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Posts posted by ANastyMind

  1. last week i made a REALLY stupid decision that i should have never done.

    I barebacked a guy i didnt know so well, only to find out after that he was quite promiscious -_- so far i dont have any symptoms, but i am on PEP right now... but he knew that i was worried after so he got tested for hiv a day later & that came back negative for him, but im still taking the PEP anyway...


    later on he mentioned to me that he "use" to have hepitatis but he had "gotten rid of it"...

    I understand that hepitatis can be passed on through anal sex. but how likely is it for the Top to catch hepitatis? i did come in contact with quite a bit of his rectal fluids (he didn't clean out very well either). and how soon should I be tested for it?

    ALSO isn't hepitatis a permanent disease? does it ever go away? 

    After this expirence, I will fully commit myself to NEVER barebacking again & will just stick to being sucked off instead... 

  2. On 4/15/2022 at 4:10 PM, hotpussyboy said:

    Prefer his full cock in my mouth. If that is what the top wants, then that is what I'm prepared to do. Some tops have wanted me to open my mouth wide, to stick out my tongue so that they can see their load in my mouth. For me, so long as I have given my top pleasure, I'll do whatever he prefers. But there is nothing like feeling the throbbing of a guy's cock that signals the explosion of his load..

    oh yeah :} i prefer my full cock in his mouth too :} 

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