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[Life In The Raw] Check Yo' Baggage Bitches


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Alright, I want to talk about something I have been seeing a lot of lately. Insecurity.

It's downright fucking unattractive. Two messages I got last week...

"You are probably going to be very rude, but I think you are hot and wish you could fuck me."


"Wow, you are so hot, no wonder you have so many guys on your buddy list, not like an ugly troll such as myself."

The first one is a way that some people deal with things. projection. And oh man, does it piss me off.

They express their problem by projection it onto you, either you "are a source of that problem" or you have it yourself and they feel the need to always call you out on it. My reply to him was this.

"thanks for the compliment, but you would probably have better chances with a guy who isnt cross country"

oh yeah, didn't mention he was sending a message to someone states upon states away.

The second message... my heart did go out to him, feeling that way about himself, but with such a depressing opening, I didn't even look at his picture, I already wasn't interested. I mean, a message like that and you'd have to look like the love child of Hugh Jackman and Frank Mir in order to seem appealing. Unlike the first guy, he answered my reply, which was an apology that he had such a low self image about himself.

He told me that he was only repeating what he has heard from others. My answer to him was letting him know that I was once 240lbs, and though it took years, I have dropped to 200 lbs, and with a higher lean mass to body fat ratio. I told him NOT to do this for anyone else, but for the sense of accomplishment that this would grant him. I told him that he needs to build a sense of self worth, before trying to impress others.

He did agree with me on that, and he thanked me for letting him know about my past on the issue.

Now, some people, who just love playing devil's advocate might say

"no one should have to change... blah blah blah..."

Everyone has different tastes, but if you can do something to appeal to a vast majority of guys, which will first have the effects of building your health, strength, and self esteem... FUCKING DO IT!!!

I'm not talking about becoming a roided out muscle freak. I'm talking about eating healthier, and adding some jogging, squats, and push ups to your day. I'm talking about looking at what YOU don't like about yourself, and changing and improving it. And that isn't regulated to the physical, take a college course or something, give yourself things to feel good about when it comes to your opinion about you!!!

Otherwise, everyone's words about you, carries more weight in your mind, than your own voice.

That shit will consume you. And you end up lashing out at guys online who you don't even know.

Happiness comes from within, or some zen bullshit like that.6205496180732721325-5517586016006088312?l=mindtrip-lifeintheraw.blogspot.com


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