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mulitple orgasms advernture


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Since this is the fictional section, thought I would share this, (with the don't try this at home warning). Part of this is actually very real, the other part I am just thinking I would like to try sometime, but am too scared to do it.

I met this guy on a chat room, and did not know the guy at all. We had a talk about what we liked. I said I was really horny, almost all the time, had not had any sex for like two years, and just worked all the time, all work and no play at all, right. He said he was interested in tapping into my tight ass, and I was interested in getting fucked, so after a few back and forth emails we agreed to meet. He was a tall black man, he asked me if I minded that he was black and I said no, I had never been with a black guy before and really had not had many experiences before that.

He unzipped, and let out this huge thing, it looked like a huge snake. With an eight inch cock I'm not exactly small, but this guy was definitely bigger than was I - probably about ten inches soft. He said he wanted me to get him hard and I said, I am not sure I can even handle that thing, he smiled and laughed and said sure you can.

I was a little high, and really horny, so I put my lips as wide as I could and I was barely able to get it even a little over the head, I thought man there is no way that is going to work.

But I was feeling really hot and my heart was pounding hard, His dick got even bigger, and so wide like the size of a beer can.

He said lets get on the bed, and we lubed up with some astro glide, I got on my hands and knees because I read somewhere it was easier to get penetrated that way, and he did not seem to care, I felt his heat right away and he kissed the back of my neck and said this may hurt a little, I said go slow because I am really really tight and your so big, I felt pressure right away and it did hurt, but I was really hot and breathing faster now, it hurt even more and he slowed down some but then pushed harder, it slid half way in and it felt really good, I was worried about if I could take it or not, but it just kept felling better and better.

I felt his thighs and his skin as he began to push harder, and he was finally all the way in, it felt really wild now, it did not hurt at all, mostly because I was high and we had a lot of lube going on, He was wearing a condom, because I was just too afraid to go bareback, )

once I got comfortable with his huge cock in me, and he started slapping his hard on into my ass, it really was feeling good now, he pulled out and turned me around so that I was now facing him, he asked was I ok and I said yes, he grabbed my knees, one in each hand and lifted me up so that my back and neck was the only thing still in contact with the bed.

he then spread my legs, and entered me it really felt great, it did not hurt at all, and he started fucking me harder and harder, then he asked had I cum yet and I said no, he said lets take care of that now, and he grabbed by 8 inch hard cock in his hand as he continued to fuck me it felt really wild, never even imagined that before, in like four strokes, I came hard and spewed into the air like two feet, )

He moved his head over to the left and kept on fucking me, it was really good now.

He started stroking me again after he slowed down for a moment or two and then he grabbed me again and tilted my hips upward, so that he could aim in just the right way, he knew just where to hit, and I came a second time, in like five minutes.

I was like really breathing hard and my heart was beating hard and I was sweating like crazy, it was really Amazing. we took a break for about 20 minutes, and he got a phone call and said he had to go but wanted to meet up again later that night I said sure, just give me a call.

we got cleaned up and then dressed and he left, I stood in the living room looking out the window, and my ass was throbbing, and I was thinking that wow I could come again and I did I went into the bedroom again and I thought about what had just happened and I got hard all over again, I stroked it and I came a third time.

Got in the shower, and got cleaned up and took a nap, then I was watching tv for about four hours, it was about 8 pm, when the phone rang again, as I reached for the phone my dick got hard.

when I answered the phone he said hi you still want to get up, I said sure, he asked did I get high I guess he could smell it in the house, and I said yes, he said cool I got something for you to try out, I said cool and we hung up, I got busy and smoked one before he got there, then a knock came at the door and again my dick got hard, I was just thinking this is crazy...

I answered the door and there he was with this big grin on his face.

this time we did not even bother talking we went straight to the bedroom, and got naked, it was dark in the room now and I was even more horny than before, we did the same things as before and he got behind me and pushed himself into me, it hurt again but only for a little while then it started feeling really good, I was pushing now hard against his huge throbbing cock and I could hear his thighs slapping against my ass it felt better than any sex I had ever had.

Then He said now were going to try something a little different, I said ok, and he reached into his pants that were on the floor and got out a pack of cigarettes, then he said have you ever smoked any white smoke and I said no I did not even know what it was, but I had done some green smoke before, he said its a like hitting poppers but its a little stronger, I have some if you want to try it out.

I said, ok, and he took out a glass tube and took something white out of the cigaretts case it was about the size of a small pebble, he put it on the end of the pipe and then put it to my mouth and said, take a small hit then breath it out, I did I was really scared because I had heard all the bad talk about it, but I was really hot and horny now so I went ahead and tried it out, I breathed out some vapor it really did not taste like smoke at all, and it was sort of sweet, then I felt a mild rush, my thighs, started tingling, and my ass felt like it was throbbing, my dick went soft, but he was like how does that feel I said good, he said cool and he pushed himself into me again this time it did not hurt at all and it felt really good.

He started pounding me again, and then he stopped and I took another hit, this time he said to hold it in while he fucked me harder, it was really feeling good, and then as I let it out, I could feel my legs, and my ass felt like it was feeling all kinds of sensations,

my heart was pounding but it felt good, and he continued to fuck me, harder, I then did something that I have never had happen before, I came with just his dick inside me I came just like a girl would come, no manual stimulation at all, he said that now I was ready, I was like what,

He again grabbed my knees and then my ankles, and he started fucking me harder, it felt even better, and he grabbed me again I came right away, and he kept right on hard inside me, and I came a third time, I was like wow, this is crazy I have never cum more than once before even when I was with a woman.

He took out another pebble and put it on the pipe and said hit this and I did and it was a big rush, and he put it in again this time there was no pain and it felt like I was all his, he fucked me and fucked me until I came a fourth time, and then I said, I have to rest, I cant keep on he said sure you can and he did that trick again where he moved my hips up and tilted me just the right way and I felt his dick hit my prostate, at the time I did not realize what he was doing but later I knew that had to be it, I felt it hit and it was huge, I came a fifth time and nearly passed out from the power of that orgasm.

it was wild and he got dressed and left it was about 11 pm we had just had sex for three hours, and it felt like fifteen minutes.

My first thought after he left was that I am a whore.

but I did not care it was just that good, we meet several times after that and it was the same each time, hot sex multiple orgasms, coming over and over again.

I would love to meet up with him again but we lost touch and I moved north so I dont know how to get up with him any more, but it would be really cool to meet someone else like that, I might not ever have the guts to ask for it but it would be wild to just try it out one time to see if it were just as good as it was before.

Edited by Hotload84
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