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Tony and Zeke were a good looking couple. Tony with his blonde buzzed hair 6’ 2 210 pounds of muscle. Zeke was 5’11 180 pounds. Swimmers build. Both 27 years old. Zeke worked for George Tries industry. It was a software company that kept Zeke on the go. Needless to say it was a booming business. George knew he had a great employee in Zeke. He also wanted to bed Tony. George being in his 50’s and wanting to find away to fuck Tony was near impossible. But with Zeke usually away on business. And Zeke was going to be away for at least three weeks with a colleague named Adam. A red headed 23 year old who is computer savvy. Tony didn’t trust Adam. And he hated that Zeke was going to be away on their fourth anniversary. Tony and Zeke make love the day before Zeke leaves. Tony always the top. Zeke always the bottom. But Zeke wanted to change that. Spice up their relationship. Tony was game. two days before Zeke was to come home. Tony got the call from him. He was going to have to stay other four days. Hammering out a deal. Tony was pissed off. He hated Zeke’s job it paid very well. And Tony himself had a decent paying job. Tony thought I should talk to George maybe ask him to give Zeke a break. Tony had a few drinks. Then called George, who agreed to meet with him at George’s place. George thin and at 5’9 and a 146 pounds. With white hair had shorts and a t-shirt on. Quite different from suits that he wears. George let him. And offered Tony a drink which he accepted. Tony was buzzed already. George saw that and saw a chance to make a move on him. Tony down three more drinks. “You want me to cut back on sending Zeke out of town.” “And when he does not send Adam with him.” George said. Tony slurred a “yeah”. “You think maybe there’s something going on with Adam and Zeke?” George asked. Tony answered “I don’t know. They spend more time together then we do.” “Adam is a good looking guy as are you and Zeke.” George said. Adding “That it is possible that something may have happened between the two of them.” George starts to rub Tony’s back. “Would you like another drink?” George asked. “I guess one more couldn’t hurt.” Tony said. George got him a drink and continued rubbing his back. “Maybe Zeke and Adam did sleep together.” Tony said. “Maybe” George replied. Now sliding his hand underneath Tony’s shirt. Slowly taking it off him. Tony was too drunk to realize that George was setting him up. Planting seeds of doubt into his head. “I should go.” Tony said. “I’m not sure about you going anywhere.” George said. “Spend the night here.” “I would feel responsible if anything happened to you.” “Maybe you’re right.” “Thank you George” Tony said giving George a hug. George slightly patted Tony’s ass. Not realizing that George was getting him closer into bed. George led him into his bedroom. Tony was already shirtless but being drunk had trouble unbuckling his belt and pants. George helped him out of his clothes. Wearing brief underwear. Then George took off his clothes. Wearing his box briefs and got into the other side of the bed. And continued rubbing Tony’s back. Giving him a massage. George got hard fast. Taking off his underwear. His hard dick pressed up against Tony’s ass feeling George’s hard on. Tony himself was hard. George was now rubbing his hands all over Tony’s body. George thought “this is going to happen.” He then kissed Tony hard on the lips. “Wait” Tony said. “This is wrong.” “I love Zeke.”I know you do.” George said. “But we both know that they are fucking.” Tony thought about what George just said. George managed to get Tony’s underwear off of him. Tony feeling betrayed by what he thought was Zeke sleeping with Adam that he kissed George. George lubed up his dick. “I don’t bottom.” Tony said. George answered with “I know.” George got up Tony saw his wrinkled ass then George came in with another drink for Tony. Who drank it. Tony feeling horny and weak found himself doggystyle with George’s dick deep inside of him.”ohhh” Tony moaned. George was going slow with him. He wanted this to last. George was enjoying fucking Tony. Thrusting his dick in and out of the young man’s firm ass. George pulled out and put his dick into Tony’s mouth. Who started sucking on it. “Fuck” you suck cock really nice.” After a few minutes. George removed his dick and out of Tony’s mouth and back into his ass. “Oh shit” George shouted. “I’m going to cum in you!” “Ahhh” as his dick shot load after load into Tony’s ass. The next morning Tony woke up with a hangover. Nude in George’s bed who was also still naked. “Fuck me” Tony shouted. Waking George who said “again?” Tony quickly got dressed and saw his phone with missed phone calls from Zeke and texts. He did however see that he had face time. When looking at his texts Zeke told Tony he needed to find a new place to live. George had set the FaceTime on so Zeke could “catch Tony in the act.” Tony started crying which led to George fucking Tony again. Tony moved in with a friend from work. Zeke and Adam never did have sex. And George knew he could get Tony into bed at any time he wanted and would.
Curtis and Justin were the “perfect couple.” They met at college. Justin had ended his relationship with his ex Tom. Who had been cheating on Justin. When Justin caught him, he ended it on the spot. Justin was a redhead with freckles. With a swimmers bod. A 7 inch cock and a bubble butt was the bottom in his current relationship with Curtis. Curtis was a blonde hair blue eyes with a medium build. A 9inch cock that kept Justin happy. Now both graduates and found a place to live. Both working. Curtis as an editor for a publishing company and Curtis as a teacher. The principal of the school where Curtis works fell instantly into lust with Curtis. At 48 balding and a stocky build. Bellows fantasies about fucking Curtis in many different positions. But Ralph Bellows didn’t dare cross that line. But still hoped an opportunity may present itself. He does work closely with the newer teachers. One of the other newer teachers is Tom. He was dark brown hair with hazel eyes. Flat board abs. Tone body. Tom still loved Justin. He just never appreciated him. Ralph picked up on the tension between the two young men. “Tom, what’s up with you and Curtis?” Ralph said. “Curtis is engaged to my ex boyfriend.” Tom replied. “Ahhh. You’re jealous I take it.” Ralph stated it as fact. “Yes I am.” “I do want Justin to be happy.” “And he is.” Tom said. “He and Curtis are devoted to each other.” “Nothing will break them up.” ”Maybe we can.” Ralph said with a devilish smile. “I want to fuck Curtis badly.” “You want Justin back.” “How?” Asked Tom. “No way Justin will see me.” Want to make a bet?” Ralph asked. “Ok” Tom agreed. “A hundred dollars says I’ll get Curtis into bed before you get Justin into bed.” “We have to set them up.” “Make them think each is cheating on the other.” Ralph said. “Run into Justin.” “Make a mends” “then take it from there.” “Alright Ralph.” Tom said. “But how will I know that you got Curtis into bed?” “You can say that you did.” “I can say that I did with Justin.” “We set up a video and record it.” “That would prove which one of us got what we’ve been wanting.” Ralph said. They put their plan into action. Back at Justin and Curtis’s apartment. Both are fucking and Curtis kisses Justin has he shoots his load into Justin’s ass. “I love you.” Curtis whispered into Justin’s ear. Justin lying naked next to Curtis. Smiles at him. A few days later. Tom “runs into” Justin. To Tom’s surprise Justin talks to him. ”How have you been?” Tom asked “I’ve been good.” “Busy with work.” “Life.” Justin responded. “I’m glad you’re doing well too Tom.” From there. They would renew their friendship. Causing Curtis to get jealous. The more time they would spend together would upset Curtis. Until one night he came home and found them making out. Causing Curtis to leave. Unfortunately for Tom. Justin kicked him out. So he didn’t have sex. However, working with Bellows, Curtis was at his place upset. “What happened?” “Are you ok?” Ralph asked. Pretending to be concerned. “I don’t want to bother you with my problems.” Curtis said. “You’re not bothering me.” Ralph answered. Sitting down next to Curtis. Rubbing his back. ”I caught Tom and Justin making out in our apartment.” “I don’t know how long this has been going on.” “I need a drink.” Curtis said. Ralph gets him some tequila shots and vodka. Within 15 minutes Curtis is drunk. And sliding his hand between Curtis’s shirt and back rubbing him. Slowly putting his fingers just above his asscrack. “You should stay the night.” “You’re in no condition to drive.” “Going home isn’t the best thing for you right now.” If Tom is still at your place. There would be yelling and screaming.” Ralph said.all the while he got Curtis to take off his shirt. “Thank you Ralph.” Curtis said finishing up another tequila shot. “Come on, let’s get you into bed.” Ralph said. Curtis managed to get undressed and got into bed. Ralph got undressed too. Before getting into bed set up his phone so he can FaceTime Tom. Ralph got into bed and massaged Curtis all over, rubbing the man’s massive cock and ass. Taking off Curtis’s underwear. Tom watching smiled. Ralph took off his underwear and put his cock to Curtis’s mouth who drunk as he was. Started sucking it. “Ahhh” that’s great Curtis.” Ralph took his cock out of the young man’s mouth. Kissed him. Then Ralph started playing with Curtis’s hole. Fingering him till he started to fist him. “Tight hole” Ralph thought. He lubed up his dick and Curtis’s asshole. Ralph slowly put his 6 inch hard cock into Curtis’s now open hole and started to go in and out. Meanwhile Tom was so caught up in watching Ralph fucking Curtis. That he didn’t hear Justin come in. “What the hell is going on here?” Justin demanded to know. Seeing his boyfriend getting fucked by his principle. Tom explained to Justin everything to him. meanwhile Ralph is getting ready to cum inside Curtis who is so drunk that he thinks it’s Justin fucking him. Ralph now is ready to cum. Starts to cum inside Curtis when Tom and Justin burst in. “Get off of my boyfriend you conniving piece of shit.” Justin shouted. Ralph and Tom got out. “He knows everything.” Tom said. “Curtis, I’m sorry.” “I’m going to take you home.” Justin said. “Home?” Curtis asked puzzled. “Yes” “Home.” “I love you Curtis.” “I love you too” “Curtis replied. they worked things out. Budget cuts got both Ralph and Tom fired. Curtis found a new job before the cuts. And Justin and Curtis grew stronger as a couple with the best sex life they could ever hope for
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(and 5 more)
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Some recent events, and recent posts on the Breeding zone have prompted me to write a work of fiction. Although, I have used myself as the main character, please remember this is a work of FICTION and any similarity to real people and future events will be argued to be nothing more than pure coincidence. Enjoy. How I became a Biker Bitch Part 1 It’s difficult to believe I’ve come to this. I was a bisexual top only a few days ago, and now, well, maybe I should start at the beginning. A few weeks ago when I went out with my sister to her favorite karaoke bar. I’d been there before, as a matter of fact, I go to all the bars in town. Anyway, this particular night as we were leaving she introduced me to Magnum, the leader of the biker gang which happened to be there that night. He said “Glad to meet you. You’re not drinking?” I’d just stopped a bit earlier, and told him I was driving her tonight, as we were in her car. " Oh, got it" he said, "Good to meet you" and with that he shook my hand. He wasn’t built quite like the other bikers, having a somewhat smallish frame, as opposed the rest of guys in the bike gang, who were generally big guys. I thought this a bit odd. When we get outside I asked my sister why she introduced Magnum to me. She explained that she wanted to know if was he bi. My response, “How the hell should I know?” “Well some of the girlfriends and wives think he is, and everyone knows you are, so they just thought you could tell. Everyone hates his girlfriend 'cause she gets so jealous of anyone, even guys. talk to him. Honestly most of us are hoping Magnum and his girlfriend break-up - she's completely controlling." I responded "Women, are such conniving……” shaking my head, “What business is it of yours, your not even in their club. I mean conspiring against a guy like that. I want no part of it” “But I will say this, if we were at the gay club and the guys kept playing with his rear and crotch like they did here tonight, I’d think they were all gay and he straight.” She laughed and that was the end of it. We started going to each karaoke night at the club. The first couple of weeks only a few of the bikers dropped in, on one Saturday night they all showed up again, including Magnum. I decided to buy him a beer, thinking it would be good to be friendly. I got two beers, and walking over to him, said "Howdy," handing him one of the beers, which he accepted with a broad 'thanks'. Showing him my beer, I remarked “See, I do drink” and with that I strolled-off, thinking "My good deed is done for the night." As the night progresses, everyone got drunk, of course. I had to go take a piss as I walked into the men's room, a biker walked in behind me, taking-up the adjoining urinal. To my surprise he struck-up a conversation asking “You’re Debbi’s brother, aren’t you?” “Well, yes” I replied. Extending his free hand, we clumsily shook hands and he introduced himself saying “I’m Hambone. I’ve heard about you.” “Oh, I hopes it’s not bad.” “I heard you’re a queer.” I replied “Not quite: I’m bi. I do like women.” He clarified "But you do like cock, right?" adding "What do you think of mine? Bet you’d love to suck it for me wouldn’t ya?” With that he turned to show it to me, then,without awaiting my reply, zipped-up and walked out the door. leaving me with my mouth hanging. His cock was a beauty. I could understand why they call him Hambone. While his cock seemed to be of average length, at least when soft, but boy was it thick. I don’t think I could have gotten my mouth around it if I had wanted to. Well I would have tried if he had been serious. LOL. I hadn't had sex with anyone in a long time, and I was just about to go out of my mind with the desire to have physical contact with another person, but I didn't really know what had been stopping me. I washed my hands and returned to the table, and my beer. Debbi and I were sitting at a table with one of the bikers, Mike, and his wife, Linda, as well as a couple other women who are friends of theirs as well as Debbi, who had just been called to the floor for a song when Magnum walked-up and invited me to accompany him out on the patio where a couple of other bikers were gathered. I wasn't sure this was a good idea, but figuring the club was a public place, and as I didn’t sense any menace in the invitation, I accompanied him. Once out-side, one of the guys lit-up a joint and started passing it around. While I declined, Magnum opened saying “Some of the guys have talked it over, and we have decided to invite you to join our club.” “Wow, well uh, I’d love to belong to your club, but I’m afraid I don’t qualify. Believe me, you really don’t want me, I’d be an embarrassment. Thanks, though.” “How’s that?” he asked. “I don’t have a bike, nor do I have a good enough job to buy one, or even know how to ride, if I did have a way to buy one. Let alone the fact I used to be a prison guard, and some of your guys are ex-cons, the two don’t normally mix well. Then there's the fact I’m bi, and some of your guys would.…” He interrupted me,“Oh, I didn‘t know you were a guard.” He grinned widely and glanced at the two other bikers passing around the joint. "As for the job, I’m sure one of us can help you find one that pays enough, and I’m sure we can round up a bike you can borrow 'till you can buy one. And we can teach you to ride.” I asked, “Has anyone ever turned you down?” “Nope.” “Oh” I replied, and with that Magnum said “So it’s settled. Sure you don’t want?” offering me the joint again. “No thanks, really.” Magnum resumed by saying “We have a four month probationary period during which time you will be sponsored, so everything your sponsors tells you. You'll ride with them, everywhere they go.” As they finish the joint, and we started inside, and he told the other two guys "There's a meeting at my house after closing to start his initiation" gesturing at me. I looked-on dumbfounded. “I, I, I ah, really don’t know what to say.” Back at the table he told Debbi “Your brother has decided to join our club. I know he was riding with you, but one of us will get him home. He has to be at the meeting after the bar closes.” With that he walked-off. Turning to me Debbi said, “I didn’t know you wanted to join the biker club. You don’t even know how to ride.” “I was drafted. Maybe we should go NOW.” Mike spoke-up, “Oh, it’ll be fine. I’ll watch after him, Debbi.” To which I added “Well, he did offer to help me find a job. I can’t really turn that down. Besides, what’s the worst that can happen? I’ll give it a shot.” “That’s the spirit” Mike said. I looked-up and saw Hambone talking with one of the bikers who was outside. He saw me, lifted his beer and with a smile, saluted me. Now, I was worried. Mike’s wife rode home with her friends and he drove me to Magnum’s place out in the country. On the way I asked him, “So, what goes on at this initiation anyway?” “It’s different for each guy. Mine was downing a bottle of jack, which I immediately threw up” and he chuckled at the memory as we pulled into the yard. I saw there are several bikes and a few trucks on the property, but not as many as I expected, which I pointed out to Mike. “Oh, yeah, well most of those belong to Magnum. There will only be six to eight guys here.” “Huh - I thought your club was bigger than that” I remarked, looking at him quizzically. “It is. These are the pack leaders, if you will. Or if you prefer club officers. They will initiate you, and then assign sponsors to you who will guide you for the next four months” he explained as he stopped the truck. I got out, but he didn’t. “Aren’t you coming in?” I asked. “Nope, I’m not an officer. They’ll get you home later, or call one of us to do it.” The two guys from the patio were waiting and escorted me inside. "I’m Jack" the larger guy said, "and this is Will." Jack was about six feet tall, tattooed all over. His arms were amazingly large. Frankly his size made me feel very small. Will was also a big guy, has a rough scraggly beard, a few scars on his arms, and also had numerous tattoos. When we entered the house I saw Magnum, Hambone, and three other big guys drinking at a bar in his house. I could smell the joint they were passing around. There was a pool table, a leather couch with a coffee table, and sliding glass doors. Outside I saw an in ground pool. Nice house, I thought to myself. About then I recognized one of the guys as a biker I had met many years earlier at the adult drive-in. All we did was mutual jacking in his car. I was sure it was him, but I couldn't remember his name. Then someone said “Well, I see our new guy is here. Time to started.” Jack and Wills grabbed my arms and I knew there was no way I could break free, but I tried anyway. “What the hell guys? Let me go.” They just laughed. Magnum and the other guys are smiling. “We aren’t going to hurt you” Magnum said, adding "Well, yeah, it’s going to hurt I’m sure, but you’re a cocksucker so you’ll enjoy it. See here's the plan. The boys and I, well, when we found out you were a cocksucker, and then you tell me you were a guard. You sort of picked your own initiation.” “Hell yeah!” Hambone said. I responded “Look guys, if you want me to suck your cocks, fine. I won’t resist, you don’t have to do this” and I gestured in Jack's direction. The guy from the drive-in, who was taking a drag off the joint spoke-up saying “ That’s not all we want, see a couple of us got raped in jail and now it’s payback time.” "Yeah" I heard Will say. I thought to myself What are my options here? I’ve got to talk them out of this - no place I could run to, and no way I could fight them off. “But, I wasn’t the one who did it, and I’ve never....” Then I felt the sting of Jack's huge hand on my face, and tasted blood. Magnum continued "We’ve decided to make it easier on you then they had it. Now we can do this the easy way, and you undress yourself for us like in prison, or....” Jack squeezed my arm and I clenched my teeth in pain. “Okay, Okay” I said. With my acquiescence Jack and Will let me go, and Jack knocked my hat off and slapped me on my ass, knocking slightly forward. “Hee-haw, Cowboy. Show us what you got.” I quickly regained my step. “Get em off, boy, or else, we’re waiting” Hambone said with an evil grin. I heard a chain lock being placed on the door behind me, then Jack and Will took a seat to watch me strip. I unbuttoned my shirt and dropped it on the floor, then went to lift my T-shirt. “Oh, this is taking too long” Jack remarked, and standing-up, he moved towards me. I froze, expecting to be punched. Instead he grabbed my T-shirt and ripped it off me. “Jack, let him do it” called-out one of the guys, to which Jack replied “Okay, Bill” and he resumed his seat. I unbuckled my belt, and reached down to pull off each one boot then the other and then dropped my jeans. Wearing only my underwear and socks, I stood there, hesitating. Magnum barked-out the order “Get them off, everything, even the socks.” So I pulled my underwear down and then removed my socks, and then stood-up, covering my crotch with my hands” feeling rather embarrassed. “Remove the hands. Stand there like you were an inmate” someone ordered. I lowered my hands to my sides. “Good, good. You’re doing so well.” Bill then remarked "That’s such a tiny cock you got there. I can’t see any woman wanting that. No wonder you’re a cocksucker." Of course everyone laughed. “I’m a grower” I responded. "Yeah sure" Hambone said as he unzipped his own jeans. to be continued.
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