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  1. Thanks so much guys for reading the story, very encouraging to continue since this is my first one posted on BZ. Working on some other ideas now, and hope to get you guys just as hard and leaking poison for the next one.
  2. If a bottom asks me for a condom, I'll always say yes. What they don't know is that I buy my condoms in bulk at Costco at the start of every winter. I keep them inside my BBQ grill in the backyard all winter so they sit in sub-zero weather for months, then move them to my car trunk at the start of every summer so they get roasted in heat for a few more months. And now they're ready, because it's now back-to-school season. Same routine every year. Did I bring any lube? Of course I did. They don't know it's Vaseline though. This little 19-year-old invited me over to his one-bedroom apartment, starting his sophomore year of college, recently heartbroken by his college fling of a boyfriend and now looking to explore with a daddy type since he's so over "boys his age." He had a typical twink frame at 5'7" being toned but not muscular, hairless except for his shaggy dirty blonde hair on top of his pretty face with green eyes, and introverted body language as if he needed to be fostered like a lost puppy. This fag was bound to get into trouble eventually in the wrong hands, it just so happens to be mine. I'm going to throw this bitch around with my 6'1" ex-football player dad bod, but only after I've gained his trust. It's so much more satisfying that way, plus this one seems dumb as shit, best to get into his head now so he knows what he's made for. As I lay in his double bed beside him, spooning his body with mine, I can tell he's melting in front of me. His eyes linger on mine, hungering for affection, and I indulge every little bit of his desires. His moans and purring confirms what I know, he's in heat. I smell his neck gently and slowly before licking it, gliding my tongue towards his earlobes as I take a nibble, simultaneously pinching his pink nipples. I feel his tender body jolt every few moments against my hairy chest, his smooth little butt bucking against my dripping uncut 8" member. His little cock was dripping precum, a short little 4 incher sticking straight out spraying pre every time he spasmed from pleasure, the pre what would become my lube for his pussy. My lips found his and I invaded his sweet teenage mouth, ravishing his untainted taste, getting riled up at the thought of injecting him with my poison. And it will be all his fault when he finds out, because he should've been asking me the right questions, it was just too easy to fool this fag. "Hey baby boy, do you have a condom? I want to make sure we're playing safe..." I whispered gently into his ear. "Sorry daddy, me and my ex always fucked bare because we were monogamous..." the twink asked. Most tops would say no and pressure their fag to take it anyway, not that this one needed any convincing. But the process usually starts with just gently teasing the hole, circular motions, always with just the tip, and then they get so hungry after the head slips in "by accident" that they inevitably just succumb to their needs and takes a raw dicks. Fags are simple minded creatures. But my style is covert, as if I'm an agent on a mission. I want zero perceived culpability. I'm the good daddy that could never hurt you on the outside. On the inside I'm thinking you fucking dumb little shits, a horny bottom's stupidity turns me on so fucking much and they deserve to get knocked up. That's the only real way to learn about sexual education, not that garbage they teach you in high school. "Aww baby, I'm a little nervous now..." I pretended to say. The little twink got worried about being rejected immediately and turned his angelic little face towards mine with worried eyes. "B-but, what's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" he asked in trembles. "I don't usually do this hookup app thing that often, I know it's more for boys your age like you who wants to play around all the time, I get it you're young and horny nonstop, I just, we have to be cautious especially with people on the internet," I explained. And before he could utter a single retort, I hurriedly asked my next question which I knew would seal the deal. "You promise me you're clean, right?" I asked along with convincingly fearful anticipation. I had to be the level-headed top, the safe one. "Oh my God yes, daddy I promise, I promise I'm clean, I'm a good boy, I've only ever been fucked by my ex, nobody else, I swear on my life I'm clean" he pleaded. "I mean, I guess I can trust you baby, but I mean, I've only known you since tonight... We have to use a condom okay? Thankfully I brought some just in case, call me old-fashioned, but you have to be prepared. Here, I'll even leave an extra one for you, a cute boy like you I'm sure gets a lot of action," I said, with the not-so-subtle subtext that basically reads him like a slut. "No, no, daddy, I won't need it, I mean, unless I'm with you again?" he asked. Desperate little cunt, he is. He's so hungry for my approval he hasn't even asked me my status. "Let's start slow, okay baby? Here, let's just feel close to each other while you wrap my cock up for me, can you do that baby?" I requested as I pecked him with a bunch of mini-kisses to show affection. Without a word the twink grabs the condom wrapper, rips it open and reaches between his legs, past his little cock and starts to unroll the latex on my thick erect pole poking out between his legs. He needs to wrap it so he knows it's there, he feels ownership over his own safety. It'll be his fault if it breaks, because he put it on wrong. With my cock sheathed and prepared, I pinch his little dick with my left hand to grab his pre, he squeals with delight as I rub his tender little boy head, and I proceed to grease my dong with his copious precum. Before I attempt to put pressure on his pussy, he suddenly reaches out to his bedside table and grabs a bottle of poppers. Oh, this is gonna be good. He returns back into position being my little spoon as he starts to huff. I circle my cock head on his sphincter as he huffs, and as soon as the poppers get recapped with the top, I start to sink my cock inside this teen hole. Slowly, firmly, deeply. "Ooohhhhh, m-m-my, GOD!!!!!! Dah-deeeee!" he screams as his pretty eyes bulge out of his eyes, digging his fingers into my thighs as I press against him, bending him slowly forward while nestled in the big spoon of my body. "Shhhh, shhh, it's okay baby boy, it's okay, just let me in, okay? Your hole has a visitor who needs to be let in, and you want to invite him in don't you?" I cooed into his ear. He began thrashing from pain and pleasure but started to steady his breathing before replying. "Y-y-yes, daddy, I'm just, I'm just so FULL, my dick feels like it's going to explode, I've never felt like this before..." he explained in a euphoric state. I knew his prostate was firing off pleasure signals all over his teenage body. He's beginning to feel what he's meant to feel like, finally. He's also squeezing my throbbing cock with his pretty pussy involuntarily as he struggles, and with only my spit as lube that rubber's bound to break any second. Before it does I make my next move. "Maybe some lube will make it fit easier baby, do you have any lube?" "N-n-no daddy, sorry, I've never needed it because my ex's cock was never as huge as yours!" "Damn, alright, no condoms OR lube?" I asked, passively and aggressively suggesting that he's a slut. "Uh-uh I mean, I" he stammered. "Oh wait, I remember, I have some Vaseline that I use for my lips when it gets dry out, that should do the trick, hold on a second," I replied as I withdrew my wrapped cock from his hungry hole. He groaned from feeling empty as I pulled out and got on all fours on the bed as I grabbed my little pot of Vaseline from the pocket in my jacket on the ground beside the bed. I got behind this teenage ass and slapped my sheathed dick on his hole a few times as he enjoyed another hit of his poppers. I passed him the Vaseline pot after taking the lid off. "Wanna lube up daddy's cock for me, baby boy?" "Yes daddy!" And with that he proceeded to stick two fingers into the little pot and smeared the Vaseline all over my cock very excitedly. Since it was only his hands this whole time wrapping me up and lubing me up, he can't blame me if the condom breaks. Which it will once he starts squeezing my cock again with his pussy while the Vaseline breaks down the latex. Fucking dumb neg twink. He positions the head of my wrapped cock to his hole and starts pulling me in. I slowly enter him until his hand leaves my cock, at which point I drive balls deep in one motion. "Ohhhhh-my-GAWD daddy! You're hitting all my spots!" the little bitch said. He took yet another hit of his poppers and started to buck like a bronco against my cock. "Damn boy, you need to slow down or you're going to make me cum!" "FUCK yes daddy, I want to make you feel good! Does my pussy feel good to you, daddy? Do you like that? Am I being a good boy for you?" "Oh fuck yes baby boy, but I want to enjoy this for longer, your pussy is really working my cock, damn!" I slap his right ass cheek, and with that, I knew the rubber was a goner. I'm now rawdogging this slut and I know he's already getting some pre in his guts because I leak like a faucet. I didn't need the Vaseline, it's just assurance for the illusion. But now it's gametime. "Mmmmm, I feel soooo good hearing you say that, daddy, I'm so proud that I can make you feel good!" This teen sub faggot just kept going and didn't let up. This is perfect, I needed him in heat, for his horniness to take over to make him feel all the guilt for what's about to happen. "B-baby, you, you gotta take it easy, daddy's feeling too good! Fuck baby! I love your pussy!" "Mmmmm good because I'm feeling sooooo good right now daddy, I've never felt more full! I just need it more and more!" He was in an absolute frenzy, piledriving his ass onto my rod, he's so bottomed out and gooned out on his prostate pleasure that he's not even listening to me anymore. "Baby I should pull out just to check-" "NO, daddy! Stay inside!" "But I just want to check-" "No daddy your cock is perfect inside me, you can't pull out now this feels SO AMAZING! Don't leave my ass, PLEASE!" He was squeezing my ass extra hard now, but with all the Vaseline and my poison precum sloshed inside his teenage guts the feeling was starting to make me tremble, my poz load boiling inside my balls, imminently boiling over to flood his young guts. "B-baby, if you keep doing that with your ass daddy's gonna... daddy's gonna..." "FUCK ME DADDY! FUCKING BREED ME!" "OH FUCK I'M CUMMINGGGG!!!!!" I slammed into his pretty pussy one last time and I throbbed, hard, for at least 1 full minute. My cock just kept throwing up semen over and over again, I could feel the pulses of my cock reverberate deep inside his ass as he squeezed my cock back in-kind with every volley of cum leaving my body. It wasn't until I finally finished and started to come down from my euphoria that I realized the boy came hands free beneath me. And damn, did that boy shoot lots, and far. It was like a Pollock painting on the bed sheets. We were both raggedly breathing, slowing down as I slumped over his smooth and beautiful twink body. I kissed his neck and nibbled his ear lobes. "Thank you, wow, you are incredible." The twink turned his head backwards with what looked like tears in his eyes. He had a mixture of sadness, relief, but most of all, satiated lust in his eyes. I knew he was thinking about his boyfriend right now, but also of what a good fuck we just gave each other. He began to kiss me, and I returned his kiss with the same tenderness. He breaks for a second to look into my eyes. "That was, the best sex I've ever had in my life. Wow, my ex never fucked me like that. I've only ever cum handsfree from playing with dildos, but never while actually getting fucked. You were my first!" He began kissing me with more tongue and passion this time. This boy is bonding to me. I couldn't have asked for a better way for this to turn out, because it sets up my next maneuver. "Let me just pull out, baby, I'm still inside you," I said with a wink. I stood myself back up on my knees by steading my arms and hands on his ass cheeks. I ever so slowly began to pull out my cock from his hole that seemed to still suck me back in if it could. And this is where I should be nominated for an Oscar. "Oh fuck, oh fuck!" I screamed. "What's wrong?! What happened?!" the twink squealed as he quickly turned himself to me also on his knees on the bed. There he stared down at my cock with the condom shredded, hanging by a thread of my still slicked pole with his ass juices and my cum. It honestly made my cock jump again and caused another glob of cum to flick onto the twink's little boner. "The condom, it broke! The fucking condom broke! Oh no, oh no, this is horrible, fuck how could this have happened!" I demanded with such remorse and regret. I was actually incredibly turned on at this moment but channeled my passion into my "anger." The twink had to understand that I was upset and would never want this to happen. "Oh fuck, I don't know, how could th-" "I told you! I wanted to pull out to check to see if the condom was still okay, but you begged me to stay inside and squeezed my cock so hard with your ass, it must've made the rubber break from all that pressure, FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I should've put the condom on myself to be sure it was on properly, FUCK! I'm so stupid!" I yelled as I put my face into my hands. The boy sounded like he was about to start bawling. Just as I wanted, he has now assumed responsibility blindly for me breeding his neg ass. "I gotta go, I need, I need to go to a clinic or something right now, I'm so freaked out," I suggested to myself. "But you said you were clean, right?" "Of course I'm clean, but I can't be sure that you are! Look, you're real sweet, but I barely know you, I don't know who you've been with or what you do with other guys- "Daddy I promise you're only the second person I've ever been with! I swear I'm clean!" "I know you're saying that, but I'm sorry I don't know you well enough to truly believe that yet. I need to go, I'm so sorry," I explained as I quickly gathered my clothes on. The boy was desperate for words but nothing came out except for some indeterminable noises. He was in crisis mode but his brain couldn't work fast enough to say something to make me calm down or stay. That little innocent idiot. I looked at him one more time once my shoes were on, and gave him a look that must've read that I'm trying to be polite, but most of all worried. I half-smiled at him and bolted for the front door and then the stairs to the ground floor of his apartment. As I started my car on the side of the road just outside his building, I get a notification from the boy. FreshTwinkie13: Daddy, I'm so so sorry, I promise you I'm telling the truth. I'll get tested and show you my results, I swear! I hope this isn't the last time I see you :( I'm not sure whether I'll see this little faggot again. I'll decide later. Whether he tests neg or poz, it doesn't matter really. Either way, it's all his own fault.
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