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[Give Me Seed] Random Thoughts


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I know its been a while since I've posted anything and my lack of posts in no way means I haven't been taking loads like the cum slut I am. I just need to collect my thoughts and update my records to give an accurate account of the popper fueled sessions I enjoy.

While I never want this blog to be a podium for my own opinions and sermons, I do have a couple of things that have been on my mind as it relates to my enjoyment of what I do.

#1: Guys who have no clue about what bareback sex means.

I'm a semi-regular CL poster. The following is what I typically post, not including the picture displayed here on my blog. I'm always very specific about what I'm looking for and try not to leave any doubt in the reader's mind.

"Taking load in my ass. Thirty seven, one seventy five, smooth, tan, average bod, buzzed head. Don't care what you look like, your size, or endowment as long as you can load me up. NSA discreet

Serious only. Can host or travel within reason. Put "Cum" in the subject line to avoid the spam folder. Pics (don't have to be your face) prove you are serious. Will be looking as long as this is posted"

Now. Most guys get it. I either get emails from men who are genuinely interested or those that feel its their job to excoriate me because they don't like what I have to say or what I want. I can deal with both of that although I'm more interested in the former than the latter.

What really chaps my ass are those guys who what to fuck me, but do it covered. Seriously? Below is an actual exchange with a guy who emails me every time I post:

Dumbass: "I am assuming it is okay to wear rubbers while I unload or breed you, right?"

Me: "Um, No, its not okay"

Ok, did I miss something here? How does breeding equate with the use of a condom? And that is only one example of the typical emails I get from this douchebag. If you can't read the fucking ad and respond appropriately or not respond at all, you should quit trolling the bareback ads CL and join a book club or something. I would literally rather NOT get fucked than get fucked with a condom.

#2: Tops who parTy.

While I have done my share of party favors in the past, I haven't done them in about 11 years now. I have no moral objection to those who do. Additionally, I may still have yet to enjoy such activities in the future depending on the situation. What you do with your own body is your business. How it affects my body on the other hand IS my business. Let me tell you what happened recently.

I met this really cute guy in the parking lot of a fairly "notorious" bar here in the city. After a short conversation (where I made sure he wasn't a hustler), he followed me back to my place. We had already talked about what each of us were into in great detail (bareback top => him; bareback bottom => me). He did mention that he did party some but assured me that it would not affect his performance in any way especially since I specifically asked him about it.

So we get to my place and things were going well. Then he decided he need a "little bump". Well that was where the fuck train ran off the tracks. He got increasingly less focused, getting a drink, fast forwarding the porn, playing with the cock ring I lent him, getting a drink, changing positions, etc. And his erection, while growing at first, became a distant memory; lost in the fog of geeking out.

I'm not one to literally or figuratively "beat a dead horse" so I ended the encounter quite quickly, very disappointed. All I wanted was to get bred. This guy talked a good game and was a genuinely nice guy but when your partying affects my possibilities of getting cum in my ass, you're messing with my deal and that's not cool.

I promise that my next entry will be more focused on the purpose of this blog. I'm sure that other bottoms out there have experienced circumstances like I just shared and I wanted you to know that if you are frustrated, you're not alone.5941317752444009453-2940411783981744244?l=givemeseed74.blogspot.com


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