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Posts posted by infoseekeruk

  1. 10 hours ago, nymidtowneast said:

    Hi guys here's a new story for you. It starts out slow but don't worry the good stuffs cuming. 

    Chapter 1

    I woke up as usual and began my day not realizing how much my life was about to change. Let me bring you up to speed before I get to the good stuff. My name's Zac, I married my high school sweetheart and we've been married for about 20 years now. We married young but I think we were in love, once. We were now more like roommates that only see each other in passing. I honestly can't remember the last time we had sex but I know it's been years. She snores like crazy so I started sleeping in the basement about 10 years ago. That's become my domain and she's taken over the first floor.

    I made my way to the kitchen to grab some coffee and noticed a large envelope with my name on it laying on the counter. I opened it and took out a stack of documents with a note attached.

    'Zac, I'm sure you won't find this a surprise but I've met someone who makes me happy. So, as my birthday gift to you I'm setting you free so you can become who you were meant to be. This should be relatively easy as we don't have kids. All I want is the house. You can take our joint bank account and any of our belongings from the house. I know this is short notice but I'm hoping you can be out by the end of the week, when I get back from my business trip.


    Wow, okay I didn't see that coming, guess I shouldn't have been all that surprised but what the hell did she mean by so I can become who I was meant to be? Seriously what the fuck! I set the note aside and saw the attached document was divorce papers. Looks like she'd been busy.

    I set the papers down, grabbed my coffee and headed out to work. I really wasn't sure what I was feeling; relief maybe? 

    Traffic was a bitch so by the time I made it to the office I was already late. As I walked into my department I noticed that no one was around; however, as I rounded the corner to my office I saw everyone was in the conference room. Okay this didn't bode well. I tried to sneak in without causing any unwanted attention to myself.

    "Zac, nice of you to join us," my bosses boss said. Damn I really hated that asshole. "As I was saying before Zac so rudely interrupted us, our company has been bought. This has been in the works for awhile so they already have a plan in place for this department. As you can imagine both companies have this same department so it safe to say most of you won't be here tomorrow." See what I mean, asshole. "We were going to do this one on one but I have meetings with the new owners all day so I'm doing this in one shot. Mike and Sandy you two are staying so please come with me. The rest of you are fired, I mean laid off. Your boss here will give you your separation packages." With that he grabbed Mike and Sandy, who both looked as shell shocked as the rest of us and left the room. It was at this point I noticed our HR rep standing next to my boss and damn she looked pissed.

    "Yeah, I'm sorry guys," she said, "that was not how that was supposed to go down. That fucker, sorry, seeing as I'm laid off too once the transition is through I feel no reason to censor myself. Unfortunately, what he said is correct. I know you have questions and we'll try to answer them the best we can." For the next several hours they meet with each of us and answered all of our questions.

    Well, this was turning out to be a birthday for the record books. Oh yeah if you hadn't picked up on it yet today was my 40th birthday. After I was done with my boss and HR I grabbed my few personal items from my office and headed back home. I was feeling numb inside. When I got home I grabbed the divorce papers and went down to my room. I read them three times just to make sure I didn't miss anything. Everything seemed pretty straight forward. I walked around the empty house and realized there wasn't anything here I really wanted to take with me. Don't get me wrong, my first reaction was to clear the house out and leave her nothing but let's get real I didn't have the energy nor did I really care at this point. I went back downstairs packed up all my clothes and the few items that were mine. In the end my life packed up into two suitcases and two small moving boxes. Damn when had my life become so pathetic. I loaded up my car, left the signed divorce papers on the kitchen table and locked up the house for the final time. 

    I was still in a daze as I drove over to the closest hotel a few miles away. I suppose I could've stayed at the house until the end of the week but something inside told me why wait, time to move on. 

    I actually slept pretty good all things considered which honestly, had me a little freaked out. I mean why wasn't I in full panic mode. I was homeless and unemployed I should be a wreck. As I lay in bed I grabbed my phone. Damn 3 missed calls and 8 texts. I scrolled through the text messages, mostly a group text chain from coworkers checking on each other. The last text was from my brother. 'Hey Zac, it's your brother Matt. I left you a few voicemails, please call me back.' Okay that was odd, I had no idea how he got my number. My brother is 10 years older than me. I think the last time I saw him I was still a kid. Our folks ran him off when they found him kissing some guy. They didn't approve of his "life style" and didn't want him around me while I was growing up so I really didn't have a relationship with him. I'd received the occasional cards from him over the years but since I was so young when he left I didn't really even know him. I listened to the first message. 

    "Hi Zac, it's your brother Matt. Long time no talk. Yeah that's pretty lame sorry. I know you're probably shocked to hear from me and wondering how I even got your number. Jenny, from your work is an old friend of mine. She called me to let me know what happened so I just wanted to reach out and see how you were doing. She said you were kind of in a daze so she was worried about you. I know we don't really know each other but I just wanted to let you know I'm here if you need anything. Hope to talk to you soon." The next message was left seconds after the first. "Oh fuck, I almost forgot. Happy birthday little brother." And then about 5 minutes after that one, "yeah okay I promise this is the last one. I know it's been forever but I'd really love to get to know you again. Please call me when you have a second."

    Okay wow. I hadn't even thought about Matt in years. I wasn't ready to talk on the phone with him but the least I could do was acknowledge that he'd reached out. 'Hi Matt. Nice to hear from you. I'm doing fine, just processing everything and trying to figure out my next move. We'll talk soon.'

    A few minutes later I received a response. 'Damn, thanks for texting back. You should come visit for a few days. Take your mind off everything.'

    I wasn't sure what to say next so I got up and jumped in the shower. When I got out there was another text waiting for me. 'Sorry that was probably too much. Didn't mean to scare you off. But you're definitely welcome we'd love to see you.'

    'No you didn't scare me off.' Seconds later my phone rang and it was him. Damnit! I really didn't want to get into this with anyone. Especially my long lost brother.

    "Hey, Matt. I'm fine really, I'm just not ready to talk about things."

    "Zac please don't hang up. I know this is weird and out of the blue, but I've been thinking a lot about you over the past couple of months. I suddenly burst out laughing. 

    "Umm Zac?" I could hear my brother trying to get through my laughter. "You okay there buddy?"

    I tried to calm the laughter. "Oh god I'm sorry it's just that the absurdity of the last 24 hours just hit me. I'm unemployed, homeless, and talking to my brother whom I haven't spoken to in God knows how long." I heard him start to snicker.

    "Wait, what do you mean homeless?"

    "My wife's birthday present to me was divorce papers."

    "What the fuck!"

    Now I really lost it and started laughing even harder. "It's okay really," I managed to get out once I got control of myself.

    "That settles it. You have nothing keeping you there so come stay with us for as long as you need."

    "Us?" I asked.

    "Me and my husband."

    "Oh wow that's great. I didn't know." The call got really awkward then. Not that I had a problem with my brother being gay. I didn't, it was more like I didn't really know him at all.

    "Okay this is ridiculous," he said. "Where are staying right now."

    "I'm, uh, in a hotel."

    "So this is what you're going to do. Go check out and get your ass to my place. We're only about 3 hours away. I'll send you the address as soon were done here." I started to argue but he cut me off. "Nope not hearing it. We're family, and it's time I started acting like your big brother. I'll see you this afternoon."

    I took a deep breath. "Thanks. I'll text you when I'm close."

    I had no idea the positive direction my life was about to take...

    Loved your first chapter can not wait for the next. Please don't make us wait long. again great start

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