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So first off, I hope this is the right place to post this. I just found BZ and find the topics of discussion fascinating.

I am very much into bb porn, but have never even dreamed of attempting it in real life. I am MASSIVELY paranoid of catching something deadly or incurable. I've been in one long term that almost led us to doing bb but we broke up before it ever happened. While it is a massive turn on for me to watch BB and felching and creampies I just can't wrap my head around the reality of it.

So I guess what I'm getting at is, how do you as individuals handle knowing that every time you have raw sex you could contract or give something to someone else that could shorten your life? How can someone be a bug chaser (which is a term I learned here)? I know having HIV and AIDS isn't the death sentence that it used to be but I just don't get it. Are most models from studios like HDK RAW and T.I.M. poz?

I hope this doesn't sound like I'm passing judgement (cause I'm not). I believe that everyone should do whatever makes them happy as long as they have a willing participant. I just want to try and understand. I am an avid learner and love to understand life from a different perspective. Maybe one day, when I'm ready, I'll dive head first into the bb scene but until then I'm happy being a spectator.

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I would suggest a thorough reading of the posts on this site; your questions will be answered from a multitude of perspectives.

As for raw sex, I have practiced it most of my life (I'm 56 now) and wasn't pozzed until 2006. I knew it was more of an eventuality than not, but I no longer feared it, and when I found out I'd been infected, I was somewhat relieved that it had finally happened. And I don't regret any of my actions that led to it, especially because the man who is now my husband wouldn't have started a relationship with me if I'd been neg when we met. And I wouldn't give up my life with him for anything in this world (or another).

If you have trouble understanding men taking the risk of HIV and other STDs just to have natural sex with each other, then by all means, enjoy it as a spectator - that's primarily how TIM and the other BB porn houses make their money. And if you've never had unprotected sex with another man (and there's a new generation of gay men who haven't), you don't know what you're missing and can be satisfied with safe sex.

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