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**Rob is a 30 year old Hispanic man dressed in a wifebeater and some shorts. He stands 6 feet tall, has a muscular body from working out in the backyard. He has his head shaved, has a light dusting of chest hair the tunnels down to his happy trail. He keeps his pubic hair trimmed but neat. Under his boxers, he has a 3 inch flaccid uncut dick that grows up to a thick 8.5 inches that sticks straight out from his body. He is straight but an opportunist. He fucks guys and girls depending on what’s available when he is high.** Rob sat at his kitchen table hitting his water bong. He was weighing and breaking down product into 8 balls. He receives a text on his phone. It is one of his guys coming to reup. A knock at the door, followed by a sequence of knocks. Rob stands up as he knows it is one of his guys at the door. Rob opens the door for a nervous looking guy named Jose. **Jose is a 20 year old Hispanic young man with a twunk body. He has a slim body but is filled out with some muscle. He was definitely smaller than Rob as Jose only stood 5’8’’ with pale brown skin. He has shaggy dark brown hair that he whips constantly to get out of his eye site. Jose has a slightly noticeable happy trail but shaved smooth past the trail. He starts off with a 2 inch uncut dick that grows to a 7.5 with medium thickness; curves up slightly. He’s dressed in a button up short sleeve shirt with a wifebeater underneath with jeans. Jose is a virgin and hasn’t had any sexual experience.** Rob closes the door behind Jose and directs him to the living room couch. R: okay calm down man. You haven’t even started anything yet. Here calm down a bit. Rob goes to the kitchen table and picks up his water bong. He hands it to the worried looking man on his couch. Jose takes a big hit and holds it in. He blows it out and takes a second hit. He was visibly calmer after that. J: Sorry, I’ve just never done anything like this before. I’m cool now. R: How about something to drink? Rob disappears into the kitchen and returns with 2 Gatorades. He asks Jose which he would like red or blue? He chooses the blue and is handed the drink. Jose opens the drink and takes a big gulp. R: Hey not too fast. That has G in it. J: oh my bad. Its cool, I need something to help calm me down anyways. You don’t mind do you? Jose picks up the water bong again and finishes the bowl off before any answer could be given. Rob was upset that the man just finished off the bowl without a thought in the world. But cool heads prevail. R: It’s cool. I’m gonna go refill this. Rob walked up to the kitchen table and opened up a baggie with picked out a shard. He drops in the bowl. Rob melts the shard and takes a big hit. The passes the water bong to Jose. R: I’m gonna go take a piss. Do not run off. Do not touch any of my shit. If you do, I will find you and cut off your balls. And don’t break my water bong. Rob disappears down a hallway. He got to the toilet and pulls his dick out and starts a stream of golden piss. After the last drip, he shakes the tip and puts himself away in his shorts. He walks back to the living room and everything looks alright. Jose still sitting down on the couch like he never moved. He walks over to hit the bong and notices that the bowl is already depleted. R: WTF man, again? J: Sorry I’m just nervous about keystering those baggies for you tomorrow. I’ve never done anything like that before. Rob picked up the water bong again and walked over to the kitchen. As he is cursing up a storm in his head and refilling the bowl, an idea takes shape in his head. R: (internal) this asshole owes me money and still has the balls to come over, chill, and smoke up my shit. Maybe it’s time to pay the tax man. An evil smirk grew on his face. With his back to Jose he starts talking. R: We could always do a dry run now so you will know what to expect and how it feels. Rob puts his game face back on and turns around to face Jose. He handed the water bong over to him and says go ahead. Calm your head. Jose melted the shard and hit the bong, blowing out a huge cloud. J: You don’t mind helping me. It would really calm me down. R: oh I don’t mind. You should know how it feels so you can get comfortable with it. Go jump in my shower and clean out. My stuff always stays clean until delivery. There is an enema under the sink. J: Wow, thanks man. I’ll be real quick. Rob walked Jose over to the bathroom and showed him the shower. Jose started to throw off his clothes and was oblivious to Rob just standing there, watching the twunk undress. Jose dropped down his boxers and turned around to ask where there the enema was again. Rob just stared at the man’s round ass and started to salivate. R: (internal) I guess the G started kicking in. Rob closed the door behind him and lets the man have shower time. He put away his merchandize and scale. He walked down to his bedroom and started to set up. He dropped his shorts and pulled off his wifebeater, leaving him in only his boxers. He pulled out a tin from his drawer. Inside is some lube premixed with T, condoms with pin holes in the tip, and a vial with his personal supply of A grade T. He finished off the bowl of the water bong and refills in the top tier stuff. He took one hit and was satisfied. Jose walked into the room wearing only his towel. Rob hands him the water bong and Jose grips it with both hands. His towel dropped and Jose was oblivious to being naked in front of the other man. Jose takes a big hit of this new stuff and blows it out. His teeth start to chatter in his mouth. J: oh wow, that’s fucking good. Ever the over indulger, Jose took another hit and then offered it back to Rob. R: just set it down there on the dresser. Now come over here and sit next to me. Okay, good. Now that you are cleaned out, I will start to penetrate you with my finger and work up to baggies. Oh, and I didn’t have the balloons yet so I’ll use a condom with some T inside instead but should be the same experience. Now come bend over the edge of my bed. Jose walked over and bent over for the alpha male. Rob starred down at the price directly in front of him willingly. Rob brought the tin over. Rob squeezed some laced lube on his finger tip and pushed his finger up into the stupid twunk. A mild whimper escaped Jose. The finger met with a little resistance but luckily the enema tip had opened him up a bit to invading objects. Rob used his finger to find the man’s prostate and made Jose moan very low. Rob pretended not to hear it so as to not embarrass him too early. Rob added another finger and slowly fucking him with his index and pointer fingers. J: oh man, it kinda burns. Is that normal? R: yeah, that is totally normal. The burning will go away as you get used to the object inside you. It’s your hole stretching to accommodate my fingers. It will pass and start to feel really good. Rob picked up a shard and placed it between his fingers and reinserted them into the twunks hole. Again the burning caused Jose to gripe a bit but once the T melted he began moaning. Rob pulled out his fingers and picked up the bong and took another hit. He offered it to Jose and both let out a cloud. Rob went back to his box as Jose snuck another hit. Rob placed 2 other shards in between his 2 fingers but this time covered a by a condom. The condom covered his entire hand with the 2 fingers at the tip of the condom. One of the shards was piercing the premade hole in the condom ever so slightly. R: ok we’re gonna try a baggie. Get ready bitch. Rob pushed Jose stomach flat on the bed and used his legs to spread Jose’s legs, leaving his hole wide open. A bit more lube placed on his hole and threw some T powder on the fingered condom. Rob pushed his fingers back into the man’s hole. Once inside, the 2 fingers snapped up the shards and pushed them through the tip of the condom into the deep end of the man’s ass. J: Ahh, its burning R: Don’t be a fucking bitch. Just get used to it. Once both shards had been crushed and pushed through, Rob pulled his fingers out and pealed off the condom and threw it aside. His fingers returned to the man’s hole and Jose moaned out with relief. As Rob finger fucked him, Jose was starting to moan like a good little whore. This made Rob get hard and made his dick bounce just thinking of how tight this man will be around his dick. J: oh yeah, keep them in. the fingers feel amazing. Rob moved his fingers inside the man and made him squeal in delight. R: Do you feel good? Yeah? Want to feel even better? Get up and turn around to me. Jose turned around and was hard as can be. His 7.5 uncut cock turned up at the tip. Rob thought to himself (internal) Damn, precumming already and no Tina dick. That’s real good. R: Good boy. Now take this bong and take the biggest hit you can and blow it on my dick. Rob drops his boxers off and kicks the underwear aside. The straight Jose was lost in the moment and not thinking. He processed really slow. Big hit…blow on his dick… Like so many straight men that are addicted to Tina, he was not stranger to sucking a dick once and a while to get what he needed. But he usually just stayed on the tip of the dick until they came. He starred right down at the 8.5 thick dick in front on him and he hoped that was how this was going to go. R: Go ahead and take a big one and blow it on my big one, stupid fuck. Jose told himself (internal) fuck it! He when down to his knees, grabbed the bong and took the biggest hit of the night and placed his mouth on Rob’s dick. Once his mouth opened, Rob pushed the entire head into Jose’s mouth. Smoke came out of the corner of his mouth. The dick was almost too thick to put in his mouth. This did not stop Rob from pushing it down his throat. Jose felt like he couldn’t breathe with the fucking in his mouth cutting off his air. As if he knew, Rob pulled out of Jose’s mouth R: Again. J: oh this is fun but it’s getting a little too gay for me. R: Again. I’m not gonna tell you a third time. Rob starred right into the Jose’s brown eyes so he knew he meant business. Rob’s eyes were jet black and filled with lust. Jose took another big hit and returned his mouth to Rob’s dick. Again Rob pushed his dick even further into the throat. Smoke came out of Jose’s nose. Rob pulls out. R: Go ahead and take another. Jose immediately took the hit but was pushed away when he tried to put his mouth back on Rob’s cock. R: Okay, so this is how we can go about this you asshole. 1. You can drink the rest of your Gatorade, close your eyes and wake up sore assed and still owe me my money. 2. You can get a bit higher and take my dick. Every inch you take I’ll forgive $50 of the money you owe me. You leave here a straight man that was tricked. Or 3. You can get even higher on my good stuff, take my cum like a good gay boy, and if YOU cum for me while getting fucked, you get invited back to work off more debt. So what is your decision? J: Help me get higher and I’ll let you fill me up with your cum and work off my debt but I don’t think I can cum. R: leave that to me gay boy. Assume the position and take your hits. J: Hey, I’m bi; not a gay boy. I don’t bottom. R: That hard dick says otherwise. Now turn around and show me that nice ass of yours. Jose turns around and bends over at the edge of the bed and spreads his legs. Rob gets behind Jose and grips his left ass cheek with his left hand and jerked his dark brown dick with his right hand. Rob starred at his prize. He starred at the tan lines the young buck had on his light brown body. From just above where his ass started to curve down to halfway past his thighs was a lighter shade of brown. It was almost comparatively white against his dark brown skin of his hand. (Smack) Jose jumps a bit as Rob pulls his hand away from the smooth ass with a hand print on one side. Rob stands up right behind Jose and moves forward until the tip of his dick touched the quivering hole. He did not advance but let the tip just sit there touching the hole. Jose started looking back at Rob starting to get scared. R: I told you to continue hitting the bong. (smack) Now both butt cheeks had a hand print. J: Ah, ok. Yes, sir. R: That’s right bitch. Flickering of the lighter told Rob that Jose was indeed hitting the bong once again. R: ok, now take another big hit and release it when I signal you to. J: what’s the signal? R: oh, you’ll know. Flicker, flicker, bubbling sounds. Rob went down to his knees behind the bottom and started licking his hole. Jose almost choked on his smoke and let it out with a moan. Rob was going to town eating that ass. It wasn’t long before he had his whole tongue going in and out of the wet hole. Once Jose finished the bowl, he handed the water bong back to Rob. R: Still finishing my shit I see. That’s okay. Today you earn it. Rob stood back up and got right behind Jose and grinded his dick against the smooth crack. J: I don’t know about this? Can I still get the Gatorade and black out? R: oh no baby. That ship has sailed. You can have a little bit but you are gonna work off your credit tonight. Tonight you will beg for my cum like the little gay whore you are becoming. Rob placed his head right at the entrance to the hole. J: I’ve never done this before. Please don’t make me do this. I’m not a bottom man. R: Not anymore! Rob shifted his weight forward and his tip popped into the tight virgin hole. Jose tried to buck to get away but Rob used his weight and strength to hold the fucker in place. Letting gravity pull him down into the bottom, slowly, he took an inch. Then another inch sank into the him. Jose was howling at Rob to “stop” and “take it out”, only to be answered with “just get used to it bitch”. At halfway into the tight ass, Rob stopped and went forward to speak to Jose’s ear. R: It all good. You’re almost there. You are half way. If I round up for being such a good sport about this, that’s $250 bucks you just got violated for. You ready for more? Rob pulls his dick almost all the way out and then slowly pushes back to his previous position. His dick hits resistance at the halfway mark again. Rob pulls almost all out again and slams it back in. He gets 2 more inches into the tight hole. Jose has tears in his eyes but does not cry out loud, not wanting to give his host the satisfaction. He had stopped pleading with this man that was in total control. Once again Rob is at Jose’s ear. R: you’re doing great. I’m almost all the way in. Jose’s hole gripped the length of Rob’s dick like a glove. It lets loose its grip and the invading dick takes the opportunity to push again. Jose gives a yelp. Rob bottoms out. Jose feels Rob’s balls against his skin. He cannot believe that he has that monster dick in him. He thought it would never fit. He reaches underneath himself and finds his dick. He is horrified to feel his full length hard and leaking precum. Rob reaches under the new bottom and feels his hard dick too. Still at Jose’s ear, he chuckles. R: Damn. You must be a natural to be that hard still with all that T. Relax, it doesn’t have to be unenjoyable for you. I like my bitches to cum when I fuck them. Jose’s dick throbbed at the little pep talk. Rob’s torso is now against Jose’s back. He pulls out and pushes back in. He slowly long dicks the new bottom. Rob starts to nibble at his Jose’s earlobe as he slow fucks his new bitch. This only makes Jose’s dick bounce with every nibble. Rob worked up a good sweat fucking and pulls all the way out. Jose moans as he feels so empty without the big dick in his hole. Rob just walks off and returns with a towel in one hand and the blue Gatorade in the other. Jose turns around and finally faces his new owner. He knew that he was now his property. He was the alpha. He was transfixed with Rob’s naked body. His muscles, his barely noticeable tan line from wearing tank undershirts. Then his spun mind took over even more and could not look away from his dick. It was standing straight out and him, pointing out the new bottom. Rob noticed the man’s gaze and chuckled to himself. R: I see that I’ve created a good little bitch that knows what he wants. He finished toweling off and throws the towel at Jose. After using the towel, it is thrown aside. Rob took a drink of the Gatorade and then throws it over to the his new play toy. Jose takes a gulp and another before throwing it back at Rob. R: hand me the bong. (received the bong.) Thanks. Rob refills the bowel with his top grade T again. He melts and hits is. Then hits it a second time. He hands it over to Jose. R: Here, you’ve earned it. My dick is not easy to take and you did it so fast. I thought I was gonna be here all night getting into that virgin hole. Well, not so virgin anymore. You’re doing great. Jose was once again transfixed on the hard dick in front of him. He hit the bong once, twice, and a third time. Each time Rob walking over a bit more. At the fourth hit, he knew what to do. He took a huge hit and leaned forward and blew it on the monster dick. This time more of the dick got in his mouth and down his throat. Rob tried to bottom out in his mouth but to no avail. So close he thought. Jose pulled off and takes another hit and blows on the brown meat. Rob pulled Jose up so they are standing face to face with their dicks grinding on each other. Rob took a big hit and pulled Jose into a kiss and shotguns his cloud to him. Lost in the moment, Jose started making out with his controller. Rob put his hands on the bottom’s chest and touches his pecks. He lingered his touch on the nipples and flicked them. This makes Jose moan. After a second shotgun, Rob pushed his bottom down on the bed. He lifted Jose’s legs up with one hand and puts his thumb into the bottoms hole. His thumb sinks in like a knife into butter. He bended down and spits on the hole. He lined his dick up with the hole and pushed right in past any resistance the hole was giving. Jose felt Robs balls on his taint and knew he was in balls deep. Rob slow fucked the light brown skinned man while holding his ankles with his left hand and jerked off the bottom. J: I’m close to cumming. Gawd, this feels so good. R: Not yet you aren’t. Rob released the ankles and placed the bottoms legs on his shoulders. He lifts his knee up on the bed so he can slam into the hole at an angle. This new angled thrusting pushed Jose off the edge and sends his dick into a twitching frenzy. Three spurts of cum shoot out of the twitching dick and the some cum just dribbled out, running down the side of his slightly curved dick. Rob used 2 fingers to scoop up the warm cum off the bottoms chest. He pulled his dick out and smeared the thick cum on the tip and down the topside. He pushed back into the bottom using his own cum as lube R: See told you you were gay. Just gay enough to cum for me. My turn. He returned to the same angle and fucked, harder this time. The sound of his balls slapping against the man’s ass echoed through the room. Without warning he pulled out and throws the bottom further up on the bed and turned him around. He pushed Jose head down ass up and got behind him. He spread the smooth legs apart until the hole is down to the right height. He thrusted in and out increasing in speed. After what seemed like an hour, Rob gripped the hips of the man in front of him and pushed in as far as he could go. Streams of cum shot inside Jose. He could feel the liquid coating his insides. Rob told Jose to stay put and pulled out. He walked over to his dresser and came back. Still somewhat hard, he pushed back into Jose. J: I thought we were done now. Jose started to feel warm inside. This was an unfamiliar feeling. It was kinda like cum but warmer. R: yeah, take my chem piss. Now you get really spun. I’m gonna pull out but you clinch down with your hole. … Now Rob pulled his dick out and replaced it readily with a butt plug. With the plug firmly in place, he got off the bed and looked down at his conquest. Jose turned over and faced the man that just fucked him. All that he could think about is how warm his insides felt, the tingling in his balls, and the twitchy emptiness of his hole. He starred up and met the gaze of Rob. R: oh yeah, look at those solid black eyes. You are really fucked up now. Rest up, if you can. (chuckles) Rob turned on some porn on this big screen tv on the wall. He sees Jose take notice of the porn and how mesmerized he became by the action on the screen. He watched how Jose was instinctively playing with himself and starting to get hard again. R: A natural. A fucking natural. You don’t mind if I call a friend over do you? Okay? Jerk your dick if you say yes. (chuckle) okay yes, it is. Rob walks over to his dresser and picks up his phone. He opens up a hookup site and places an add for "a newly bred straight man looking for all the cum he can get up his sweat little hole. ParTy Time." R: Hey sweet cheeks. You earned $500 to pay off your credit. I honestly thought you'd bitch out on me. But it’s gonna cost you to keep this party going. You don’t mind if you work that ass for more favs. It’s top shelf stuff. (chuckles) Jerk your dick and nod your head for yes. Jose is lost in a haze. The porn in front of him is taking almost all his attention. He hears Rob far away. He wants more favs and he just made some money. Sure he thought, more please! Jose licked his lips and continued to jerk his dick, watching the porn. He managed to nod his head yes before returning his attention back to he porn. R: okay great bitch. Haha, you cant even hear me right now you are so in the zone. I feel kinda bad because you were not prepared for the good stuff I brought out. You got pretty fucked up. You are gonna get even more fucked up.
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