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Posts posted by Ass4cockjuice

  1. 9 hours ago, EuRawBottom said:

    First off you need to realise that this year, just like the one before, is significantly different from all the years before. So, hope for the best but expect the unexpected. Nobody knows how the next few weeks will pan out. Having said that, there are good indications that there will be more gay tourists this year over the Christmas period than previous years. 

    If my friends here are right (and they usually are LOL), based on the bookings they have so far, this year Christmas will see an influx of gay Spaniards from the mainland (aka Peninsula) and from Italy. This will be in addition to the regular Scandinavians, Germans and Eastern Europeans who oddly enough started to make up a significant portion of the gay tourism.

    As for the venues, tops tend to go to The Hole. The reason I am told is that many are closeted and there is also a fair number of bisexual men who don't want to be seen near Yumbo, which is like a gay mall with clubs, bars, restaurants, sauna, etc.  (The Hole is a bit away from the main gay area, and close to some sport and generic bars) So, as a mostly bottom vers, i go to The Hole during this period. Don't get fussy if you want your holes filled up. If an older gentlemen with a medium-ish size dick wants to fuck you, go for it. You'll get more attention this way and others will notice and soon enough the hottie at the bar may want to have a pass at your ass too 🙂

    Zoo used to be very good too. Not sure if they will reopen in time for Xmas. I had many loads there over the years, but mainly in the second half of the parties when people start getting tired and just want to unload and go.

    Reds is good too, but waaay too many bottoms. Perhaps because their toilet facilities which are super nice for a bottom (douche available and very clean). But, as clean as it is, the ratio tends to be of 10 bottoms to a top. Of course, there are evenings I went there and got 4 or 5 loads within minutes, but these were the exception.

    TimoFF mostly fisting. Haven't been there in ages, so can't tell you how Xmas will be this year.

    Of course, the gay beach, if hotel booking are to be trusted, it will be packed. Away from the seashore, behind the dunes, you'll get a fair share of action, but expect many to use condoms. 

    There's also Basement Studios where you can get in on a day pass. Not sure how busy this year will be but in previous years, it was a good bet that I would leave with a load or two. You can expect a fair amount of fucking, but very few will fill your hole. 

    Depending where you're staying the hotel can also be a good place. Open up the Grindr and see who's out there. 

    All in all, Xmas this year seems to be busier with gay bookings than in previous years so i reckon there's a 100% chance you'll get at least a 3-4 loads a day.

    Good luck!

    Thank you for such a detailed reply and all that information. I really appreciate it. Thanks for taking the time. What you say about older gentlemen sounds so true and matches some of my experience. 3 to 4 loads a day would be good. Can't believe I haven't been to Gran Canaria before now. Usually get my loads in Dublin, London, Paris, Madrid or Munich, Brussels.

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