and breed him on his own. What I agreed to do was be locked in chastity(which I already bought, and was wanting to try) then let anon guys breed me for an afternoon and evening, and then go home with the bday boy and pretty much let him do what he wants. 


    So all that to get to my question. I know a big part of his fantasy is loads being pushed out as he fucks. I am pretty open as I like big toys, but I am told he has a pretty big cock. I am not really worried about the gangbang, but I really want to make it work for him.. I am worried about how many loads it will take so that he can "fuck" them out. How can I keep the cum in on the 10min Uber back to his place. We all think that 20 guys is pretty realistic as a group. I am guessing about 25 loads? Another idea is that we either have more guys come early, or we save cum and I can "load up" when I get to his place.


    Any ideas? I know its a hard thing to answer. I just want to be sure when his cock goes in, plenty of cum is forced out. Should I use some huge toys before to make sure the cum has room to push out? 


    Thanks for reading



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