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Posts posted by flytothespider

  1. I think this is part 2.

    Trolley Cops – More

    By stimle (sma...@mindspring.com)

    Here's where we left off last time:

    .."What the fuck....?" Luis coughed, struggling to catch his breath
    and crawling to his knees. The deliveryman shoved him on the floor
    and turned him onto his back. He straddled him, pinning his arms to
    his sides with his muscular legs. He shoved the chloroformed cloth
    under Luis' nose and held it tightly in place while the cop

    "Mmmmpppphhh.... mmmmppphhhh...." Luis moaned as the fumes began to
    take effect. He was just starting to slip away when he heard
    footsteps. He looked up and saw a man walk into the living room.
    It was Rico...

    Rico walked up to where Johnny had Luis pinned to the floor. He was
    followed by Rafael, Tony and Martin, who quickly closed all the
    blinds and curtains in the house. Rico got down on his knees and
    pulled the chloroformed cloth away from Luis' face. "Hello cunt
    boy," he said.

    Luis gasped for fresh air, deeply breathing to fill his lungs with
    fresh air. Even though he wasn't in direct contact with the
    chloroform anymore, he was still severely weakened from its effects
    and could hardly move.

    "Whattaya want?" Luis asked.

    Rico slowly shook his head back and forth. "You know, Luis, you
    shouldn'ta come after my boys like that. But, what the hell. If
    they can't take care of themselves, what use are they to me?
    Anyway, we just came by to say `hello' and to if you wanted to play
    some more."

    "Fuck you," Luis snarled. "You know the only reason last time
    happened was `cuz you guys had me and Michael drink that stuff and
    sniff that shit. You had us all drugged up and shit. You know I'm
    not some fuckin' pansy."

    "Oh Luis, Luis," Rico said, running his fingers through Luis' thick
    black hair. "I don't think you know what you are or what you need."

    Luis tried to move his head away but Johnny held it in place. "You
    don't know anything about me, asshole."

    "Well, I know that before today's over you're gonna be beggin' me
    and my boys to fuck your ass. Or should I say, your pussy?" Rico

    Luis took a deep breath, pumping up his chest. He swallowed hard
    and was shaking his head vehemently. "No. No fuckin' way. You
    used those drugs last time and you know that wasn't me. You know
    I'd never beg you to fuck me."

    Rico just shrugged his shoulders and picked up the cloth. He re-wet
    it with the chloroform. "We'll see, cunt boy. We'll see. I have a
    feelin' you're a big pussy deep down inside." And with that, he
    slowly put the cloth to Luis' face and held it while the buffed stud
    struggled. After a minute or so, Luis had ceased struggling but
    Rico held the cloth in place a few seconds longer, just to be sure
    that the stud was completely out. Satisfied, he tossed the cloth
    away. He looked at Luis' face and lifted his eyelid, watching the
    dark brown eye roll back. He realized just how handsome the cop
    was. Black hair and brown eyes, nice lips (not thick, but still
    nice), no scar. He lifted Luis' t-shirt and rubbed the stud's
    chest. For a guy with Luis' Italian heritage, he didn't have as
    much body hair as you'd think, but there was still some hair on his
    chest and a beautiful treasure trail that snaked down toward the
    waistband of his sweats. Rico felt Luis' nipples and pec. He knew
    Luis worked out frequently and it showed. He had a very well
    defined upper body.

    "What's next?" Johnny asked.

    "Let's take him to his room and dress him in his uniform," Rico
    said. "Then we'll bring him back out here and tie him to the
    table. On his back." He looked over to Rafael and Tony. "Go out
    and move the van and then bring in my bag."

    Johnny, Martin and Rico picked Luis' up and half-carried, half-
    dragged the knocked out stud to his room, lying him on his bed while
    they found his uniform. Rico didn't bother to pull Luis' t-shirt up
    over his head. Instead, he ripped it right off and tossed it to the
    floor. "We can use it for a gag later if we need it."

    Luis had a couple of uniforms hanging in the closet and Martin chose
    one and brought it to Rico. Then he opened Luis' dresser and found
    a new t-shirt and navy blue socks.

    As Johnny lifted Luis' ass a few inches off the bed, Rico slid his
    sweatpants down and off. His long legs were moderately hair and
    rippled with muscles. But the real prize was his bulge. Rico could
    see why Luis chose briefs over boxers. The stud was so well endowed
    that he needed something to keep his big dick and balls in place.
    Even in his soft state, the white Hanes briefs were packed full.
    Rico, Martin and Johnny took a few minutes to feel up Luis' hot body.

    Tony and Rafael came in a few minutes later. "I put your bag in the
    living room," Tony said as he and Rafael joined in the group feel-

    "Mmmm... he's hot," Johnny said, readjusting his dick in his loose
    boxers. "I really wanna fuck him, Rico."

    "You'll get your turn," Rico said. "And it's gonna be sweet `cuz
    he's gonna beg for it."

    "How do you figure?" Johnny asked, smiling.

    "Help me tie him to the table and I'll tell you all about it."

    Together Rico, Johnny, Martin, Tony and Rafael dressed Luis in his
    uniform and shoes carried him into the living room. Vinny and James
    were waiting for them. They'd been waiting out in the van and had
    come inside now that the coast was clear.

    "Johnny," Rico said, "go back and get the blanket off his bed and
    lay it on the table. He's gonna be there a while. Might as well
    make him comfortable. Vinny, James... clean off the table, will ya?"

    Johnny came back with the blanket and they laid the unconscious Luis
    onto it. They positioned him so that his ass was at the very edge
    of the table and rested his feet on a couple of chairs. They spread
    his arms over his head and tied them to the table legs. Then they
    wrapped another rope around his body and under the table, securing
    it. Luis was still asleep.

    "So, Rico," Johnny said, "now you gonna tell us how you gonna make
    Luis beg us to fuck him?"

    Rico nodded. "Sit down and take a load off, guys. But someone keep
    an eye out for any visitors and shit. Somehow I don't believe Luis
    when he says Mikey's outta town." Johnny took a seat near the
    living room window where he cracked one of the blinds, giving him a
    clear view of the entire street.

    "Okay, here's how we're gonna make Luis into a cock beggin' pussy.
    I learned this a few years ago. When I was younger and not as wise
    as I am today. But I don't wanna ever hear that any of yous guys
    are using this move `cuz it's mine. Understand?" Everybody nodded.

    Rico continued. "Okay, a few years ago, right after I graduated
    from high school, I was valet parking at this restaurant in the Gas
    Lamp. Anyways, this place got a lot of business from conventions
    and tourists and one night they were having a doctors' convention.
    Well, midnight rolls around and my shift is just about up. Plus,
    the party had already broken up, except for this one guy sitting by
    himself at the bar drinking. So I go up to him and say `excuse me,
    mister, my shift is almost over and my ride is here so I went out
    and parked your car right across the street. Here are your keys.'
    He takes the keys and takes a longer look at me and my buddy. It
    was Shane. You guys remember Shane, don't you? Anyway, this guy is
    in his 40s or something and he looks just like that guy on that Sex
    and the City Show. You know who I'm talkin' about. Fuck, he was a
    dead ringer for him."

    Rafael laughed, nodding. "Yeah, Mr. Big. But I'd take Samantha
    chick any day. Now that bitch looks like she can party."

    "So," Rico says, continuing his story, "this Mr. Big says he should
    leave anyways `cuz he's got some meetings the next day. Well, he
    stands up to leave and practically falls on his ass. And it was a
    nice ass, too! He's all like `geez, looks like maybe I had a few
    too many.' He wasn't really slurrin' or anything, but you could
    tell he was feelin' good. So I offer to call him a cab. He hands
    me his cell phone as me and Shane help him walk outside. Before I
    can even dial, he takes it back and says `look, I'm at the Wyndham
    Emerald Plaza just a few block from here. I'll give you $50 dollars
    if you drive me back to my hotel.' I said I knew where his hotel
    was so he hands me a fuckin' $50 bill! I tell him I'm not supposed
    to be doin' this, but he says he won't tell if I don't. Plus it's
    $50 bucks and I'd been bustin' my ass to make my rent ever since my
    roommate bailed. So I said to myself, what the fuck, and I got into
    his car. I told Shane to follow in his car, but dumbass Shane had a
    coupla 40s while waitin' for me and was countin' on me drivin'. Mr.
    Big overhears me chewin' Shane's ass so he tells Shane to get in to
    his car, too. Shane gets in the back seat and Mr. Big gets in next
    to me. I started to drive and he says `why don't you show me the
    city?' and I says `dude, it's midnight. Nobody's around.' He
    handed me a $100 bill and says `just drive, man. I don't wanna go
    back yet.' So I say `sure' and I take him down to Shelter Island
    and around Coronado, up to Mission Bay. You know, all the touristy
    places. So, we finally get back to his hotel and it's like way past
    1:00 am. He had a flask in his pocket and he and Shane had been
    passing it back and forth the whole time and I could tell they were
    both feelin' good. Me, I was a little pissed at Shane `cuz now was
    gonna have to drag his fuckin' ass back down to the Gaslamp to get
    his car. You know what guys? I'm starved. Is there anything to
    eat or drink here," Rico asked, interrupting his story.

    James and Tony dug through the fridge and cupboards and found some
    chips, salsa, cold pizza, soda and beer. They set it out on the
    coffee table and started to eat. Luis was still out.

    Rico took a handful of chips. "Now where was I? Oh, that's right.
    Mr. Big asks us if we'll help him to his room. I said that the desk
    clerk could do that for him, but he hands me and Shane $50 buck
    each, and shit.... I'm not gonna give away free money! But in the
    back of my mind I'm thinkin' that this guy has more on his mind than
    just goin' up to his room. I ain't never done no shit with a guy
    before. Well, not before that night, anyway. But Shane... shit...
    you know how Shane was. Always a tease... flirtin' with anything
    with two legs. By the way, did you guys hear that Shane's up in
    West Hollywood these days sellin' his ass on the street? I hear he
    makes bucks. But anyway, Mr. Big's already given me like $200 bucks
    and that'll totally help out with my rent, so I say, what the fuck.
    I figure he's too drunk to try anything and even if he does, I'm
    pretty sure I can kick his ass."

    "So, what happened next?" Tony asked.

    "Well, shit head, if you wouldn't interrupt me I could finish.
    Kripes! So, I have the valet park the car and Mr. Big gives me his
    room key and we all walk in. I'm all nervous that someone'll look
    at us funny and call the cops, thinking that we're hustlers or
    somethin'. But he must be some kinda big spender because we didn't
    get a second look from anybody. We get in the elevator and his room
    is like on the top floor. I open the door for him and hand him back
    his key and he invites us in for a drink. I says `thanks man,
    you've been real cool, but it's gettin' late and all and I should
    get home.' And then the fucker hands us both another $50! So we go
    in and the place is awesome! Fuckin' sweetest views of the city
    you've ever seen. And the place is posh. He calls room service and
    orders up a pizza and a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue. Now that
    Johnnie Walker Blue's some expensive shit so I'm not about to say no
    to a shot. The room service dude brings the stuff up and Mr. Big
    pours each of us a shot. But I tell him that all I can do is
    one `cuz I gotta drive home. But Shane? Shit... one shot turns
    into two and then three and pretty soon I can see that he's feelin'
    real good. He was already half in the bag, but now he's just being
    stupid. And me? Well, I'm feelin' all chilled, too. I found out
    later that Mr. Big'd slipped something into our glasses before he
    poured the shots, and since Shane drank more, it hit him more.
    Anyways, like I said, I'm all chilled, sittin' back on a chair just
    watchin' TV... to be honest, I wasn't really able to do much else.
    Plus I'm all dressed in my valet uniform and look like a total
    geek. Mr. Big hands me another shot and instead of sayin' no, I
    just take it. But I sip it. Then he takes another long look at
    Shane. Shane's wearin' a wife beater and jeans... total Marky Mark
    wanna be... showin' off his Calvins and all. And Mr. Big asks him
    if he can touch him."

    "And did he?" Martin asked, interrupting the story.

    "Would you just shut the fuck up?" Johnny said. "I wanna hear this!"

    "Well," Rico said. "Back then Shane was a total player. As far as
    I knew, he'd never done it with a guy, but he was a total cock
    tease. His body was fine and he knew how to use it to get what he
    wanted. Hey, if you got it, flaunt it, right? Anyways, Shane
    says `give me another $100 bucks and I'll let you touch me.' And
    the fucker tosses him ANOTHER $100 bill! That's where I started to
    wig. I'm like `hey guys, I'm straight... I'm not into this' and Mr.
    Big comes over to me and give me $100 buck and tells me to just shut
    up and watch. Fuck, a $100 bucks just to keep my mouth shut and
    watch! Yes sir! Shane downs another shot and walks up to the Mr.
    Big. Mr. Big sticks $100 bill into his front pocket and I can
    totally see him squeezin' Shane's dick. But hey, he gave me $100
    bucks to keep my mouth shut so I just go back to watching TV. Well,
    sorta. I gotta admit, I was gettin' kinda hot just watchin' `em.
    So, Shane goes over to the bed and sits down. Thinking back now, I
    could tell Shane was feelin' whatever the guy gave us. I don't know
    if it was E, GHB or a roofie... but Shane's all actin' like his lap
    dog. Me, I can't believe my eyes, and I sit back, pour myself a
    little more Johnnie Walker and watch Shane flirt with Mr. Big. He
    tells Shane to come back over to him and so Shane stands up and
    swaggers on over. You know how Shane used to play it. That boy had
    the moves! You could totally see his pierced nipples right through
    his wife beater, which was pretty tight, and his pants were riding
    low, showin' a few inches of his Calvins. He's buzzed and all just
    stands there, posing in front of Mr. Big. Mr. Big's got this big
    grin on his face and puts another $50 buck into Shane's pocket and
    tells him to take off his shirt and shit if Shane doesn't do it!
    Like I said, there's about 4 inches of his Calvins showin' and Mr.
    Big puts a $50 bill into the waistband and tells him to undo his
    belt. Shane does and says `wanna see more?' Mr. Big nods and Shane
    says `ya know it's gonna cost ya.' Mr. Big grins again and pulls
    out a roll of cash. I can see it's a bunch of $20s and $50s. He
    sticks the wad in Shane's pocket and Shane puts his hands over his
    head and says `I'm yours, dude.' I couldn't fuckin' believe it!
    I'd never seen two guys doin' shit like that before. Mr. Big
    unbuttons Shane's jeans and they fall to the floor. His fuckin'
    underwear is totally bulgin' and shit if I'm not startin' to get
    hard just lookin' at it! Mr. Big stands up and slowly moves Shane
    backwards over to the bed and sits him down. Then he sits down next
    to him and gently pushes Shane onto his back and starts touchin' his
    nipples and twistin' `em and Shane's all moanin' and shit. Then he
    pulls Shane's underwear right off. Fuck, but Shane musta been
    horny `cuz his dick was standin' up like a flagpole and dripping pre-
    fuck. Mr. Big grabs starts giving Shane a hand job. He pulls a
    bottle of poppers outa the drawer and gives Shane a snort. Fuckin'
    Shane is higher than a kite now and that's when he did it."

    "Did what?" Johnny asked, rubbing his crotch.

    "When Shane was all flyin' on the poppers, Mr. Big guy took a small
    bag of powder outta the drawer where he had the poppers. I can see
    that it's coke. Anyway, he let's it mix in with Shane's cum that's
    on his fingers and hands and he starts to rub Shane's prick tip and
    ass pucker. I guess the stuff absorbs into your body tissue somehow
    and makes you all excited and horny. Before I know it, he got three
    fingers up Shane's ass and Shane's all moanin' like some slut!"

    "Oh shit! That's so hot!"

    "Yeah, tell me about it. I finished my Johnnie Walker and Mr. Big
    tosses me the poppers and tells me to take a snort. Now, I'd never
    had anything like that before, but fuck, I was buzzin' really good
    then and hey, the guy had just given me a couple hundred bucks, so I
    take a big snort and I'm like `whoooooooo!' Fuck! I think I even
    blacked out. I'm flying and when I come back down I see that Mr.
    Big's got Shane's legs over his shoulders and he's fuckin' him, and
    Shane's beggin' for it. I just stood there watchin' him pound the
    shit outta Shane's ass and Shane's still wantin' more. After Mr.
    Big blows his load he tells me to take some more of the poppers and
    I do. When I go to put the bottle down he puts it back to my nose
    and tells me to keep breathin' it. It was like I couldn't stop
    myself. The more I sniffed the more I wanted. I don't even
    remember how many hits I took. But I could feel him undoin' my
    pants and pullin' my dick out and shit and next thing I know,
    Shane's legs are over MY shoulders and I'M plowin' his ass. I even
    had on a condom and I don't even fuckin' know how it got there! It
    was like I was on fuckin' auto pilot `cuz my hips were just pumpin'
    and thrustin'. From then on, I've been into chicks and guys."

    "Shit," Tony said, his jaw practically on the floor. "That's
    fuckin' wild!"

    "After I came Mr. Big gave me another hit of poppers and then he was
    fuckin' me. Like I said, he musta slipped something into that
    Johnnie Walker `cuz I was just spinnin'. I musta passed out, `cuz
    when I opened my eyes it was light out and Mr. Big was gone. Shane
    was next to me and he was just wakin' up, too. When I put my pants
    on there was a buncha cash in the pocket and there was a note on the
    table saying thanks and that the room was all paid for and to order
    breakfast if we wanted. Shit.... we got outta there as fast as we
    could. Anyway, that's the story."

    Rico looked around the room. The guys were speechless. He
    smiled. "So, THAT'S what I got planned for Luis. I got me a little
    coke here and before long he's gonna be so fuckin' hot and horny and
    hard that he's gonna be begging all of us to fuck the shit outta
    him! "

    "Man, I'm so fuckin' horny right now man, I don't know if I can
    wait," James said.

    "As soon as sleepin' beauty wakes up, his mouth is yours, man. In
    fact, you can all fuck that pretty face as much as you want.

    "We're gonna film it, aren't we?" Martin asked.

    "You bet," Rico replied. "Let's get that stuff set up before he
    comes to. It shouldn't be long now."

    Martin and Tony got busy setting up video cameras on tripods and
    making sure there were plenty of cameras about for anybody to grab
    and snap a picture.

    Luis began to come to and as the chloroform fog lifted, he realized
    where he was and remembered what had happened. He tried to move and
    realized that not only was he tied down, he was dressed in his

    "Hey guys, he's up!" Martin cried out.

    "Good, let me at him," Rafael said, unzipping his pants. "Give me
    that pretty mouth." He crawled up onto the dining room table and
    straddled Luis' chest. He pulled his dick out of his boxers and
    lifted Luis' head. "Come on, bitch, suck it!"

    Luis cursed and twisted his head but Johnny came over and grabbed it
    firmly. Martin and Tony each opened a bottle of poppers and put
    them to Luis' nostrils. "Breathe it in, pussy boy, breathe it in."

    The intoxicating aroma did its trick and all Luis' resistance
    drifted away. Rafael slid his cock into Luis' mouth and began to
    thrust his hips. Luis was so out of it he didn't realize that he
    was sucking the fat fuck stick lodged in his mouth, drooling spooge
    down his throat.

    Just then a car could be heard pulling into the driveway. Johnny
    peered through the blinds. "Looks like we got company. Ooooh, it's
    Mikey! And I thought Luis said he was out for the night."

    Michael sat in his car for a few minutes before getting out. He was
    a little bummed as he thought back on the events of the last couple
    of hours. Without telling his girlfriend, Julie, he'd cancelled
    their Vegas trip and instead planned a romantic weekend. He was
    going to take her to La Jolla shores in the morning for a picnic and
    then up to Julian to a little bed and breakfast. It'd been three
    weeks since he'd touched her and she'd been more than
    understanding. She knew what had happened to him and was so
    supportive. Today he was planning on showing her how much he
    appreciated her and how much she meant to him.
    He'd been in counseling for three weeks and it had done him a world
    of good. The rape, for the most part, was behind him and he was
    ready to get on with his life. As Julie opened her apartment door
    he grinned from ear to ear, happy just to see her. They began to
    kiss and before he knew it, they were on the couch making out.

    Michael was already totally horny. After all, it had been three
    weeks! He hadn't even masturbated and could feel his nuts boiling
    over with his spunk. He wanted like hell to jump Julie's bones
    right there, but he had a plan. He wanted it to be special and
    romantic and sweet. He was wearing new jeans, rinsed Indigo blue
    Levis that hugged every curve of his muscular legs and bubble butt,
    a tight black ribbed v-necked sweater, and black Kenneth Cole
    shoes. His blond hair was styled and tousled and he looked like a
    runway model. His pants were bulging and he thought they were gonna
    split right at the seams.

    Michael knew he should get the day started, but Julie kept kissing
    him and now she was grabbing his crotch. Oh shit... he was done
    for! She took off his sweater and began to lick and nibble his
    titties. He groaned with pleasure as he took her blouse off and
    unhooked her bra, gently caressing her full, supple breasts. As he
    fondled her tits, she undid his belt and unbuttoned and unzipped his
    jeans. She ran her hands over his briefs and felt how big and full
    his balls were. Michael was a well-endowed stud. Hard, he was
    almost 10 inches with a big, plum-shaped head. His whole dick, from
    his veiny shaft to the head, was sensitive and he could barely keep
    from cumming as he felt her soft hands stroking it. She smiled,
    knowing it was all for her. They continued to strip and kiss and
    soon she was down to just her lace thong panties and he to his
    bulging white briefs.

    Suddenly there was a pounding at the door. "Ignore it... they'll go
    away," Michael whispered. But they didn't. The pounding got louder
    and more incessant.

    "Julie, are you there? It's me... Shari," a voice on the other side
    of the door cried out. She sounded like she was crying. Julie
    quickly slipped her clothes back on and opened the door.

    "Are you okay, Shari?" she asked. "What's wrong?"

    Shari continued to sob and Julie took her by the arm and brought her
    inside. Michael was in the corner, back to the girls, trying to
    yank his jeans up over his bulging briefs, get his sock and shoes
    back on, and pull on his sweater. He finally turned around,
    somewhat composed, when he caught his reflection in the wall mirror
    and realized he'd forgotten to zip his fly. It was all the way down
    and spread wide open. His face went beet red and he quickly spun
    around as he struggled to zip it up. When he finally got it zipped
    he turned back around and smiled sheepishly. "Hey Shari," he said,
    still red-faced, but trying to regain his composure.

    Shari hadn't even noticed. She was still crying and it was evident
    something was wrong. Julie was doing her best to calm her down.

    "It's Tilly," Shari sobbed. Tilly was her cat. Shari was the
    world's biggest animal lover.

    "What's wrong with Tilly," Julie asked, rubbing Shari's arm.

    "I found her on the back patio. The coyotes must've got her last

    Now Julie started to cry. She and Shari were best friends and she'd
    been there the day Shari found Tilly at the animal shelter. Julie
    covered her mouth with the back of her hand. "I'm so sorry," she
    said, her eyes misty and her voice cracking. The two girls hugged
    and cried.

    Michael put his hand on Shari's shoulder and squeezed it. "I'm
    sorry. Really. Julie, honey? I think you should stay with Shari."

    "No, wait," Julie whispered. "This is your day. Don't let me ruin

    Michael hugged Julie and shook his head. "No. This is too

    "I'm so sorry," Shari sobbed, sensing she had interrupted something.

    Michael turned to her and gave her a big hug. "Don't be sorry. Me
    and Julie are great."

    "I'll walk you out," Julie said, grabbing her coat.

    Once outside the front door Michael turned to Julie. "My balls are
    as blue as my jeans, Jules."

    "I know, baby. I know. Tomorrow... I promise. We'll spend the day
    here, in bed." She stroked his cock through his jeans. "I've been
    missing this, too, you know."

    Michael's knees practically buckled at the sensation. "Okay.
    Tomorrow." He gave her a long passionate kiss. "I love you."

    As he drove home he tried to call Luis to give him a heads up but
    kept getting the machine. `Hmmmm.... he must be out.' He had to do
    his best not to pull over masturbate right there, but he wanted to
    save it all for Julie tomorrow. But fuck! He pulled into the
    driveway next to Luis' car.

    >From his vantage point at the front window, Johnny could see Michael
    parked. "He's just sittin' there. Okay, wait, here he comes."

    Luis' eyes widened, but Rafael's cock in his mouth kept him from
    crying out. Rico fished through his bag and found a poppers mask
    and tossed it over to Johnny. "As soon as Mikey walks in, get him
    with this and keep him all fucked up and woozy. I got a plan."

    Michael walked up the front walkway and tried the door. It was
    locked. He inserted his key, opened it, and stepped inside. "Hey
    Luis' you here? Whe..." He stopped mid-sentence as he saw the
    sight in front of him. There was Luis, tied to the table with some
    guy's dick in his mouth. Michael furiously lunged forward. "What
    the... mmmppphhhh...."

    Michael never saw Johnny. The 6'6" lug smothered Michael's face
    with the poppers mask and wrapped one of his big arms around his
    waist, pinning his arms. He lifted the struggling stud completely
    off his feet.

    Michael tried to fight, but couldn't get any leverage since his feet
    weren't on the ground. The fumes of the poppers had wrapped around
    his brain and he felt his body getting hot and going limp. He
    moaned as he inhaled more and more of the fumes. He saw Rico and
    his boys around him but for some reason didn't care.

    "Okay, that's good," Rico said, pulling Rafael's cock out of Luis'
    mouth. He shoved Luis' ripped t-shirt into it to shut him up and
    walked over to where Johnny was holding Michael and removed the
    poppers mask. He looked into Michael's hazy eyes. "Hey there,
    pretty boy," he said softly, fingering Michael's lower lip. "I see
    you're back for round two. Put him down on the couch, Johnny and
    give him some of this." Rico pulled a baby bottle out of the bag
    and put it to Michael's mouth, squirting some in. Michael began to
    suck on the nipple. "That's a good boy. Remember how good it
    tastes? Yeah... go for it big guy."

    The stuff Michael was drinking was the same stuff Rico had given him
    and Luis the last time; a designer drug that would make him horny,
    giddy, rock hard, and dick-drippy. Rico looked over at Luis, still
    lying on the table. "Uh, hello... people? We got a ripe stud on
    the table there with no takers. Come on, guys... fuck that face!"
    Vinny immediately pulled the gag out of Luis' mouth and shoved his
    dick in.

    "Let's get these clothes off you," Rico said, pulling Michael's
    tight sweater off. "You work out, dontchya? Nice six-pack and
    pecs. Nice shoes, too," he said, slipping them off. "Kenneth Cole,
    right? I think I'm gonna keep these." He picked up a switchblade
    and sliced the seams of Michael's jeans. Sorry about the jeans,
    Mikey. Holy shit!" he exclaimed, catching site of Michael's bulging
    briefs. "Damn guys! Check this out! I think he's even bigger than
    Luis! Dude, we're gonna have some fun with you!"

    Michael was now stripped down to just his tighty whities and Rico
    was groping and fondling him up and down. "Tony, Martin," he
    said. "Come over here and get Mikey all worked up. But don't let
    him cum. I want him hard and horny and ready to go."

    Vinny's sizeable cock was still stuffed in Luis' mouth and he was
    slowly rocking his hips back and forth. Rico walked over and with
    his switchblade sliced through Luis' pants and briefs, tossing them
    aside. "Now it's play time, Luis," he said. "In a few minutes
    you're gonna be begging for me to plug your cunt with my dick."

    Luis had a look of pure hatred on his face. "Ffhhkkk uu..." was all
    he could manage, since Vinny's dick was still in fucking his mouth.

    Rico gently took Luis' dick in his hand and ever so slowly jerked it
    until it began to get hard. He had a baggie of cocaine on the table
    between Luis' spread legs, ready to go. Luis' cock was hard now and
    starting to ooze pre-cum. Rico made sure to get his hand and
    fingers all wet with the fuck sap and dipped them into the baggie to
    cover them with the cocaine. Then he worked the drug into the cum,
    making sure it dissolved. He nodded for Vinny to take his dick out
    of Luis' mouth. Then he took Luis' dick in his hand again and
    roiled his palm over Luis' prick tip, making sure the drugged
    mixture worked its way down his piss slit to the sensitive tissue
    that would rapidly absorb it. Luis was completely unaware. All he
    knew was that his dick was getting even harder and was now super
    sensitive to the touch.

    "Ohhhh...." Luis moaned, against his will. "Unngghhh..."

    "Want me to fuck you yet?" Rico asked, as Vinny withdrew his
    dripping cock.

    "Fuck you," Luis gasped, finally free of Vinny's monster dick. He
    spit, trying to get the cum out of his mouth.

    "You're looking pretty hard there, pal," Rico teased, slapping Luis'
    rigid dick. "And look... no drugs." He did an Austin Powers
    accent, "Do I make you horny?" Everybody laughed. Luis didn't
    reply. He just glowered.

    Making sure his finger was wet with the cocaine/cum mixture, Rico
    slowly ran it up and down Luis' asshole. Luis bucked his hips but
    Vinny and Rafael were there to hold him down.

    "Put a pillow under his ass," Rico directed. "When he starts
    beggin' I wanna make sure we got easy access."

    "I told you I'd never beg, you faggot," Luis sputtered.

    "Blah, blah, blah," Rico said as he wormed his finger into Luis' now
    twitching ass pucker. He wanted to get the cocaine/cum mixture onto
    Luis' prostate, to let it absorb in and stimulate him, but Luis was
    just too tight. Rico got down on his knees and started to lick the
    stud's pink ass crack.

    "Unnggghh..." Luis moaned as Rico's tongue flickered over his anal
    port. Rico kept licking, gently at first and then a little harder,
    trying to loosen up the stud's tight asshole.

    "You like this?" Rico asked, poking his head out. "I knew you
    would. Pretty soon your little clitty is gonna be open nice and
    wide for Rico. Hey, James, I think Luis wants to taste your cock."

    "Fuck you, Rico," Luis spat, his voice a low growl. "And quit
    calling it a clit."

    "But that's what it is, Luis. A clit. A cunt. A pussy. And look,
    it's Just begging for cock."

    Luis turned his head away but James crawled up on the table and
    lifted it up. "Oh, poor baby... " he said, patting him on the
    head. "You want some of this? Yeah.... baby needs some of this."
    He slid his dick into Luis' mouth and smiled as the bound cop was
    forced to suck, unable to resist.

    Rico continued to eat out Luis' ass, forcing his tongue further and
    further in, sucking away. Luis, against his will, was moaning, and
    Rico could feel his pucker giving way ever so slightly. He tried to
    work his finger in and this time was successful. He moved it around
    in a circular motion, slow and tight and then wider. He inserted a
    second finger and then a third. He dipped the fingers of his free
    hand into the baggie of cocaine, took out a healthy pinch and
    smeared it over the cum-slicked fingers he was sliding in and out of
    Luis' ass. He felt Luis' back arch and he knew the cocaine had
    found his prostate and was being absorbed. It was now just a matter
    of time before Luis's ass would be itching for something to fill it,
    to make the tickling sensation go away. And the only thing
    available to him would be cock. Lots and lots of cock.

    Meanwhile, back on the couch, Michael was being felt up like a piece
    of meat. The drug he'd been given had hit him quick and hard and he
    was completely dazed and the poppers being thrust under his nose
    didn't help, either. Two fingers were busy sliding in and out of
    his mouth while his nipples were being tweaked and balls gently
    squeezed. Someone had their finger up the leg band of his briefs
    and was working it into his clenched hole. Someone else was cupping
    his big, cum-filled balls with one hand and stroking his hard shaft
    with the other, letting his finger lazily drift over the sensitive
    head, making the soft white cotton of his briefs chafe the prick tip.

    "Iiiieeeee... ooooohhh...." Michael moaned, helpless to do
    anything. Every time his body began to shudder and he was about to
    cum, the guys backed off and waited for his hunky body to calm back
    down. Then they'd go at it again. Shit, he was so fuckin' horny!
    Why wouldn't they just let him cum? He begged and whined but still
    the guys just toyed with him. He knew he'd been drugged, but is was
    the poppers the guys kept putting under his nose that was driving
    him over the edge. All he wanted to do was shoot his wad. To
    fuck. To fuck something. To fuck anything. He didn't realize he
    was babbling all this out loud.

    Rico slid his fingers out of Luis' ass, rubbed a little more cocaine
    into the cum, and shoved them back in. He could feel Luis'
    sensitive prostate and gently massaged it. Even with James' cock in
    his mouth, his moans were getting louder and louder.

    "Pull out, James," Rico instructed. "I wanna here what out little
    puta has to say."

    "Ohhhhh..... shitttt.... gawwwwwddd.... fuck... fuck... fuck..."
    Michael babbled.

    "You wanna get fucked?" Rico asked.

    Luis' ass was itching. It felt so empty. What was wrong with him?
    Why was he so hard? He knew he was being assaulted, but no one had
    given him any drugs. Why was he so hard all of a sudden? The other
    half of his brain was no starting to take over, telling him louder
    and louder that he needed to satisfy that itch he was feeling, that
    he needed to find some kind of solution to satisfy the crazy
    feelings he was having down there, no matter what.

    Rico smiled. He had Luis right where he wanted him. Lying on his
    back, practically begging to be fucked, to have his itching, hot boy
    cunt filled. And Michael. Poor, horny, hot Michael was so worked
    up he was ready to fuck anything. And he was do drugged out he
    would. Rico nodded to Martin and Martin took one of the video
    cameras off its tripod.

    Rico walked over to the couch and took Michael by the hand and
    helped him to his feet. The stud's briefs were obscenely tented and
    Rico couldn't help but squeeze Michael's throbbing rod as he walked
    him over to where Luis was lying and moaning. Michael smiled a
    giddy smile and moaned as Rico felt him up. "You need it, don't
    you, Mikey," he asked the drugged young man. "Dontchya? You just
    gotta shove that big dick into some cunt."

    "Yeah... a cunt," Michael repeated, all dazed. He didn't know where
    he was any more or what was happening to him. All he knew was he
    was hornier than he'd ever been and he wanted to fuck. He had to

    Rico stood Michael between Luis' spread legs and looked into Luis'
    eyes. "You need it, too, dontchya, Luis? You need to have that hot
    hole filled... you want your cunt filled."

    In his fucked-out, horny condition, Luis just nodded. "Fuck me,
    fuck me... PLEASE....."

    Rico ripped Michael's briefs right off him. His rock hard dick,
    released from its confines, bobbed up and down, droplets of pre-cum
    splattering on his chest. Rico guided the young man, by his dick,
    closer to Luis' quavering hole. "There is it... a big pussy just
    waiting for you... yeah...."

    Michael, in his lust-filled, drug-induced condition looked through
    bleary eyes at Luis, not recognizing him. "A cunt... yeah... I need
    cunt." And with that, he rammed his cock into Luis' asshole.

    Luis, relieved that the itch in his ass was finally subsided, moaned
    his relief aloud. "Yes... yes... yes..."

    Martin continued to videotape the two hot cops as the fucked each
    other, Michael pumping his horny dick into Luis' ass and Luis
    arching his back like some $2 whore. Michael fucked and fucked and
    fucked and fucked, cumming buckets into Luis' pussy, completely
    unaware that he was fucking a guy's ass. His roommate's ass. He
    just thought he was pounding some pussy. He came so much that there
    was cum dripping everywhere.

    Luis couldn't believe that his roommate was fucking him, but on the
    other hand he was just relieved that the itching in his ass was
    beginning to subside.

    With Michael now completely spent, he could barely stand. Tony and
    Rafael walked the naked hunk back to the couch and let him flop
    down. They pulled him forward until his ass was just hanging over
    the edge and spread his legs. His naked asshole was exposed. Tony
    picked up a black butt plug and inserted it into Michael's ass,
    screwing it in. He hooked it to harness and fastened it to
    Michael's waist. The butt plug was on a timer and would throb
    periodically. Whenever it did, Michael would start to moan and
    babble and his dick would either dribble or it would shoot a load up
    his chest and onto his pretty face. Soon his sculpted torso was
    covered with fuck batter.

    Rico knew that Michael had no idea that he had fucked Luis, but that
    Luis knew that Michael had fucked him. Rico was hoping Luis would
    hold some sort of unspoken grudge against Michael and maybe try to
    exact revenge on him some day. That's why he was using the butt
    plug on Michael. By the time the night was over, Michael's dick
    would've shot so many loads and be so raw he would never be sure
    whether or not he'd actually fucked anyone.

    Rico turned his attention back to Luis and walked over to where his
    head was. Rafael and Tony had both just finished shooting their
    loads all over his face and Rico patted them on the backs. "Nice
    job, boys," he said. "Let me have a word with Luis, if you don't

    He bent over Luis, his mouth barely two inches from Luis' full red
    lips. "How you feelin' there puta? You fucked with the wrong
    people I tell ya. But you're takin' it like the whore you are.
    Your cunt's gonna see so much action tonight you're gonna have to
    install a turnstile." Luis could understand what was being said,
    but his mind was so focused on the itch that was starting up in his
    ass again that he just nodded.

    "Boys," Rico said, looking around. "We've got ourselves a cunt
    boy. Who's up first?"

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  2. I still notice that my searches are being limited to 1 year back. If I'm looking for topics from 1981virginia, I can start at the following page and click topics.


    However, this doesn't even come close to all the stories he has writing before.

    If I click "find content" and "only topics", the search is limited to topics that have had a comment since the last year (January 1 2015 as of writing)

    Would it be possible to remove that limitation or have a time frame as a search option so that we can view all of 1981virginia's wonderful posts in one location?



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