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Posts posted by nospokenword

  1. 8 hours ago, LiamCart said:

    Fair enough.  However, I disagree with you on Libertarian beliefs.  Can you tell me one country that was really successful with socialism? I just see from history how socialism destroyed Venezuela and Cuba. I don't trust the government to fairly handle the "common good." I believe politicians will always do what's best for them before the regular citizen. 

    Scandinavian countries are thriving under socialism. They are among the happiest countries on Earth. The problem is that the American right wing has conflated socialism with authoritarian communism. They are not the same thing. What happened in the Soviet Union, China, Cuba and other communist countries wasn't Marxist or Socialist. It was an authoritarian regime based on single party rule. What we have today in Scandinavia is a true democracy that makes sure that its citizens are not taken advantage of by corporations. It ensures that its citizens are taken care of. It is a model, not a problem. 

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  2. 8 hours ago, LiamCart said:

    Facts in your world maybe. Also, as an American I have a right to debate anything. I'm not going to let any radical left-wing person tell me otherwise since I'm a moderate free-thinker who's not a slave to either the radical right or left. 

    Facts are facts. Just because you describe yourself libertarian, it doesn't mean that you exist in a different world with different facts. What you're describing is feelings. If you were truly a "moderate free-thinker," then you'd do some research and learn that Obama turned around a massive economic downturn caused in large part by a bubble that was caused by Bush's neoliberal economic policy. You would also learn that Trump inherited this good Obama economy and that under Trump, economic inequality has accelerated as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Until you actually inform yourself, you don't come across as a free-thinker debating seriously. 

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  3. 8 hours ago, LiamCart said:

    Good point in that California obviously was not a state when the Constitution was written.  I still believe that the electoral college is a solid system that is better than a straight popular vote. Wyoming would never have a voice in national politics in a popular vote system.  California, Texas, and New York would dominate everything.  

    Um, without the electoral college, it wouldn't matter how big or small a state is. With a nationwide popular vote, what state that voter lives in wouldn't matter. My vote in California would count equally to a person voting in Wyoming. Which is as it should be.

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  4. 4 hours ago, LiamCart said:

    You are really pissing me off with your lame attacks on my life experience and my views. Don't you EVER tell me my experience is "unproven" because you insist on believing whatever it is you believe about Obama. I had to live through it. If you actually read my initial post I NEVER said my family has prospered because of anything Trump did. What I did say is we suffered as a family because of the poor economic policies of Obama. The number of people on food stamps skyrocketed under Obama and many people gave up on looking for decent employment because it didn't exist. I'll reiterate that Obama's "job growth" was low paying and mostly part-time service sector jobs. NOT jobs that people could make a living at. You can be a Democrat with your nice little Democrat talking points but I call BS on it all. Another thing I clearly said, that you failed to read, is I'm not Republican. I'm also not Democrat.  What I am is Libertarian. I don't buy into either the radical right or radical left ideology. What that means is I'm a free-thinker and I refuse to be forced to believe any ideology because it's the prevalent thing that either political extreme tries to force down our throats. I'm  a free gay young college-age guy and frankly it's people like me that is the future of this country.  I'll fight for my right to be me and I'll fight to be free. By the way, I don't care if you're a Democrat and I believe in your right to believe whatever it is you believe until you attack me as an individual and my family.  Then I will defend myself and my family.  If you're not going to respect me I definitely will not respect you. Bye.

    The fact is that Obama inherited a massive economic recession because of Bush's disastrous economic policy. Actual economic statistics show that Obama policy saved the economy. These facts aren't up for debate. They are just the facts.

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  5. 4 hours ago, LiamCart said:

    Bill Clinton lifted the ban on serving in the military? I thought it was just a change to don't ask don't tell meaning the LGBTQ+ community still did not have any true rights to be in the military.  If they were found out they were booted out. It was Obama that lifted the ban fully. 

    If you re-read the original post, it the poster said, "One of the first things he did was try to lift the ban on gays serving in the military." Try. The point, which was well made and ignored by you, was that Democrats have proven themselves to be allies whereas the Republicans have proven themselves as enemies. I say this as someone far left of the Democrats. I am not a partisan Democrat, but I have to point out the many errors and lies that the right try to use against the LGBTQIA2+ community. If they go unchecked, then people might not fully understand that Trump and the Republican party are enemies of the LGBTQIA2+ community. If you're LGBTQIA2+ and supporting Trump, you're an enemy to the LGBTQIA2+ community.

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  6. 1 hour ago, LiamCart said:

    The electoral college was established so states like California and New York would not dominate who was elected in national elections.  It is a fair system.  Getting rid of it would put smaller states at a huge disadvantage and would mean residents in those states would have no voice. 

    California didn't exist when the constitution was written. The electoral college was developed to give slave states equal representation with free northern states. The result is that people who live in small states have an over weighted vote. This isn't fair or good. We should all have equal representation. There is no reason that a person who lives in Wyoming should have 2.5 times the representation of someone who lives in California. It is unjustifiable.

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  7. 7 hours ago, TeenCumDump said:

    You should practice what you preach with the whole, "Just because you don't like it, it doesn't make it any less true." given how you've claimed he isn't really president when he is. 

    Anyway, I'd really love to stay and argue but the whole limited replies per-day thing is quite annoying as by the time I can reply I already have more people to address than the limit will allow. 

    I never said he wasn't really the president. I acknowledged that the electoral college is what put Trump into the White House. I said he is not a legitimate leader. I said that he doesn't have the consent of the governed. I said that he never had a mandate to lead. Those things are different than the question of whether or not Trump is the legal occupant of the White House. It is worth noting that there is a clear difference between what is legal and what is right. For a long time, slavery was the law of the land, and the people that broke the law to oppose slavery did the right thing. For a long time, same sex sex was illegal, and the people that broke those unjust laws were right. I could go on and on. My point is that just because Trump is the legal president, it doesn't give him a mandate to govern. If we had a more functional system of government, no person that didn't win the most votes would ever represent us. I mean, it is self-evident. How can someone represent us when the majority of us hate the man?! He can't, and that's why there is a problem.

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  8. 9 hours ago, TeenCumDump said:

    No, she didn't. There's a difference between the popular vote and getting more votes. Neither candidate had enough votes to win the 'popular vote'. So saying Hillary won anything is just objectively false. The electoral college will never be abolished, it'll simply never happen. They've been talking about for decades and it never gains any traction.

    The person who gets the most votes wins the popular vote. That's literally what that means. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. Just because you don't like it, it doesn't make it any less true.

  9. 3 minutes ago, TeenCumDump said:

    Yes, the economic damage a lockdown could, and did, cause is enough of an economic hit to affect everyone. That's not a decision someone can make lightly and was really a last resort to slow transmission. I don't think anyone can blame him for not making that decision sooner as I still think it was a poor decision given the massive amount of job loss, lack of medical treatment for people battling cancer and other types of cancer/diseases, but thank goodness we're slowing transmission of a virus which only 0.4% of deaths can be confirmed to have been caused directly by covid. To blame Trump for every death is simply just nonsense so I won't even respond to that because we both know it's absurd. Rioting over a criminal who was killed due to his own careless actions is not a valid reason to destroy property and never will be. It was never peaceful, I remember from day one they were raiding police stations and destroying property. From that moment they lost any chance of real support. Now they're just pushing swing voters towards Trump. As the climate change, the Paris Agreement was just that...an agreement with self-set goals and really had zero governing authority so it quite literally is a waste of time for every nation involved.


    Trump was democratically elected, that's just an objective fact. You can complain all day but the electoral college is going to remain because it work and is fair for every state. The fact an unqualified person became president should tell you just how poor of a job Obama and Biden really did... Also, neither candidate got the popular vote. They both didn't reach the percentage required. Hillary may have gotten more votes but not enough to win the popular vote. 

    Do you understand what the electoral college is? It is not the same as being democratically elected. Democratically elected means the person with the most votes wins. Clinton received millions more votes than Trump. Because he has only ever governed for his minority of the country, he's never managed to even crack 50% approval. He is an illegitimate president.

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  10. 1 hour ago, TeenCumDump said:

    Sure, Trump has been fairly absent when it comes to listening to medical advice but what real advice is there that he didn't follow when it comes to Covid-19? Trump didn't use teargas, the police did when the violent protestors decided to start throwing objects and/or fighting the police - don't pretend that these rioters are peaceful, it was never peaceful. From day ONE they were destroying property. Deployed federal police because democratic state government wouldn't allow police to break up the rioters who were destroying local businesses, fighting each other, robbing businesses, killing each other. Trump never denied climate change, he left the Paris agreement because it didn't include countries such as China, India and Russia (the biggest contributors of global warning etc.) and instead wanted to keep restricting the United States who don't produce anywhere near as much as the three I've listed. 


    The popular vote really means nothing. If the popular voted counted then states like California, that breed liberals, would always decide the victor despite how the rest of the country might feel. I don't see any negatives to the EC unless you dislike the outcome. 

    Trump ignored all the safety recommendations because he was afraid they would hurt the economy and his reelection chances. Medical experts say that with better leadership, we could have prevented more than 100,000 deaths to date. When you compare to the leadership of other countries with more component leaders, like New Zealand, Trump's actions are pure evil. Trump ordered the military to use teargas to clear a peaceful crowd so that he could walk across the street for a photo op. The military leader in charge of that said that he regrets his decision to comply with that order. Further, the right of citizens to protest police murder of Black and Brown citizens is more important than property. Further more, it is patently false to say that we left the Paris agreement because countries like China and India weren't part of the Paris climate agreement, because they were and are part of the agreement.

    Finally, the whole point of the United States is that our government operates with our consent. That means we need democratically elected officials. To say that the popular vote doesn't matter flies in the very spirit of that basic American principle. What gives the right for an unqualified, 6x bankrupt casino owner and reality show host who is deeply unpopular with the majority of Americans to preside over our government? It is a complete sham. He doesn't have a mandate to lead. No president is a legitimate leader if they can't gain the respect and consent of a majority of Americans.

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  11. 1 hour ago, timfreo said:

    Trump turned around the American economy like no President before him. Making America First a priority did wonders, considering the economic wasteland left to him by Obama. Dear God, if Sleepy Joe and wherever her name is, get into power and bring in that "New Green Deal" America will become a backwater nursing off the economic teat of the Chinese. 

    Hate Trump for any reason you want but America and the World needs him there. 


    You are objectively incorrect. President Obama turned around the economy and Trump inherited that from him. Nationalistic statements like American First are short-sighted. That, combined with his launching his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists and drug dealers and that he wanted to close our borders was the first signs on fascism. It isn't just a name that those of us on the left throw around, but linked to the many similarities between Trump and the fascists of the 20th century like Hitler. Trump is a danger not only to Americans, but to the world.

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  12. 2 hours ago, TeenCumDump said:

    None of that makes him a fascist. I'm sure people who have lived (and died) under fascists' rule would agree. You seem to just hate Trump and jump on the bandwagon of 'oRaNge maN bAd' without really giving any objective reasons to why you dislike him. You can talk about his failed ventures into gambling, but he's still a multi-billionaire on his own making. He still won the election. Nobody had an issue with the electoral college prior to Trump's win and I think the answer is pretty obvious - democrats can't stand losing.

    I was raised in a conservative household and I'm a conservative, all of my family is, I know moderates and liberals, socialists, all of which got their ideals from their parents/family - not to say this is *always* the case, but it mostly is, and that's why the electoral college is the best way of deciding an election. 


    Um, Trump's ignoring medical and scientific advice about covid is an objective reason to hate him. Trump ignoring of science regarding climate change is an objective reason. Trump's use of teargas to clear innocent protesters is an objective reason. Trump deployment of federal officers without a local invitation to break up protests in Portland and Seattle is an objective reason. Trump's palling around with world dictators while dismissing NATO allies is an objective reason. Also, there is zero proof that Trump is a billionaire. There is a very good chance that he has lied about his self-worth. You say that nobody cared about the electoral college before Trump, but that is also wrong. Trump is the second person to take an electoral college vote while losing the popular vote in the past 20 years, and there has been a growing push to change the rules so that the winner of the popular vote becomes president. It is difficult to accept the leadership of somebody who not only never won a majority of votes, but never manages to crack 50% approval. Finally, I'm a leftist and card-carrying socialist. I did not get my politics from my parents, as my dad is a conservative republican and my mom is a moderate democrat. Regardless, where we derive our politics has nothing to do with the basic concept that a leader should have the consent of the governed, and Trump has never had the consent of a majority of Americans.

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  13. 1 hour ago, mk-ultra said:

    Where the hell does the ludicrous use of "fascist" come from? Do you just like the way it sounds?

    Can you link me to a speech where he said all women need to get back in the kitchen, or that we should invade Poland and Czechoslovakia? Cause we all must have missed those.

    You know what real fascism is. It's when internet moderators and social networks ban all criticism of a religion which is literally only famous for its violence and oppressiveness. They ban you under the false pretense of "civility" (lol). Even while people splutter "URRLLL TRUMP SUPPURRTERS R MORUUUNS" in their Forrest Gump voices, but of course they don't get moderated.


    I'll tell you what the real "voting against your own interests" is. Any gay who is going to vote Democrat (the party of radical Islam - jew hating, woman beating, gay executing, they want the whole lot, they want to see it happening in every US town by next summer, they want the whole of America looking like Iraq did under ISIS) that is not only "voting against their own interests" you're voting for absolute 1000% suicide. 

    What's encouraging though - there are plenty of people here still voicing support for Trump, so the fact that the "moderators" here (who pretty much seem to carry ISIS membership cards) are having to fight us off and block us - that says a lot. Can you imagine ANY time during the Obama era when people here would have said they were Republican supporters? No, of course not. Lots of gays have woken up to the mortifying terrible threat of the ISIScrats, formerly known as "Liberals". 

    Don't be surprised if Trump wins even bigger this time, the only reason the Dems even have a CHANCE is because of the pandemic, that means people staying at home so it gives them more cover for their usual mail-in ballot scams. Without the pandemic they would have been toast before we even got to August.

    A fascist is someone who puts the economy ahead of individuals health and safety. A fascist is someone who tear gases innocent civilians so he can take a photo ops in front of a church. A fascist is someone who gaslights people by telling them that only he knows the truth (I mean come on, how is anyone serious supposed to believe that a failed casino owner who bankrupted his businesses six times and who the the d-list host of a stupid game show knows more than doctors and scientists?) A fascist is someone who lost the popular vote and never had a mandate to lead trying to rule the country like a king. A fascist is someone who tries to ban people from entering the country based on their religion. A fascist is someone who praises brutal dictators like Putin, Kim Jong-un, and Duterte while harassing long time NATO allies. Trump has never cracked 50% approval. The only scandal in the American media is that they treat Trump like a normal democratically elected leader when in fact he represents a minority of the country. The only reason he ever came to occupy the White House is because of outdated rules put in place to give out-sized electoral power to slave states. 

    Finally, if you get reported, it isn't because you support a candidate that most Americans think is a vile human. It is probably because you include things like religious bigotry, such as in your reply to me. Have a nice day.

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  14. 8 hours ago, timfreo said:

    Trump has done more for America than any President since Reagan. That's just an economic fact. He may be loco crazy, but it worked. The world doesn't need anymore Obama style magic mushroom shit. 

    Trump is the worst American president in my lifetime, but I think Reagan is second worst. Trickle down economics, making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Denying science (let's not forget that Reagan ignored the AIDS crisis and as a result many gay men died). The Republican party has been evil since Goldwater started the neoliberal movement. The only decent republicans in the past 100 years were Eisenhower and George H.W. Bush. I guess Ford wasn't bad (but he sucks for pardoning Nixon). Any LGBTQI2S+ that support Trump are acting against themselves and the community.

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  15. I strongly believe that any LGBTQI2S+ person that supports Trump is acting against their own interest, as well as the interest of the whole country. Trump is a bigot. Trump is a terrible leader. Trump is corrupt. Trump is a fascist. We have an obligation to oppose Trump and to shame his supporters.

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