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Posts posted by Harryass

  1. 15 hours ago, viking8x6 said:

    Out here in the rural area I live in, it's really difficult. It's almost always the same few faces, and either we've met or we've given one another the brush-off, so if I haven't made any longer term FBs, I'm SOL. I suspect it's better in cities, but haven't lived in one for six years, so I'm not sure.

    In general, I have not seen one single hookup app that does anything like a good job of solving the problem of time and space - in order for a hookup to happen, the people need to be in the same place at the same time, and none of the apps are optimized for doing that. It's even worse for guys who are traveling, and trying to put together a hook-up on the road. Which is a bummer, because IMO that's one of the best times to have a hook-up. If I'm driving 2-4 hours (or more) to get to another place in the region, stopping for half hour to have a play date is totally convenient.

    If you're interested in some assistance with coming up with some potential solutions for these problems, I'd be interested in putting some effort into it, so PM me.

    Hello Viking I have had good luck in my area with squirt.org and I live in a rural area you can try that out

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