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Posts posted by PointZeroRed

  1. Perhaps a trip to a urologist is in order? It sounds like your foreskin may be too tight, but there may be options besides a complete circumcision.

    I was a little perplexed at the reason you'd say a Urologist; so I did a little searching around and found something that seems to be fitting. Being uncut I still have a quite a Frenulum and found that sometimes they can be quite short and then found a discussion on the topic here: Frenulum Breve and also Other Discussion.

    I am definitely going to set up an appointment with a Urologist to check into this. I'm no doctor but a few pictures from online and the descriptions that I read related to me in many ways. I kinda have to masturbate in a certain way so my head doesn't feel like its being "pulled" the wrong way; perhaps a urologist can help me better understand what I've read.

    .... And always keep in mind that there are TONS of sexual activities out there that have nothing to do with your ass. Try approaching some of the kinks out there with a bit of an open mind (my own general rule is that I'll try just about anything twice). There are BDSM scenes, water sports, fisting and toys (if you want to play with another guy's ass...IMO, fisting is the most intimate sex there is bar none), not to mention the good old standbys like kissing, cocksucking and jacking off. Maybe this is a sign that you need to expand your horizons a bit more.

    MascMountainMan, thanks for the many tips/details for topping; I have some experience with women [i know, nothing like a tight hole ;) ] and a few attempts with men. In reading some of the material I linked above, Perhaps another doc can help me better understand why I get this negative/painful feeling when my foreskin is being pulled in different directions. I have a feeling that the "banjo string" I have that causes this pain/discomfort even when fully inserted and during intercourse might be a small part of the puzzle.

    The classics are always fun... while I may not have had a good shag in the last 2.5 yrs I've at least gotten my deepthroating skills honed in; After i had my tonsils and Uvula taken out in 2007, my world has been turned upside down for sucking cock ;) Also, and ex of mine also helped introduce me to using toys (both on myself at the time and with/on him.)

    As for expanding into "kink", I have only said no to one scene that a guy proposed involving "scat," There is some CBT, NP, edging and bondage I've had some experience with; still working on "growing" in those scenes as I've only recently discovered them both through reading on this forum, and some past men I've hooked up with since moving to Dallas.

    ....some things that have helped me keep my ass healthy and avoid embarresing situations...

    2. Don't over-douche. There are other ways to keep clean that don't harm or wash out necessary linings...

    Thanks for tips :) I am proud to say that I am not one to use anything crazy to douche or to do it too often. A few quick squirts with a ball enema to clean things out with luke warm water sometimes with a touch of salt is what I was taught. And aside from the few hook ups I've had, I don't douche outside of that.

  2. I guess you don't fancy being versatile and topping some cute guys while the back door heals?

    I wish it was that easy.... using my hand or a fleshjack is fun, but I never get hard getting a BJ and aside from the first two times I was a "top" when I have tried to fuck a guy my dick feels more pain than pleasure. Its like the tip and foreskin (i'm uncut and I don't want to go through circumcision) is being ripped or yanked in a way that is like an instant kill to my erection; I guess mother nature just didn't build me right for that skill set. :/

    "A tear down there" is one of the reasons why I'm a top today...If I still wanted to bottom I'd have surgery and fix things...

    That's the thing: trying to fuck is not a pleasurable experience what so ever to me. In high school I thought my girlfriends who didn't know what they were doing as I never seems to have quite the same experience some of my other friends had. Once I started to hook up with guys, it was no different. A BJ was good for the first few minutes and then it didn't feel good anymore. Fucking an ass made me shudder with pain more than feel good. It almost felt like at times like I was going to rip something so I had to stop.

    I almost feel like I am double screwed, and am destined to masturbate for the rest of my life. But I keep trying - with the help of modern science. If it weren't for a few of the doctors I'd met over the years, I probably would have given up trying to be sexually active. I guess I am hopeful that ONE DAY some of these smart folks well help me fix all these little quirks so I can enjoy some of these activities I used to find pleasurable.

  3. A short story about my first time hooking up with a guy. Back in 2002, I started talking to guys on gay.com back then i didn't know any other place to meet men online. I lived in a small East Texas town and Houston was about an hour away. I was befriended by this nice man who said he was 29. He was black, about 6' and about 220 lbs. Back then i was a pencil stick 5'9" and 150lbs wet.

    I was nervous as I had only dreamed about being with a guy; He met me half way and paid for a hotel room. When I got there he asked me if i wanted a beer to chill/relax; i took him up on the offer. He knew it was my first time and he sucked me off all over that hotel room, in the shower, on the bed, on the dresser, on the table. He did a lot better of a job than my girlfriend at the time did. after about an hour of edging me he asked me to fuck him. He told me to use a condom which I picked up off the table, but after about 2 minutes i started to get soft and he said just to take it off. My first ass to fuck and it was raw, guess I got a good start :P.

    Anyways, it only took me maybe 7-8 minutes and I was about to shoot and he pulled me close and said just cum and not to stop. It felt like I shot a ton of cum. he had this big grin on his face when I was done. We hung out for another hour or two when I realized it was about 4 in the morning and I had to leave to get home to go to church with family in a few hrs. On my way out, he gave me a Ben Franklin ($100), I was a little stunned and didn't quite understand; I asked him several times if he was sure and I didn't think I should but he insisted and wouldn't take it back.

    We hooked up two other times over the next few months; same kinda setup but instead of handing me the $100 he would just stick it in my jeans. I still don't understand why he paid me. He wasn't a bad looking guy and being from Houston there was no shortage of young full/half pinoy boys to get to do the job he wanted. I only knew his first name, Sam. In all the yrs since then, anytime I'm in Houston I browse through profiles, just to see if I could find him to talk for a few to ask why...

  4. First and foremost, this is my first post here. I have been lurking most of the last year and made an account a few months ago to view The Backroom Forums. To many of your guys, Thank your for being a resourceful bunch, I've learned a few things just from stories and other experience related posts and it has in a few ways helped me better learn about myself.

    Anyways, I have been taking dick RAW since I was 17 (I was legal a the time as age of consent in Texas is 17 :P) In the past I've taken some rather large latin, black, and white dicks and never had an issue; however into being around 19 & 20, I started having issues and had to cancel a number of hookups because I didn't want to either be an embarrassment or leave a bad impression with a messy hole. I had learned to douche/use an enema from a great top who taught me some good tips I didn't know at a young age; what caused me to cancel was finding some small traces of blood at times. I didn't want to exacerbate the issue.

    One day, when I was 21, my boyfriend at the time started to fuck me and I felt this sharp pain and then what felt like a rip right on my sphincter; bowel movements made it worse, and water or anything seemed to burn like Hadies. I know it wasn't an issue using lube as we always had enough and went through bottles all the time. At the time i didn't know what to do so I did my best to manage. After a month of no anal sex, things seemed go back to normal, but as the months started to pass I found out that I had a small tag of skin that grew to the size of a lima bean.

    About 10 mths, after that "tearing" moment, I was doing some research and found that I probably should see a colo-rectal doctor. I scheduled an appointment, and the nice lady doctor took a small camera and took a look up the old chute. I found out that the skin tag was growth to repair an internal hemmroid that was right on the inside of my sphincter and it had slightly prolapsed at some point. I also found out at the time I had anal HPV on some of the internal hemmroids. I was scheduled for surgery about 3 weeks later where the skin tag was removed and sutured up and the internal issues where "burned off" with a laser. I was celibate about a 6 months because I didn't want to risk something happening again.

    Since that time, I've hooked up a total of 5 times and that is over the last 2.5 yrs; the reason being mainly because, I was afraid of having another little accident. Recently, I bought a few sex toys to just "get used" to having some fun again without providing a disappointing experience for a top. I started small, with a small anal plug that is only 4" long and maybe at its thickest 1.25" across. The first day or two I was ok for about 15 minutes each just sitting/lying out, but on the third day, I got that feeling when applying lube that something wasn't right. Using just two fingers I felt like there was a tear/open wonder. Some playful tricks with a mirror and I saw a tear on the sphincter as I pushed out; I am going back to see the colo-rectal doctor in a few days to see what is up this time.

    My conundrum is, sadly, I am sexually frustrated, I used to be able to satisfy my sexual needs every few days/weeks with a good hookup, but in the last 4 years I've held up or had mediocre/poor experiences because of these little pain in ass issues. (slight pun intended) I know I am not Adonis, but I know I have a few looks to attract possible suitors, but I can't have some fun in the wild because I can't even self-satisfy myself and I just don't know what to do.

    Have any of you guys faced a similar issue or had any experience that can relate? At this point, I just need a place to vent and wish that these in the rear issues would go away so I could maybe get a decent fuck and not feel so up-tight.

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