Hi, I love this topic and have thought about doing it often. I'm attracted to it for many reasons, including:
-For me as a doctor, this goes against all professional mores and conservative beliefs that I have to work in every day. I also love the idea of one of my patients coming across is and seeing what a fag I am.
-It's easier to expose myself online that at a local club or beach, and it also has a much more wide ranging audience. So it feels safer in the sense that the chances of someone I know seeing it are lower than exposing myself in person locally, but riskier in the sense that many more people will hopefully see it. It's also something I can do in the ease and comfort of my own home and have endless fantasies about who might be seeing it and what they might be thinking about seeing me expose myself.
-I am really turned on by the idea of having a legally binding contract with payment penalties and the ability for you to profit off me being a fag. An extra bonus is other guys getting off on what a slut I am.
@rawTOP definitely let me know if you get this started!