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Everything posted by Simontoxic

  1. Just booked my ticket for the biohazard party. My first ever! Who else is going? Hope I'll see you there
  2. Love this story!! Keep it up!
  3. I went in for another checkup and the syphilis hadn't "increased" so they ruled out reinfection and told me to come back a year later. I did however test positive for gono. So now there's that aswell
  4. Thank you for your answer. They found it quite late, estimated to have had it for a year before diagnosis and had symptoms of sores. I then underwent treatment which was three injections one week apart from each other. Don't know the specific medication. My latest test showed that the infection was 1/8 and lrevois test showed 1/4, 1/1
  5. Hey, So I got syph about a year and a half a go and had it treated. It doesn't seem to go away though and my levels are rising. Is it possible that the meds doesn't work or is this normal for syph?
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