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***Hi there! This is my first attempt at writing a story here, plus English is not my first language, but I had this twisted story in my mind that I had to share! This first chapter is just setting, so please be patient since it isn't anything exciting YET! P.S. I am open to any kind of comments or suggestions, even bad ones, they could be all really useful in the future! Enjoy :)*** Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End We made it: we finally had a home of our own, rented, sure, but far enough from both our families to start a new life from scratch. Paul and I met in high school, neither of us had come out yet. He was very popular, good at sports, six feet tall, with big, sweet brown eyes, dark blond curly hair that cascaded down to his shoulders. Being a rugby player, he had that classic physique: massive, solid, huge arms and thighs, a round and perfect butt that protruded under any kind of pants. In a way, his cherubic face, white skin, and full lips clashed a bit with the macho rugby player physique, but this dissonance made him even more attractive in my eyes. Now, at 23, he hasn't changed much, which is why he proudly flaunts that light blond fuzz on his legs, armpits, and face, and what he calls a "beard" but is actually just a couple of mustache hairs and a few on his chin. He thinks it tones down the angelic features of his face and makes him look "tougher" on the field, yet it's precisely these features that are his strength, and will be his downfall. On the other hand, I am much more anonymous: slightly shorter than him, slim, I just go for runs with him early in the morning when I feel like it. My family is Italian, so I never had to pray for a beard to grow, since I was already shaving at 14. In the gay classification, I completely fit into the otter category, not that I boast about it, but Paul loves my Mediterranean colors, so I'm fine with it. We started dating when we were 16. Secretly, of course. Rumors about me being gay were already circulating, but I didn't understand the origin, since I didn't do anything to draw attention to myself, my only two friends were as straight as they come, and besides, I was born into a Catholic family, where certain things are taught to be hidden even before you're aware of them. Paul was also Catholic and we attended the same church. I was an altar boy, so we knew each other since we were kids. During mass, our eyes would meet, I caught him when he was distracted or about to fall asleep, so when he looked back, I smiled at him or pretended to admonish him, from my position as the incense bearer. So, seeing each other even outside of school, we got closer and closer, until we exchanged our first kiss in a cemetery, during our parish priest's funeral. From then on, we were a steady couple for the rest of high school, without anyone knowing about us. It was very difficult, frustrating, yet beautiful. There were other gay couples happily out in the open and no one cared much. We hid mainly out of fear of the reaction of our Catholic and super-conservative families. But after seven years, it seemed absurd to keep lying, so we came out to our parents, result: we ran away to a new city on the opposite side of the country, without a family, without a home, and without a job. Not knowing what to do, we turned to the Church. We got an audience with the only Catholic priest in the area, we told him the whole truth and that we were desperate. He promised us he would take care of us. Oh, he did. That meeting was the beginning of our end. God, if you exist, have mercy on our souls, and give me the courage to tell the story of my poor Paul, and of Father John.
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Chapter 1: True Dark Convert Samael slowly inhaled the scent of the bar: cigarette smoke, vapors of booze, and the oils that preserved the harsh yet slick leather gear of the patrons of the bar. He inhaled deeper; his paranormal senses reaping the sensations no mere mortal human could detect: lust, gluttony, envy, and then finally he honed in on that sweet emotion that hinted innocence. The fear was mild, being managed by bravery and courage that Samael had bestowed upon the young man but he maliciously grinned as his gaze focused on his target. Across the bar Kane sat on a wide bench trying to keep to himself while he stared with wide eyes around the bar. His nervousness would normally have kept him far from a gay leather bar but he reassured himself reading his messages. The young man had a large denim vest with cut off sleeves and had tried his best to pull off a tough guy look; even waxing his blond hair and regretting how he looked like a slick 50’s style grease-ball but the sleek shine of his skin would tell an experienced patron that he was nervous. Kane was sweating, his courage starting to question his belief in whether his contact would show. Trying once again to discreetly check the photos sent to try to find a match in the nearby crowd. “You shouldn’t hold out for a no show-” Kane heard to his side and he looked up at a middle-aged burly man holding a drink. The modest bear wore a blue and metal harness and gave a cheerful grin. “Life’s too short to wait around for patience.” The young man tried to look confident as his brain raced to respond with something witty but Kane couldn’t help but try to discreetly move back. The older bear laughed and fondled a tiny metal canister before taking a quick inhale from it. “Sometimes you gotta seize the night and jump to the exciting thrills.” Kane saw the metal canister offered to him as he heard a separate cold deep voice. “Or the boy is being obedient and waiting for a proper daddy to show him the ropes at the pace he knows is best for him.” A firm hand gripped Kane’s shoulder as the hunting stranger looked up behind his prey. At first there was a look of cool before the bear’s face dropped and he nodded before turning off. Kane’s heart started to slowly pump back to life from the uncomfortable situation before he slowly looked up past his shoulder to see his liberator. The young man nervously grinned before quietly saying “Hi”. Samael’s facial expression changed from cheerful to stern. No human would have heard those words with the loud music and voices but he distinctly addressed the greeting. “Funny, I was beginning to think you weren’t just acting for fun through the messages boy.” The observation was simple but it worked. Kane started to focus in the same mindset as he had flirted and submitted through online messages. The environment around them wasn’t such an interference as was previously feeding the boy’s nervousness as he corrected himself. “I apologize Sir, I’m adapting to this new experience and I honor the opportunity to finally meet you Sir.” Mental logic started processing quickly in Kane’s mind; trying to review as much as he consciously memorized to make sure he was following the rules that had naturally formed when talking to Samael; a man he found himself desiring to follow and learn from. He tried his best to stay as he was and not waver or move unless ordered to. Kane’s eyes had met Samael and he eagerly awaited a response to continue. Those eyes of Samael’s reflected the occasional strobe light as they drew in the young man’s gaze, reading him and the younger male’s eagerness. Samael’s face remained cold and stern as he patted his long awaited subject. “Very good boy, go get me whatever is on tap and a double shot of bourbon.” The elder ordered and firmly handed Kane some cash. Kane firmly gripped the bills and walked to the line for the bartender. He tried to look confident and firm; a slight ping of concern that he might ask for ID since he technically was 19. Luckily the facial hair had developed earlier in life than most and did add a couple of years helping him slip through the front door or so he thought. He didn’t even realize an obvious problem when he handed the cash over to pay for Samael’s order. “You’re a bit short son.” Kane looked and realized he had only been given $3. His face was surprised and instinctively tried to turn to look at Samael but caught himself before he could face defeat. It had to be a test. “Sorry about that.” A hand slipped into his pocket and Kane pulled out a $20 before trying to smoothly hand it off to the bartender. The young man’s chest sunk when he realized that was his bus ticket home and he only got back $5 from that one bill. He nervously put the cash he got from Samael in the tip jar hoping it would be suitable for that embarrassing encounter before he retrieved the beverages. Samael was wetting a cigar with his mouth and Kane got a better look at him in person on his return. The leather daddy’s beard was black reaching down to the bottom of his pecs which were covered by a leather vest unbuttoned; revealing a thick skin but what appeared to be 3 vertical scars down the front. As he approached closer with the drinks he noticed deep red outlines and highlights upon his leather gear, boots and belt holding his jeans that sternly accented his outfit. “Let’s go outside boy.” With that Samael looped his arm around the boy’s shoulder and guided him through the crowd to the outdoor patio. A grin emerged between the elder’s lips as he was anticipating making the boy squirm but had to keep his ambitions in control. He definitely couldn’t let him fully wander far with too many fallen souls to scare him off after finally luring him in. As soon as they were within the door’s range he lit the cigar and Kane shuddered, smelling the aroma; deep, rich, and a burning that was all new to him and intimidating. He especially was thrilled when Samael didn’t care to shield his exhale from the boy and Kane tried everything to avoid coughing but he couldn’t. “You’ll get used to it, it helps to develop those darker tastes we talked about.” Samael put away his lighter and tasted the beer. “Any cash left boy?” A quick response sputtered out. “No Sir.” “Oh really?” Kane felt a firm hand on the back of his neck and he was forced to face those disapproving eyes again. “So how much did it cost?” He didn’t think he would have to be forced to admit how Kane resolved the shortfall. So of course he had to be direct as he felt the pressure on spine. “It was $15 Sir.” “So how is that covered with the $3 I gave you?” Samael puffed on the cigar drawing in the smoke in his mouth. The ember from the small fire reflected wickedly in the pupils of the leather daddy’s eyes; almost scaring Kane to try to escape but all he could do was start to crumble. “I used a $20 I had to cover it.” The chest had started to release tension and relax at the confession but Samael’s brow furrowed and the unfamiliar stench of cigar smoke bombarded Kane’s breathing. “So what happened to my $3 if you blew your $20?” Samael demanded as Kane coughed. “This is what happens when you’re not direct with me boy, you choke on useless words.” Struggling to get his breath back as he felt his lungs swell a bit. “I was-” He stressed but one look at the man before he forced it out. “-ashamed Sir. For not even checking how much you gave me before I ordered your drinks. So I tipped the $3 to the bartender.” Kane had sunk to his knees and found Samael’s boots, well cared for leather with red embossed engraving and a silver emblem but he couldn’t make it out being dizzy. But kneeling before the boots changed his focus and the dominant man caught it. “Boy when I ask you a question you never lie to me and you sure as hell answer it directly. Give me what you have left and I’ll let you kiss and lick my boots.” There was a slight hesitation as Kane instinctively reached to grab the last of his currency. What was he going to do to get home? He couldn’t call his family or friends to pick him up, they would ask too many questions. Why did he have to give his safe passage home to someone he just met tonight in person? That last thought occurred right as Kane reached up holding that $5 bill to the man he was bowing before. “Good boy.” The paper slipped out of his fingers and the sensation of complete vulnerability started to sink deep within Kane. Others were watching, he felt shame overwhelming him in his emotions. But he looked up and seemed to know but not realize that was necessary. “Now you may ask, boy.” On his knees looking up, Kane could sense about a dozen sets of eyes beaming at him besides the bold pair he stared into before him. The pressure converted the anxiety into obedience and he eagerly said. “May I kiss and lick your boots, Sir?” Samael felt a ping of regret wondering if he’d passed the point and if it had interfered with his plans. He was enjoying this, forcing a man with his power to submit to this humiliation and obedience but there was a greater purpose laid out for Kane he had to commit to. “Yes boy.” As Kane crawled forward and licked the toe cap and lining of his boots, Samael tried to focus the drive. He was confident the boy before him was the perfect being to fulfill his needs but he feared he had already planted the dark ideas too forcefully now. “Get up and sit down on the bench boy.” Samael ordered and Kane seemed a bit heart-fallen as he obediently stopped and sat in the directed spot. A couple others gestured disapproval in the short discipline but they went to mind their own business. “I guess I got carried away.” Kane’s mentality seemed to shake as he saw a gentile face looking down at him. He warmed up to his developed personality and immediately went into a polite gentile response. “It’s completely fine, I feel like I might be a bit over-eager.” A smile and chuckle emerged as Samael rubbed the younger man’s head, that smile bearing into a malicious smirk out of site as he realized that Kane’s purity had preserved itself just in time. And the boy’s ambitions revealed his suspicions. Putting on his caring act he pursued his ploy “Kane, there was a question I needed to ask you that I didn’t feel was appropriate online.” The boy raised a brow, intrigued as they had discussed many [banned word] topics and kinky topics but it had all been fantasy and thoughts before, never actually playing or acting it out. Before Kane could inquire Samael asked. “What was your deepest desire when you started checking out the websites and interest in the leather community?” Kane seemed confused, not by what was asked but realizing this is what was driving him earlier when he was on his knees and his craving to submit and lick the boots had full control practically. He recognized and identified it but couldn’t seem to understand it. “Well, I…” Desperation fed by paranoia brought up panic in Kane as he started to think in a submissive manner. “Sir, I feel a purpose to-” “No, no.” Samael calmly interrupted. He softly hugged the boy to his body, feeling Kane’s hair on his chest as he squeezed and rubbed. “You haven’t seemed to answer this question yourself. And you need to fully comprehend what this ambitious purpose will result in if you continue to allow it to motivate you.” Kane felt so assured he was in the hands of pure experience and wisdom; and contributing to his eventual doomed fate it was divine truth. He was searching blindly through his mind, breaking down the sensations and trying to deduce what had led him to this point. “I needed to escape.” “From something dangerous?” “No, from….well actually it feels like I needed to escape to something dangerous.” The leather daddy’s hopes were building into gratitude in his efforts and purpose. Samael implored. “Well that doesn’t sound normal but what was holding you back from pursuing your needs?” The answer presented itself plainly before Kane but he couldn’t believe it. “No, that can’t-” Samael thought to keep the boy on track but he knew he was already in a mental tailspin to realize the truth. He knew it was inevitable at this point. “I grew up never missing Church, never hating another man or woman, being brought up to eventually follow my father’s guidance into the ministry. I’ve never known anything other than the bright spirituality of our Lord and Savior. I’ve never gotten to explore and understand the-” Kane stopped and seemed to struggle to speak the words he couldn’t comprehend. “I can help you explore the...drives and unknown things you wish to discover. But I can’t help you if you can’t identify what’s holding you back.” Samael motivated, waiting to hear what he had patiently waited for nearly in four months. Kane stuttered, almost as if he was about to cry but then an emotion helped him conquer the uncertainty and build determination: doubt. “I have to escape from my own purity.” Samael couldn’t help himself, he chuckled eventually laughing with a boom as he squeezed and held Kane tighter. The boy was concerned initially that he had said something foolish but the laugh brought a chill of wickedness that grew concerning. Before he could contemplate another thought of concern Samael released him from the hug and leaned down. “Boy, I can help you escape from Purity once and for all.” Kane heard those words and instead of relief a burning drive erupted in him that caused a yearning for unrestrained freedom but alerted his spiritual sense of self preservation and control. “But-...what will happen to me-” “More than likely you will slowly start to escape from the bounds of purity as this world was born in Sin and temptations assure no escape. You find a yearning to indulge and enjoy the satisfaction of Sin but your spiritual clarity won’t let you damage your reputation of a pure soul, will it?” Kane felt trapped between himself and a guiding power of undeniable logic that was trying to save him. “But what will happen to my soul?” Samael thought to take a gamble, but he was afraid that he would lose control and devour the young man before him. But there was no other alternative; he needed that final motivation. Samael voided the gap between Kane and him, bringing their lips in a deep and passionate kiss while forcing his essential hunger to subside with great effort. Samael broke the kiss, struggling for air and so was Kane. The young man panted heavily wide eyed at the man who had broken the illusion secretly harming himself. “What will happen to your life? This is your time and place to make the choices that fulfill your purpose.” Kane’s face was in a state of wonder and epiphany before he sternly looked at the man he needed. “Help me.” The foul being revealed it’s malicious smile at the boy as he exploited the surrender. Kane’s expression didn’t even falter as his capulation was determined. “You weren’t going to need that money for the bus anyway. I’m taking you home to corrupt you.” Kane’s hands had been tied, his eyes blindfolded, and ordered to remain quiet and to clear his heads of all thoughts. After the realization of what he needed most from his desires he thought that last order would be quite impossible but a fog seemed to manifest in his thoughts; slowing the transition of his logical thinking or any sense of question. In those rigid moments before he succumbed to this mental state he thought he might have been drugged but it was nonetheless the ability of a fallen angel. Samael didn’t release the mental fog until Kane’s body was fully restrained upon a round stone altar with his own symbol bestowed since before time. The boy’s body was fully exposed to the light of the burning oils and lamps that casted glowing reflections upon statues, metal emblems, and artifacts unfamiliar to humans for millennia that cast swirling shadows around the room. The only natural light that didn’t emit from a malevolent object were sparse lights from the city trying to reach in from the skylights of the warehouse roof. But even the stars would not show through to the lair of sinful bounds pulsing from the pit of the abandoned factory basement. Knowing he had to work quickly before his window would close forever and Kane would be lost to the primal inhibitions of mankind, Samael sliced through the palm of his hand before smearing it on the center of Kane’s back chest. The warm blood started to increase in temperature and start to burn the skin causing the offering to call out. “What have I done?!” Kane bellowed into the altar, unable to move as he felt the searing mark his skin before vanishing into vapor. “You have betrayed your soul, banishing your sense of purity from it and denying its purpose.” Samael replied back, yelling boldly to echo and impact his victim. He could sense the one emotion building up in Kane’s soul that he needed most of all to pull him through and use him as a host. There was a lack of fear, shame, or doubt; guilt was overcoming the boy who willingly fell before wicked intent. “I beg Mercy! I pray for Salvation from our lord and savior! Condemn my wretched soul once you save me from the wicked!” Samael grinned, Kane’s subconscious thoughts were being manipulated against him and generating guilt; the one sentiment that would preserve the purity long enough for him to harvest and manifest the new being. He couldn’t help but enjoy the mental torment Kane was subjecting, in a way to himself. Especially as his blood continued to mystically mark his skin in long forgotten patterns and phrases that were channeling changes to the host body. “You deserve none. God will not follow you here and I will be your savior through darkness and whatever light you may try to face. Your own body betrays your sense of innocence as it reveals what your true desires ache for.” Kane’s body vibrated with blissful sensations and soon his cock achingly grew erect; the full shaft sliding across the altar as pre-cum barely helped; the friction scraped his cock head as it dragged across the rough stone surface. The light scratches burned as the blood triggered a reaction from the altar and amplified masochist desires in Kane. The mere human cried out for release from this distress; sensations he couldn’t fathom corresponding all at once upon him. The wretchedness of what occurred before him caused Samael’s own cock to pulse with veins that turned into a deep unholy black. Samael’s body reacted to the progression of the ritual, slowly revealing the spiritual being within as it’s lust for the event grew immense. The pupils in his eyes had grown dark before emitting red glimmers of immoral radiance. Hairs in his beard had changed to silver and white; the patterns showing grim age and an abominable reflection around the face of what used to be human. The piercings on his body showed ancient dark symbols that pulsed and glowed in random sequence as the muscles near each emblem fed with each surge in demonic energy. Fangs snarled as a long tongue emerged from the mouth of the body as claws grew and stretched in a fierce method from the man’s bare feet and knuckles. There was no longer a grin, or hint of any corrupt joy upon the being as it stared hungrily with a purpose at the human flailing against the metal restraints. The full leather harness complimented the body as it grew and warped. It showed the cursed symbol of Samael and a demonic symbol that ended with sharp, clawed biohazard symbols, glimmering a vicious red amongst the unnatural shadows. A deep voice erupted as the being approached it’s victim. “Your purity is no longer bound to your soul, you have denied your right to approach the gates of paradise.” Samael’s cock completely swelled to a fierce fourteen inches with bulbs and ridges; inspiring intimidating thoughts of sinister repercussions. “You will surrender your purity to the birth of a grim being to be bonded to you; grow with it in strength, presence and corruption as you walk among the earth. You will surrender your body to God’s venom and let it course through your veins till your body turns to ash. Allow the dark one within you to grow upon the life suffering of mankind through the venom as it contaminates you and any body you bond with as one.” Kane gasped in horror with his sentence even as his thoughts profusely echoed in his mind. He felt the restraints vanish without a sound in the shadows as he heard Samael step up on the altar. He turned over, slowly crawling back as terror started to grow. The boy recognized the being nearly twice his size in height as the monstrosity version of the leather daddy. And yet with all emotions and wicked pressures weighing on him he still strangely felt the yearning to submit. “Sir!” Kane pleaded as he climbed forward and fully bowed nude before the demonic master. “I beg of you, I pledge my servitude in whatever time and commitment submitted as I am. To fulfill in any way adoration of you as my master.” Samael paused his approach as he maliciously started laughing at the human and suddenly Kane gasped as his own voice bellowed in his head; different phrases all at once but each one clearly distinct before and after. “I will serve you with full commitment, Sir.” “I want to be owned by you Sir.” “Your will shall be my fate, Sir.” “I do not want to know purity by your will, Sir.” “I want to be corrupted by your will, never questioning my dark desires and ambitions, Sir.” “I want to earn the right to call you my master, Sir.” Kane deeply panted in confused lust as his cock dribbled pre-cum with endless fathom at the self realization of what he had just heard from deep within. He heard from Samael “You have already surrendered yourself to your deepest desires. Your plea is of no necessary matter even to you.” Kane felt a weird mix of defeat yet fulfillment, wanting to feel foolish it took him this long to realize what he wanted but before he could contemplate he saw a muscled clawed foot before him and he looked up, seeing all the dark, toxic, and malicious tattoo’s, markings, and scars etched on the scuffed muscles before his eyes met the captivating glare of his master. “Now submit to your desires and receive what I shall bestow upon you.” The faulted man gazed over the glowing biohazard markings constrained within a pentagram, and the symbol he strangely trusted was the one bonded to the mythical being before him. With barely any struggle, Kane turned around on all fours and presented his body before the dark being. “Please Sir, I gladly accept and honor what you are about to grant me.” Kane heard a roar of hunger before he felt the force of Master Samael pinning him and prostrating him with the unholy toxic cock. The nerves overloaded with severe pain and emotional despair that his brain started to pass out but his master halted that human function first. The shaft was still intruding the bowls of Kane, causing the human to scream out in excruciating pain as he felt his virgin hole torn and shredded. As his conscious mind attempted to make peace with his fate he gagged as he felt an invading tongue and gnawing kiss. Master Samael was invading Kane’s other hole and choking him with his profane tongue. The human who had discarded himself from his initial species initially thought it was to extend the torture but as he retched he felt an intimate factor. Kane’s eyesight was getting fuzzy with what was happening to him but he thought he saw his new demonic master express a sense of devotion in his work upon Kane; however he didn’t realize it was in more ways than one. Samael’s abilities concentrated as he invaded deeply into the human being; tuning in to match the spiritual connections of Kane and starting to viciously attack it. He had to break through to the soul so he could use Kane’s purity and innocence as long as they could both trap it. Samael was incredibly surprised; he truly had found the perfect human to fulfill his purpose. His feat would have been nearly impossible if Kane hadn’t been able to accept his actions and ambitions as his own and fulfill them without regret. His purity would have easily escaped as fear would have denounced his ambitions. And he had already corrupted too many mindless poz pigs over the decades. Despite Kane’s surrender to his demonic master his soul was still resilient and unable to deconstruct with any human will on itself. Samael’s attempts were proven fruitful though as eventually the human’s soul fell apart and imploded; it’s spiritual entities of morals, purpose, ambitions scattering and revealing it’s core purity. This was quickly and wholly engulfed by Samael with malicious and savory success. And for once the demon felt the pieces that had once been Kane and felt a slight emotion of regret. With their bodies, Samael started to glow violently as he stressed difficulty containing and holding the essence that was toxic in a way to all malevolent beings. Like radiation it was severely damaging the demonic master but with the talismans on his leather harness he overcame the core entrapment that had once claimed Kane. “Soon my slave, you will boast how this part of you that restrained you with such irrelevant purpose in life was corrupted and enabled you to spread blissful toxic lust.” The demon growled as he exploited the entity inside him into a fowl spiritual being. Unfortunately with Kane’s soul shattered, his body simply reacted to the physical sensations that he could feel: intense pain, the pressure from Samael’s body, tongue and shaft. His eyes listless and void, Kane would never be close to human again once Samael’s curse was completed. “Finally, I can enjoy this act of unholy initiation…” Samael was relieved as he withdrew his tongue from the front orifice of the body he was raping, allowing it to breathe properly. The demonic shaft, however, swelled and pulsed as not only would it be a charged toxic demon load, but one that would infuse another spiritual entity. As the demon plunged it’s profane dick into the human body it snarled. “You were so easy in the end to surrender to me. If it wasn’t for your purpose I would have corrupted your body long ago and kept you as a submissive slave even in human form.” Heavy amounts of blood and feral yellow bodily fluids squirted and dribbled out of Kane’s ass as Samael’s member plunged in. “I barely could contain myself waiting this long. But I had to entrap you in the purest form possible. And now that I know what you’re capable of, I can hardly regret forcing you through this.” The body’s anal region was pulverized as the shaft continued to forcibly invade. The demon seed was already dripping and corrupting it on a biological level: the HIV virus rapidly corrupting the cells with a toxic strain synthesized after years of mutations and transfers. The altar was vibrating with an ominous tone as it responded to the blood mixing between innocent and malice. Samael shuddered in bliss, barely keeping himself up. “You will pass this on with dark intent to innocent humans like you once were” Samael grunted as he could feel his member plunge deep into the muscles and tissues. He could only imagine how much blood he had infected mutilating Kane’s body like this. However he sneered; feeling a dark and twisted sensation as he got suddenly stimulated and his shaft started to rapidly swell. “Not only will you be pozzing humans like I would have inevitably done to you, but you shall be given more. You will help me in rescuing humans from their purity that they have used to enslave themselves. Behold the gift that I force upon your existence!” The skin tissue on Samael’s shaft started to harden as it expanded, forcing the brutally raped hole to stretch even further. Crystallized shards of demon cum started to emit from the slit and encased themselves in the blood drenched bowels to slowly transform the body into a malevolent being of darkness. The deep pants and groans coming from the dark beast grew rapid and quicker until a deep breath was forced and a shrieking roar bellowed from the jaws as an abominable orgasm ripped through him. Jets of demonic cum varying from potent yellow to toxic black rocketed from the slit and flooded the former human body it had mated with. The blood rapidly fused and started to change with a dark shadow genetic structure; the new demonic DNA spreading and corrupting other parts of the body in what would be a painful and masochistic thrilled sensation. The grim eyes of Kane slowly began to gain a sense of life as his spiritual entity was formed with a modified evolution. The former human feeling a sense of confusion, intense pain, and overwhelming sensations tying dark bliss and sadistic intent clawed at the surface of the altar as he called out in his state of wretchedness. He felt a slimy tongue wrap around him and invade his mouth. Kane suckled the tongue with intrigue, finding it almost calming to the overwhelming impacts that were erupting through his body. It was the only kindness he received as it guided him into a kiss with the mate that had remade him. The act passionately invigorated lust as it continued to plunge it’s rear member into him, forcing the seed it spawned deeper. It reassured the new formed demon of its place was well intended and in a way safe within the will of the monstrosity that had made him. With that it’s master allowed the sensations to overwhelm what was human to allow the new being to pass out in peace.
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- ritual
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Chapter One: Damien awoke to the sound of his alarm waking him to get ready for work. He shut off the alarm and grabbed his phone to jerk one off before starting his day. Damien had always been sexually promiscuous, but his interests as of late had become focused on one thing in particular. Bugchasing. Damien was negative but nothing turned him on more than seeing a video where a poz top verbally bred a negative bottom. As much as seeing pozzing videos turned him on, Damien didn’t think he would ever be able to actually take the plunge himself. He pacified the urges by telling himself it was all just a fantasy, a fetish to jerk off to, he would never have the guts to chase it in real life. Damien opened bbrt to check his messages quickly, and that’s when he saw it. An email with the subject line, “Join the poz brotherhood”Damiens' heart began to race as he opened the message, and what he saw made his heart stop altogether. “Brother Damien, we have been monitoring you for some time now and we know of your suppressed desires. Set yourself free and fulfill your duty to the Brotherhood. We will arrange everything for you, all you have to do is accept our offer.” Damien’s mind was racing, was this a joke? There’s no way this could be real. He sat in bed, his mind going back and forth between asking for more information or ignoring the email altogether. He sat there for what seemed like forever contemplating when a sudden impulse came over him and he replied: “I accept”. He pressed send and then stared at his phone screen, wondering what he had just done when almost immediately a return email arrived. “Welcome, Brother Damien. Your path to fulfill your destiny has been set in motion. No further action is required on your end. When the time comes, you will know.” Perplexed by the ambiguity of the response and overwhelmed by the millions of questions surging through his head, Damien went to reply asking for clarification on what would happen and when. But at the moment he hit reply, the messages and the account disappeared altogether. Panic filled Damien as he frantically searched his inbox for the messages and the website for the account. Unable to find anything, Damien realized he had to start getting ready for work or he would be late. Time passed by slowly that day. Damien was unable to focus on any of his work, and to make matters worse he couldn’t resist the urge to check his phone every 5 minutes to see if a new message had arrived. But the day past and nothing eventful amounted. By the time three days had past and Damien noticed nothing out of the ordinary, he was fairly certain that the whole thing was some kind of joke. Any by the time a week had passed he was certain of it. He couldn’t believe he let himself get so worked up over a silly prank email. Damien decided to return to his normal life and keep his fantasies of bugchasing just as that, a fantasy. It was a Saturday night and Damien had agreed to meet up with a few friends at a bar for drinks downtown. He arrived early and found a seat at the bar while he waited for his friends to arrive. He ordered his go-to drink, gin and tonic, and watched the game on the screen above the bar. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a tall, muscular man take a seat next to him. The man had a perfectly sculpted thick black beard, curly black hair, and eyes as dark as midnight. He was exceptionally handsome and Damien immediately attracted to him, but he knew the man was way out of his league. Now Damien knew he was a handsome guy, he had no problem picking up a guy at a bar, but this guy was on a whole other level of sexy. He had a dark ruggedness to him that seemed to entrance Damien, so much so that he hadn’t realized he had been staring until he saw those two black eyes looking right back at him. Overcome with embarrassment, Damien’s cheeks flushed and he quickly said, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to stare, I just…” The man waved him off and cut in, “Hey don’t worry about it! The names Lucius, nice to meet you….” “Damien, my name is Damien.” “Well it’s nice to meet you, Damien. What brings you out tonight?” “I am supposed to be meeting up with some friends for drinks tonight, what about you?” Lucius gave Damien a mischievous smile and replied, “I have some business to attend to.” Before Damien could ask about the business Lucius had, his friends entered the bar and pulled away his attention. Lucius got up and said to Damien, “Well I see your friends have arrived, I will leave you to it then. It was nice meeting you, Damien.” Before Damien could ask for his number Lucius had already strolled out the door. Damien’s friends took the empty seats and Damien finished off his gin and tonic. He couldn’t tell if he were mistaken but it seemed to have a different taste than before… About 20 minutes later Damien had started to not feel so well. He had become light headed and dizzy and he had hardly had anything to drink yet! Deciding he wasn’t feeling up to a night of drinking and staying up late, he told his friends goodbye and headed out towards his car. He had only parked a couple blocks away but time seemed to be slowing down and the walk was seeming to take forever. Wondering what could be wrong, he turned the corner and passed an alley and that’s when he felt someone grab him and a bag go over his head. Fear and panic set in as Damien tried to resist against his attacker, but he was feeling extremely weak and a wave of sleepiness was rushing over him. Damien collapsed to the ground as a van pulled up to the curb. Two men got out of the van and threw Damien’s unconscious body inside and drove off. Several hours later Damien started to wake up. He couldn’t remember what had happened or where he was, or how he got home last night. He tried to get up but realized something was restricting him. His eyes fully opened and he began to realize what was happening. He was strapped to a fuck sling with his knees locked above him in stirrups. He was completely naked and exposed, he started to panic as he struggled to break free of the restraints. Looking around he seemed to be inside a church, except that it looked as if it hadn’t been used in a while. His mind raced as he continued to try and get loose of the restraints, he thought he could almost slip his foot out when he heard a loud booming voice say, “Welcome, Brother Damien” **** More to come soon, this is my first posting so any feedback would be appreciated****
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