so i listen to a call that i missed. " all you rat as nigger are all the same. never there to fuck, fuck you you nigger"
i returned the call and in turn got his his voice mail
bitch you ain't seen a nigga yet! if you are home i am gonna own you fuckin bitch azz and you gonna see a real nigga.
i downed a forloco and bounce to his spot. and pounded on his door like the knock you get when the police is at your house
he sheepishly answers with a who is it
i reply the nigga that has come to fuck the shit out your goddamn ass open the fuck up before i kick this goddamn door the fuck down.
i could here him say " oh shit"
he say yo man i was just kidding about that shit
i respond " yo bitch you done lit the flame bitch it is on open the fucking door do i have to kick this damn door the fuck down or what you getting the nigga fuck of your god damn life bitch open the fuck up!
it was a trip i was mad , turned on and my sexual juices were so churned up if he would stepped out in to the hall way and some one was there i would have fucked him where he stood. he open the door with that little latch chain that you open the door to see. i could feel my nostrls flairing and my breathing was like i had just sprint a hundred yard dash. i look at him in his eyes wide open and saw some geuine fear in his eyes.
he says yo man calm down, calm down i was just kidding
at this point there is nothing he can say to calm me the fuck down
i say open the fucking door,
he says not till you calm the fuck down
so i put my shoulder against the door and the with a slight push the chain just pops and the door is open
is say you bitch it is on the nigga you requested is here to fuck you the fuck up bitch.
all he is wearing is flip flops and a flimsy t-shirt and some running shorts.
he like makes a run to a cordless phone
i say "bitch put the phone down now!!!!
he does with out saying a word
is say take your clothes off
he slowly like a striptese starts to take of his shorts
i say "fuck you are taking to long"
and with that i rip his running shorts that are kinda dogeared anyway off of him and then grab the back of his shirt by the collar and he half trys to run as i rip it of his body.
i don't have any underware on and have some over sized jeans on so all i have to do is put my hand on my waist and my pants drop to the floor.
he tries to run towards a sofa and i takel him and stick my fuck finger up his ass that is already lubed up
i say you not just a bitch but you a whore ready to be fucked huh bitch?
he just slight ly nods
i bend him over shot gun style and begin to just fuck the living shit out of him. he is lubed but the fear is keeping his as whole tight as hell almost a little resistance as he is almost trying to keep me from fucking him.
i say "yo bitch you started this shit
don't let your mouth write any checks that your motherfucking azz can't cash bitch."
did i for get to tell you to day is pay day and your azz is gettting nailled nigga style
when i say this he just shoot his load
and i respond " who the fuck told you you could come bitch
i was gonna fuck you for a bout a half hour but now i am gonna fuck you till you nut to more times
under stand bitch
he responds don't fuck me so hard nigger
i answer " listen bitch every time you say nigger it is like turing up the volume on the radio.
i continue i think you better call me sir motha fucka
he responds sheepishly and softly "yes sir"
i answer bitch i can't hear you
and he responds louder yes sir
this sesion reminds me of when the drill instructors in boot camp would insist you get louder except i was the one this time telling a white guy to get louder
he shouts at the top of his lungs yes sir
the whole time i am still nailing his ass doggie style and his hard dick is dripping precum.
i see a chair next to the sofa and sit down on it and tell him impale your azz on this hard ass niggah dick of mind and he sits on my dick facing me with his legs semi around my waist.
i pull him down so i can get my dick all the way up his guts
and he shoot another load on to my chest
i respond " oh bitch you just come when the fuck you want huh bitch!!!" i could tell he was supprised that he shot his load cause i could see the look of disbelief in his eyes.
so i stand up still with my throbing hard dick deep in his azz and say "bitch you just being a disobediant whore has bitch today huh bitch.
he looks away as i put his back up against the wall and his legs around the upper part of my waist.
did you fuck some one else today i ask as if he is my posession!
he is really trying to look way now!
and i say oh shit you done fucked some one today and then you call me what that disrespectful ass shit. bitch you gonna pay with your ass for that shit.
i can feel him start to cum as his spinxter muscles start to tighten around my dick
and i say fuck you bitch i still did not say you could cum and you gonna come any way? i grab his dick with my thumb over his dicks piss whole to prevent his nutt from coming out of his dick. as he starts to nutt i squeeze his dick hard and i feel his dick throb as he struggle to get of my dick. the more he struggles the deeper my dick goes up his azz.
i look at him all the while we are fucking and say" i'll be god damned if you nut three time before you get your third one.
by now i am ready to shoot my load and pull my dick out of his has and tell him
open your fuckin mouth so i can plant this seed down your goddamn motherfucking throat bitch
he gets down on all fours and i shoot my nut deep in his throat.
i let out a growling scream. and say mother fucking shit
after i shot my load whea are both sweaty and sit on the sofa and look at heach other and
at the same time
just laugh
i say damn you sure know how to spice shit up
and he says he man i was have scaried you lost your mind but when along with iit, thne he asks can we do this very day .
i say listen not every day but once a week for sure.
i never knew race play could be so fun and hot at the same time.
the f-dawg