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wynona tv

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Posts posted by wynona tv

  1. On 3/7/2015 at 7:56 PM, MayorQuimby said:

    My doc put me on anti-depressants even before he put me on HIV meds.  Because of that, I never really had to go through any kind of "grieving" process.  It was actually kind of helpful.  The only advice I can really give is never take Atripla.  That medication should never be given to anyone, unless you like the shits, unexpainable anger, and the inability to think or speak in complete sentences.  To tell the truth, I'm glad I found out I was poz.  I had suspected that I was for a long time, but now that I know I'm not going to be letting my health deteriorate.  Plus, I still fuck as many people as I did before.  :-)


    as can be seen by other posts here, Atripla really depends on the person; i take it and find it just fine, even a mild sort of benefit in that generally between some fatty foods and being tired and marijuana it can be either some great freaky dreaming or fun awake buzz; or most often w/o those it can just be "there" w/o seeming effect aside from the obvious of suppressing hiv


    i do find marijuana curbs nightmare types of vivid dreaming; if the only bad impact one has from atripla is nightmares, i'd suggest trying weed at night before going to sleep if one is so disposed, makes a big difference i find (i occasionally am on trips w/o access to pot and altho it really is quite rare, those are the times i may have an extremely vivid/regrettable nightmare, but i would stress/add it's been a long time across a few trips since the last one, as in years, and on trips often have uite pleasant vivid dreaming)

    i would really resist changing meds as atripla works great

  2. Now, for people saying "no ATM," would you really not even do it after your ass was very well cleaned and you knew the guy wasn't fucking somebody before you???

    For me, personally, if I want to do real serious ass play, I like to clean so well that I can eat out of my own ass. Now I know that's not 100% safe, but it's very very low risk, enough to be reasonable by most medical sorts I know of.

    That said, I'm not saying I played safe with it, otherwise, either, so I'm certainly not one to say at all. But I'm just asking out of curiosity. I guess it surprises me that anyone would resist ATM if they knew "everything" they needed to know at that moment, but of course that's 'cause I'm a total slut who sucked cock out my or anyone's ass in the past without hesitating. (Although I will say, if a guy's cock really tasted or "just" smelled shitty then I'd have a real problem, if it weren't from my ass; and if it were from my ass, I couldn't do more than deal with a small bit of taste/smell; I did turn away tops in the past for having bad-smelling cocks, not just shitty but other odd lousy smelling cocks - although the plural there shouldn't make anyone think it happened much, I think it probably happened less than 5 times out of however many more than of the 1,000+ cocks I had)

  3. @Inception, ah, thx. :)

    But I would extend what you said a bit. Some tops take a dominant position and do things to bottoms that should really be done only with permission. Now, I know my own tendency towards submission and obedience is by no means universal, so what I expressed above was just me. I have mixed feelings about some of the things tops have done to me in situations they had no idea I would accept (I had one top hold me down as I asked to leave; I wouldn't really call it rape but it was just a step away from that, among other stories); now for me this showed me something and I'm ultimately glad it happened.

    But really a top should not just assume all bottoms are like me.

    I realize thisi is anyway a big tangent to your point about the super clean thing.

  4. While a top can be a douchebag, he should expect a clean ass, if he wants one. I am there to serve him. If he wants a dirty ass I'll give him that, too, even as it's not my preference.

    Even when a top is a douchebag, like hurting or doing it when you ask to stop, I still basically like it, I want to be pushed and used. Even when it is borderline. I'm there to serve him. I'm his holes, his cumdump, his toy.

    I s hould have mentioned earlier when we were talking about shit showing up in the asshole during sex, I have had it happen that a guy pulled out and pushed it in my mouth and there was a little bit of shit on it. I just took it, licked it clean, swallowed, because I felt I had to.

    Now I know many bottoms are not there "to serve" per se - I was just talking about myself here, not arguing anyone else should feel as I do.

  5. A big thing as others have said is unsatisfaction with condoms. Especially if you fuck a while, even the best start getting in the way.

    Frankly, maybe psychological but even if so you can't dismiss it for the top, guys w/o condoms seemed to fuck more uninhibited, too.

    And last but not least, while above says "casual partner," the other thing is after a couple great guys get away while crusing while you try to be pure about using condoms, if you're a pig slut at heart, and anyway even if not if they looked like or were hot fucks, you start reevaluating.

  6. As everyone says, as a bottom, I detest having a crappy bottom.

    But as a retired slut, will admit, yes, it happened. Also let me say, there are times you don't have an option and you do fess up or sometimes, take a risk...sorry, almost never happened but please let me explain...

    The most honorable situation, let me cover first, is the total honesty, and I really did do that nearly all the time (again, no excuses, but will explain below). Now first let me say, in my heyday of activity, probably your typical married bottom moving toward pig-dom, that's your context below.

    So sometimes in ABSes your sucking and a guy wants to fuck and you say, "look, I don't know if I'm clean," and he wants to go for it...all's fair, we all admit. And, let me say, I really don't like scat, but I had one scatological fuck that was very hot. It was feeling great and we were both going at it a while and I don't think either of us realized that shit was all over his dick and around the hole and on the ass-cheeks. Yeah, maybe he did, but maybe not, he may have been drunk or high (was hard to tell) and it was really dark. But it was one hot fuck. Embarrassing and awkward clean-up.

    Now, that brings up the worst, the not being sure but letting someone try without discussing. That's a gloryhole thing and while I don't think I ever did it with bad intent I think there were times it was hot, I fignered myself or the other guy did, thought it worth the risk, and miscalculated. Nothing terrible. But I really felt horrible. I would say half the guys were cool, half pissed, all fair. We're not talking a lot of times here, it may even be <5, I dunno, I really did try to avoid, honest. But context married bottom, sometimes you dont' get it enough, get more desperate than planned....sorry!!!!

    But otherwise, as said, shit happens. Very rarely, I would guess only a couple times on bathhouse or other planned excursions and all due to inexperience. Nothing terrible, and sometimes really almost nothing but even the hint isn't good, in my book.

  7. The best I can figure 10". One I'm quite sure was that or better, and another most likely (was a crackhead who never got totally hard but was hard enough; this was a really good chem fuck), the latter was definitely thicker, verging on but not beercan. Both of these were black guys. I recall a white guy vaguely who may have been, but let's skip that for vague memory. The first guy I mentioned was in this bathhouse and I managed to take him all, fairly painful especially as I wasn't quite so experienced then, though I was really stretched out already, but he got in real deep and he unloaded deep inside me. That was one of those few you really FEEL cumming in you, I could feel him pulsing and the warm jizz, it was amazing!!! When I came out of his room this short Latino guy grabbed me and asked if I took him, and was freaked out. The latter of these wonderful BBCs, many many years later than that, the crackhead, was thick but I was pretty stretched and experienced by that point. He also came in me though didn't really feel it that much. But this one kept going, and kept feeding me white fun, and he came agian as well in my mouth/on my face, and kept fucking me more. I just finally had to go!

  8. Good luck, JustProwling, I'd say just do a little bit of playing around (more) with gloryholes, just do a little bit and see if you increase it and/or start seeing whom you're doing on the other side more, start sharing booths more and realizing just how much you crave cock and cum and whatever else (chests, maybe, asses, whatever). Just an idea if you want to start liberalizing your standards.

  9. Nice to be on the forum!

    I used to lead a double life, was one of those married bi guys. I think someone else mentioned that cycle from "a little sucking" to full on cum pig, taking all loads in the ass. I am poz, so now wife knows and I'm a retired slut (we decided to stay together, go the monogamy route, we aren't exactly vanilla anyway suffice to say and it works), basically, love to live vicariously I must admit.

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