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[Breeder] Open Forum Friday: Favorite Positions


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One of the most common questions I get—so common that I really should revisit that idea of creating a FAQ that would cover topics like “How big is your dick?” and the ever-popular “How do you find the time to have so much sex and still do anything else?”—is “What’s your favorite way to fuck?”

My smart-ass answer is, inserted.

No, but really. When it comes to positions, as long as nothing’s causing actual pain or distress (to me, anyway), it’s all good. If I’m enjoying myself, the position in which the pleasure is taking place is pretty secondary to me. I’m not going to stop the proceedings, sniff, and insist that we shift to the downward-facing reverse cowgirl in order for me to have a good time.

If we come right down to brass tacks, however, if I’m control the situation and get to choose how my partners are giving me their holes, I’m going to rely on a few personal favorites of mine. Roughly in order of preference, they would be:

1. The bottom with his butt up, lying down.

I like the intimacy of this position. The angle of my dick and of most asses are at their best alignment here; I don’t have to grope and search for the hole, only to find it about forty degrees away from where I thought it might be. I just spread the cheeks, push, and there it is.

I also like pulling the guy’s legs together and straddling him with mine, giving me maximum penetration. All the warmth of a guy’s skin, from his shoulders to his thighs and calves, is beneath me. If he’s a smaller man than I, and just about everyone is smaller than I when it comes to height at least, there’s a sensation of dominance and power that gets me off.

There’s flexibility too, in this position. If I want to put my weight on the man and grind away, I can. If I want to prop myself up on my hands for some extra maneuvering legroom, it’s simple. Nothing’s there to impede my hip action, and if I want roughly to shove the guy’s legs apart and fuck him that way, it only takes a couple of shoves with my knees.

Most guys can last in this position more or less indefinitely, which is also a plus. And of course, with me on top, the bottom ain’t going anywhere.

2. The bottom with his butt up, on the knees.

For long-dicking—that is, pulling all the way with my cock and then sliding back in again, so that with every thrust the guy feels my entire length invading his hole, rather than just a good three or four inches—this position can’t be beat. The depth of penetration, as well as the total amount of shaft with which it’s possible to penetrate a guy, is superior.

Plus there’s just something about the sight of a man on his knees, face in the mattress or pillow, ass in the air, isn’t there? It’s the ultimate submission. A guy lying on his stomach with his face down might be sleeping. He might simply find it the most comfortable position in which to relax. A guy lying on his back with his legs spread and his knees bent and pointed to the ceiling might be doing naked crunches. When a man assumes the position on his hands and knees, though, there’s absolutely no mistaking what he’s doing, what he expects, and what he truly craves.

The downside of this particular posture is that its success depends quite a lot on the guy’s endurance. If he has a trick knee, or the mattress is particularly hard, he’s eventually going to give out. And that’s no fun.

3. The top on his back, the bottom sitting on his dick.

True confession time: during my teen bottom years, I hated this position. I found it horribly uncomfortable. I’d have to grope around to get the guy’s dick in me for what felt like hours, and half the time the guy couldn’t even keep it up by the time I got him in. It required a certain strength of the thigh and calf muscles to maintain a position that was a little lower than a squat, but not as low as actually sitting down.

As a top, though, I really love it when bottoms can sit on me and ride for a very long time. The depth of penetration is unparalleled. If the bottom grinds just right, going back and forth instead of merely up and down, my orgasms are extremely intense (and, generally, arrive faster than any other position). I don’t have full control over my thrusting, which can be a problem unless the bottom is extraordinarily skilled. And lying on my back is comfortable enough for me that I can enjoy it for as long as the bottom can dish it out.

Plus, I confess it’s kind of hot just to lay back and watch a guy enjoy himself, at his own pace.

Those are my top three. There certainly are others that I enjoy—both of us lying on our sides, standing up with the bottom bent over. There are exotic positions—bottom pinned against the wall with his legs wrapped around the top’s waist while the top fucks him face-to-face standing up, or an upside-down bottom being fucked by a top who is standing normally while his dick is being bent down to point to the floor—that look hotter in porn that they work out in real life, unless the bottom is extraordinarily small.

And there’s one position that I find less enjoyable—though still a hell of a lot of fun—with most men, which is missionary, with the bottom on his back and his legs in the air. A lot of men like it because of the intimacy of being able to kiss during the act, and look into each other’s faces. I get that. It’s also easy to pin down a bottom, missionary-style. I enjoy it at the edge of a bed, if the bed is at a height at which I can stand without being on tippy-toe the entire time. I enjoy it when the bottom is unusually flexible. It was my favorite position to fuck Spencer, for example, because his dancer’s legs would fold back as if they were hinged, and he’d hook his prehensile toes onto the headboard. The Runt is good at it, too. If the guy and I end up wrestling against each other to see who’s going to be more off-balance during the missionary position, though, I’d rather just skip it.

I’m not every man, though, or even every top, and everyone has his preferences when it comes to position. On this Open Forum Friday, I’m asking you guys to let everyone know which positions are your favorites. What are the old standbys to which you turn when you’ve got your clothes off and your mojo on? Which ones do you avoid, and for what reasons? And are there any exotic Kama Sutra-like tantric postures I should know about?

Share it all in the comments!12316001024335229-4244981306888121297?l=mrsteed64.blogspot.com


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Although slings are expensive, the advantage is that you can adjust the height so that the bottom's hole is perfectly aligned with the Top's cock. Less stress on the Top's legs and of course the bottom can relax. Some fuck benches can be adjusted to a range of heights and positions too. My favourite position is ANY position the TOP wants.

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Although slings are expensive, the advantage is that you can adjust the height so that the bottom's hole is perfectly aligned with the Top's cock. Less stress on the Top's legs and of course the bottom can relax. Some fuck benches can be adjusted to a range of heights and positions too. My favourite position is ANY position the TOP wants.

My experience with slings is always with other men's slings, Belfast, and they've never been positioned properly for my height (and I'm pretty tall). Even when they're not well-adjusted, they're still pretty great for fucking though, I agree.

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All that means is you make the bottom clean you off, then you do it again!

I need to do that next time then never had a bottom clean me off before they pretty much just leave right after. I do love the feeling of laying on top of the bottom in this position though.

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