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very evil slut

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Posts posted by very evil slut

  1. Medical staff all over the world understand basic English except for witch doctors in Haiti,Bolivia and most of Africa. How could you be alone, did these criminals robed you after they basically 'raped' you in a certain way? Doctors generally DON'T, I REPEAT:DON'T recommend Atripla/Viraday because of the exact side effects you are experiencing and because the resistance rate against Efivarenz(basic component of Atripla) is high.As I said:

    Recommended PEP

    1.Viread http://www.hivguidelines.org/clinical-guidelines/adults/antiretroviral-therapy/tenofovir-tdf/

    2.Emtriva http://www.hivguidelines.org/clinical-guidelines/adults/antiretroviral-therapy/emtricitabine-ftc/

    3.Isentress http://www.hivguidelines.org/clinical-guidelines/adults/antiretroviral-therapy/raltegravir-ral/

    4.Epivir http://www.hivguidelines.org/clinical-guidelines/adults/antiretroviral-therapy/lamivudine-3tc/

    Alternative PEP

    1.Reyataz http://www.hivguidelines.org/clinical-guidelines/adults/antiretroviral-therapy/atazanavir-atv/

    2.Kaletra http://www.hivguidelines.org/clinical-guidelines/adults/antiretroviral-therapy/lopinavir-ritonavir-lpv-r/

    3.Prezista http://www.hivguidelines.org/clinical-guidelines/adults/antiretroviral-therapy/darunavir-drv/

    4.Lexiva http://www.hivguidelines.org/clinical-guidelines/adults/antiretroviral-therapy/fosamprenavir-fpv/

    5.Retrovir(seldom) http://www.hivguidelines.org/clinical-guidelines/adults/antiretroviral-therapy/zidovudine-azt-zdv/


    DRUGS TO AVOID!!!!!!!!!

    1.Efavirenz(component of Atripla) due side effects

    2.Nevirapine-side effects and hepatotoxicity(chem. liver damage)



    5.Nelfinavir,Indinavir - poorly tolerated by many people

  2. Standard prophylaxis:

    ISENTRESS(Raltegravir)-2 pills a day + TRUVADA(Tenofovir-DF/Emtricitabin)-1 pill a day YOU HAVE TO TAKE THEM 28-30 DAYS!!!

    Ientress-400 mg, daily dose:1-0-1

    Truvada-245/200 mg, daily dose:1-0-0


    KALETRA(Lopinavir/Ritonavir),instead of ISENTRESS-4 pills a day + COMBIVIR(Zidovudin/Lamivudin), instead of Truvada-2 pills a day, TAKE THEM 28-30 DAYS!!!

    Kaletra-200/50 mg, daily dose:2-0-2

    Combivir-300/150 mg, daily dose:1-0-1

    If the person who possibly infected you is treated with those and he infected you nevertheless, chances are bad and you NEED another combination ASAP! SEEK A DOCTOR AND DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT INSURENCE. PEP costs some 1800 €(in Germany) or 2500 $-this is a REALLY SMALL PRICE FOR YOUR HEALTH!

    EasyPEP in Apple-Store(Itunes I think) for IPhone-no idea if it has English version- 2,69 €


  3. Jesus, get a life people! He isn't your property-even if you have such fantasies and he likes to play along. So a bottom slut went out and got cock-big deal. Did he cancel the gangbang? I doubt it. You all fucked him and he took all of your loads and now you are bitching about him having a go with one of the guys? WTF? Are you married to him? Organizing a gangbang is hard-yeah right...and now you feel 'disrespected' or what? Some people really need to relax a bit and stop taking things out of proportion.

  4. I do bareback, but when I say there is going to be a condom involved and the top tries to stealth me - well, he is in for quite a show(could get physical too). If I(100% bottom) say I want to use a condom, the top has every right to send me off to the moon and look for another slut, but if he agrees with the terms of the deal, he has to stick to it. I enjoy being fucked bare, but I am no bug chaser and have no HIV,Hep C and so forth fetishes. As for you being clean-that is all good, I wish you to stay like that but i had a bf who got infected(he cheated) and by some miracle after having bareback sex for almost a month with him I found out, kicked his ass and the result came in neg(thank God and all the rest). This was the scariest time of my life. You have no right to take the decision on such issue for the other person.

  5. Yes, this assumption is wide-spread among straight people and sadly not all but many tops display such attitude as well. I absolutely HATE THIS CRAP! I am 100% all the time bottom and I will be a bitch,whore,slut,etc. but if someone starts acting like I am the 'little pussy in the corner' for real(outside sex-play), he gets a wake-up call immediately. Maybe I had only shitty tops, but this 'outside the bedroom' attitude made me quite aggressive & dominant with the time. Tops get irritated when someone 'tops' from the bottom or displays some resistance-but I have no problem with it and am having always a hell of a good time. This heterosex-import from the straight world, where the top is the man and calls the shots and the bottom is the 'girl/woman/wife' is a complete nonsense in our proud 'male-only' tribe.

  6. Yep, you are correct.Happened to me after a hard/harsh threesome(no DP though). We were done,all was fine & everyone went on with his life,except for ME-the bottom. 2 hours later I take a piss and its rather orange/reddish. An hour on top of it I start to feel constant need to pee-yet nothing really comes out, except for very little fluid and some strange gel-kind of matter that was pure red-just as blood. I freaked out, beacuse i was going to the bath every 10 min-nothing happens and pains & burns like hell. Took a taxi and at 2 AM in the morning I went to the hospital.I explained what went on(I think the doctor did find it funny, judging from his facial expression).Regardless they checked me with an ultrasound and asked if I had problems with my prostate prior to the incident, as I am too young to have such issues.I said no I never had something like that before. Well, in the end he checked me and said that there are people who are, how shall I put it- more fragile in that area and can be hurt much easier.He explained to me that when I practise 'receptive anal intercourse' I should make it clear, to the top guy, that the session must be not way too extreme. I took antibiotics for 4 days for my inside to heal-I was not torn up though(I mean colon and teh rest were intact). So yes, HungLatinDom some bottoms need anatomically more gentle pounding.Sadly it appears I am one of them.This shit never happened to me again,but I explain to my tops that overly aggressive,extreme pounding is not in the game,as I am not keen on going to the hospital again and being taken 'off the market' for a week or so. The issue is not the time-length of the fucking, but in the technique.I still can be pounded good,but just not into the extreme.Oh, and of course fisting is pretty much out of question, but I was never a fan anyway.

    Next time be more gentle with that poor bottom-he has a lot to take,when I look at your avatar-and tone it down a little for the pleasure of both of you.Fucking the other guy so hard that he bleeds(especially his internal parts) is not pleasure for the bottom,regardless of the fact that some tops out there, living in their own reality, think that we like it.

  7. @ youngcumdumpboi

    If you are talking about sub btm-maybe. But bottoms in general are not subs and I am certainly not here for the sole pleasure of somebody. Sex is about two people having a great time and not about property rights. I would love to kick out a top that came with such an attitude-he is so not going to get in my hole and I am simply going to move to the next cock.

  8. I organize my sessions myself.I don't think a top could find the thing I look for.Of course if he is a good friend/fbuddy of mine, he would know what i need and like. I am not into other people whoring me-I am perfectly capable of doing it myself, but that is my own opinion and there are many bottoms & tops who like the idea. So, if it makes feel good and horny-do it.

  9. Simply put-cheating is not acceptable for me in a relationship, if it is not specifically agreed upon as a open relationship. Doing it an hiding it is extremely disrespectful. I am a slut and love to fuck with a lot of guys but I was in a relationship and did bring my slutty nature under control, because the man I was with made it clear- he doesn't share his toys with others. I accepted it and it was really cool till it lasted and nobody was cheated on. I had another relationship that I was cheated on and...well,it was really ugly.Make up the rules and stick to them-if can't deal with the situation as it is, talk again and if there is no common ground, go and find your luck. Doing stuff behind someone's back and spinning a web of lies and secrets is beyond any forgiveness-that is my opinion.

  10. Daddy/son roleplay is fun for ONS and fuck buddies, but at the current moment I must say it will be a 'no go' for me in a relationship. Big Age difference brings a lot of tensions especially when someone is young-like me.

  11. That is quite a question. If we talk about physics-yes good build is a big plus(especially arms & shoulders and yes butt,despite the fact that i am a 100% -NON versatile- bottom), no need to be ripped or some giant gorilla, but simply manly stature. I find dick size mostly irrelevant(except for really,really tiny that keep getting out with each movement)-like them in every shape and form and besides it is mostly about thickness and technique anyway. Now, to 'masculinity'-the thing that really makes a man interesting,desirable and 'sexy' and makes you want to experience,feel & taste him. For me that is: self confidence, assertiveness, perseverance, some mettle, wit, good amount of persistence and tenacity and sometimes patience. Wow-that was a long list. People I can't stand are drama queens and they are a LOT of tops like that-we bottoms are more dramatic by genetic design, but I can't stand that in bottoms either. I just find cold,steely,solid & balanced people more attractive, regardless if it is for a ONS or a relationship or 'friends with benefits'. I am aggressive and direct and naturally find this a good feature-not to be misunderstood with arrogance! As I said, I like self confidence but I am going nuclear on people who think the rest is blessed with the simple fact, that they are around and give 'meaning' to our existence. So, for me there is more to a top than pure physics and great package.

  12. Well, to make it short.

    1.Watching at her ugly obese face-you could get eye cancer!

    2.Listening to the sound of her voice-makes you wish, to have been born deaf!

    3.Hearing her arguments-JACKPOT! You just lost 1 mio braincells! Now, do remeber those will never come back and be careful:STUPIDITY & IDIOCY indeed are infectious!

  13. I support the decission, but there are problems! What if it comes positive-many people need counceling after the initial diagnosis. Yes, with time people learn to live with it, but I know for myself that I would fall of a cliff in a deep depression and would need quite some time to get my head around it. It is not going to be easy for 90% of the people to accept. There is an issue also with the fact, that the test doesn't detect fresh infection and can give you the false assumption to go bareback with people you don't know(those sexy anon hookups from time to time). That being said I think it is good and necessary, because many guys have problems(no idea why) to go and get tested-I guess some of us still are afraid to be percieved as homos at the hospital.

  14. WOW! I haven't met tops like that. The most I got was from a 30-something guy and he managed 3 of sufficient quantity(well, he insists he gave me 4, but I have to protest, when it comes to the last one). Multiple cummers are rare and very important comodity-I love to get a load in my mouth, but most tops insist on my hole.So, if a top can give me another to taste,he gets automatically upgraded.

  15. In 9 out of 10 times, I can't feel a shit. The load has the same temperature and so the possibility is minimal to feel the actual liquid inside(of course if it drips out-you feel it).Besides tops tend to pound hard naturally, when they are about to cum and feeling the pulsating cock is difficult. When the cumming is a bit slower(not slow) you feel the cock pumping most of the times. So in the end I would say it depends on the technique. That is the reason why I like when the top cums in my mouth-I get something from it and I love the taste too. I hate(well not really hate-it is a strong word,but you get my meaning) it when the pounding was so heavy at the most important moment, he grunts like crazy,collapses on top of me or the on the bed and I am like:OK that was sure great & hot as hell, but you could have 'let' that ass feel something.Instead I stare at ceiling and try visualize/imagine-not sexy for me at all. That being said one has to be arrange with the situation and be happy for the good time, that both we had-I like & love my tops,especially since I changed from a complete sub into the aggressive,a bit dominating & demanding bottom slut of lately.

  16. Well, I am no chaser at all and I have and never had a fantasy about it. HIV is a incurable disease and I don't see anything in getting it. The world is full of people who deal with health conditions similar to so-called 'manageable' HIV. But when I turn 60+ or maybe even earlier and all the health shit starts coming naturally, with heart/artery issues, higher risk of cancer, generally fucked up & weakened immune system,organs that mostly start to function funny or stop at all,etc I have no desire to be HIV+ on top of this.Just like with anyone, I have no idea what lies in the future for me-tomorrow I could die in a car crash while driving to my university,who knows?But I try to minimize the risk as good as I can and yes I hate to say it, but as a bottom,if we get pozzed-well we are the stupid ones who gave our asses raw and we have to deal with the consequences.Generally speaking you have to figure out if a top is to be trusted, when he says he is clean.As for people who knowingly stealth and lie about their status, when the issue comes up-I have to say, they are evil useless trash and yes it is and should be considered criminal.That is of course if you(bottoms mostly but neg tops also) care about the issue.I know bug chasers and have argued with this attitude,but then I figured it is not up to me to play mammy or daddy and they are grown up people who take their choices and they are the ones who would live the consequences.

  17. Happy for you! From your post I can tell, that for a first gangbang it went pretty good. My first was also 'safe only' and you bested me with your 10 guys. Respect for hitting that number from start. As I mentioned I went for 9 guys on my 3rd gangbang - but since your are happy and satisfied,well what is there more to say!

  18. I have no particular preferences but I do like it when the top is touching me(my cock) while he fucks me.It is not a necessity but it makes me even more horny.After all my hole is being fucked and if my cock is being jerked-well, do I have to say anything more.Oh, I almost forgot-yes my hole gets tighter too, but there are many tops who actually like loose and sloppy holes.

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