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[Give Me Seed] Louisville Part 2 8/4-5


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At this point it was getting late, the place had emptied out, and there was another ABS I wanted to check out, The Showboat. This place always seemed to have great potential for me since its mega sleazy. However, everytime I go there I'm disappointed. Ah well, no cars in the lot so I didn't even go in.

#6: At this point, I check my A4A account and there is a message from a guy that is completely interested (45 5'9" 8c muscular, tight body, white). He gives me his address, I feed it into Sync and off I go. Well, he was out in the middle of BFE on top of some kind of mountain and it took me forever to get there. After nearly hitting 5 deer, I finally made it to his double wide (hot). He was everything I wanted in a "redneck hookup": country as corn pone, kinda drunk, rough, and strong. He had this straight guy staying with him who was asleep on the couch (TOTALLY HOT BOY), however that wasn't part of the program. He took me back to his room and I literally worshipped every square inch of him. When he was ready, he put me face down on the bed, arms forcing my shoulders into the mattress, his knees spreading my knees apart and sunk his fat 8 into my gushing hole all the way to his balls in one plunge. He fucked me like a mad man; swiveling his hips, hitting from every angle, taking what was his. I could feel his already hard cock getting harder and harder feeling every vein, ripple and imperfection; his breath getting more ragged; the sweat pouring off of him and on to me. He was lost in rut. Finally with a groan that was more like a roar, he jammed his cock all the way inside me and I could feel 6-8 strong contractions followed by cum hitting the deepest part of my insides. I thought I was going to be able to taste his spunk in the back of my throat! He collapsed in a sweaty, cummy heap on top of me, breathing heavily in my ear with his cock still hard inside me. After about 10 minutes, he slid out of me and rolled off of me. I wasted no time going down to clean off his cock. I swear I could taste the distinct flavors of each load that had been pumped into me that night. After he caught his breath and I made sure he was spic n span, I said "Thank you" (I always thank my tops, more on that later), pulled on my clothes and made it out the door. He didn't even get out of bed. He didn't have to, I knew he had been satisfied.

You know how you can get "In the Zone" and just can't stop? The more you get, the more you want.

#7: Yeah. Back to Metro Station. Shit, the clerk even said "Your back!"...God I must be famous. By now it was about 3:30 AM. When I got there, there were still about 10 cars in the lot so I'm all "GREAT!!" As soon as I walk in, this guy (early 30's, blond, striped polo shirt 6' 175 ish, cute, 6.5 c) gives me the "hard look". He walks into a booth while staring at me. I was hoping to get into the same booth but the door was already locked so I get into the next one. BINGO, glory hole. I immediately get on my knees and position my mouth at the hole, and he slides right in...fully hard. After about 5 minutes, just as I'm about to turn around and back up, I feel 4-5 jets of funky spunk hitting the back of my throat.

#8: I wander back into the theater and there was only one guy in there (Mid to late 30's, 6' 180-ish 7.5 c FAT blue collar type with a work shirt on). Kind of a no-nonsense, suck him erect, get nude, bend over the vinyl sofa and take his load. By this time however, and not for the first time that night, cum was literally running down my legs. I almost slipped in it as I was getting dressed.

#9: This guy (Late 50's, 6'5", 7.5" uc, gray hair) was there during my first trip and was kind of fascinated with me I think and had been watching my exploits. We each I think knew there was not much time left, not until the place closed (open 24 hrs), but until we needed to finish for the night. 5 Hour Energy shots only last so long! We both went into the Grotto and we each knew what had to be done. Now, when you go into the Grotto, there are two 1/2 walls. One near the door, couches in the middle where the flat screen is, and one on the other side with a couch on the other side of it. We immediately went to the far side, and we both got completely nude. He sat on the couch already hard, spread his knees apart and showed me his fat uncut tool. I wasted no time getting on my knees to begin service. After a few minutes he pulled me up, turned me around, and pulled me down onto his cock. I rode that piece like a dime store pony until he groaned at punted his load inside me. The funny thing was, there were two Mexican guys in there just hanging out and talking to each other not paying a lick of attention to us. Bizarre. It was like they had just come in and needed a place to stay for the night!

After this, I was DONE (for the night). I went back to the place I was staying and caught a few hours of sleep before Sunday brunch at 1030. Except for what ran down my legs at various times, I kept every drop of cum inside me. I'm kinda proud of that.

Next up...Sunday and the trip home. Stay tuned.



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