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Neg bud playing with poz buds


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Playing with poz'd buds... Neg here...

I have always liked playing with poz'd buds... It was had always been safe up until about a few months ago when I decided that I just wanted to bb only by choice. I don't why I had decided this... But just like and have always liked bare play.

It isn't that I go out of my way and just look for charged loads only... But do worry about others I may play with that are neg.

I feel that I should let them know that I do an have in fact played with buds that are poz. Could I get some feed back?

Lay off the lecturing cause I know the implications but just want to gets some imput.

P.s. I haven't had any loads/sex since my last test middle of feb since choosing to just go bare only.. And if they want to use a rubber I would just not first choice

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