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Blog Entries posted by ExposedFaggot

  1. ExposedFaggot

    Blog Content
    So you are curious about being exposed or perhaps you've seen some...things surfing the web & now you have some questions. What is an online exposure fetish? What the hell is an "Exposed Faggot"?  Well lets refer to a few definitions from UrbanDictionary.com . No worries, I can attest to their authenticity because I'm the one who wrote & submitted them.

    (Wow guys. These have been on UD.com for years and I only just realized the typos I made. What a flop! My bad.)
        The hardcore truth about an "Exposure" fetish is that it is largely a combination of Exhibitionism, Humiliation, & in the more advanced cases tend to mix in elements of Doxing. Like everything else in the human experience it exists on a spectrum. From just a picture of a naked dude showing face & boner up through an image showing full Sissification with embedded text displaying extremely personal details. This can also range from blurry, out of focus pics taken in a dark room where you can barely see the guy on up through fags who have multiple surveillance cameras operating throughout their home where you can watch them 24/7/365.
       If you are looking for more examples run a search (obviously with Safe Search off) for "Exposed Faggots". Check out the links & make sure to check out the Images as well. If you would like to see a specific individual please feel free to copy & paste this into the search engine of your choice & you can see mine.
    Faggot Justin Keith Anglin Exposed
    I personally prefer the results I get from Yandex.com* as Google is going to shit at the moment. I have also been using this site*
    [ [think before following links] https://udm14.com/ ] which allows you to run a search through Google without the AI bullshit.
       Hopefully this post has given you a bit of insight into this burgeoning fetish, well as far as the gay version of it is concerned. I'm gonna do at least a small series of posts here going more in depth into this topic so look out for those. Thanks for reading this all the way to the end. I hope you have a great day/night & I'll see you in the next one!
    -Justin Keith
    *- Sorry my dude. I inserted links at these spots so you could just click on the words but for some reason once I published they didn't work. I must have done something wrong. My bad!
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