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[iBLASTinside] Throwing Off the Curve


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I haven’t gotten ass yet. I ended up going to the adult bookstore*opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png*briefly today for lunch. But what happens today makes me laugh.

The lunch crowd got pretty heavy and the bottoms were few and far between. In fact, I’d been in booths but men had expected me to suck. None were so inspiring for me.

Around 1 p.m., he walks in.

He turned out to be probably an 8½ on the scale of 1 to 10.

Now seeing good-looking men isn’t unusual. However, when hitting the gloryhole scene, they usually scale it down*— wearing a baseball cap or baggy clothes. This guy didn’t. About five-foot-eight, broad shoulders, a perfectly fit athletic shirt showing off great pecs and an obviously good chest overall, his sunglasses on his perfectly coiffed hairstyle, freshly shaven and*— well*— perfection.

What a fucking mistake.

Now I’m not much of a slouch. And while I’ve got a bit of a geekish look and appeal, I fuck well. In the crowd at the moment, I’d earned a spot among the upper crust this day. While you had your size queen bottoms who didn’t have the patience to get me hard, I’d be able to get a decent choice.

Now that was blown to hell.

As the*8½ wandered around, a conga-line of men followed him, trying to act like they were not following him.

Sad really.

I didn’t feel like hanging around until he got off left, so I headed out before traffic out of Atlanta would get too bad. But it’s funny the whole mentality of places like an adult bookstore.

First, the*8½ wasn’t packing*8½ inches. He probably had 6 inches at the most.

Second, he was searching for something specific. My guess? He had some Jungle Fever and wanted African American. And he was hoping to gag on a cock.

Third, you can tell at a glance who’s into you and whether you have a chance. I knew I had no chance and most men who followed him*— especially the little white boys and old trolls*— wouldn’t even get to see his nipples erect through his shirt.

But for the next 20 minutes, the whole place was preoccupied where*8½ went. And I watched everyone else not get any for everyone else hoping for a taste of something no one would get.

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