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[Sperm Pig] Homeless Cock


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I think I may have been fucked by a homeless guy yesterday. If he wasn’t, he sure had that appearance.

I started talking with him online on BBRT. Thuggish black guy. 9 inch cock. He wanted to come over and breed me deep with it, which sounded good to me.

I gave him my address and digits, and he was on his way.

But it took him a long time to arrive. I think because he had to take public transportation. Eventually he arrived and I let him in.

Very thuggy. Gold tooth. Lots of layers of clothing. Looked a bit rough. But man I was horny for a big cock.

We went to my bedroom and he unzipped his baggy jeans and hauled his cock out of layers of long johns, etc.

The fucker was every bit the 9 inches advertised. And thick. With a wicked hook to the left.

He told me to suck him to get him ready. I did. And what a fucking mouthful of huge dark meat! I was basically gagging on it— not only from the size, but because I started to think about him maybe being homeless at this point.

While I sucked him, he slowly peeled off his top layers until he was just in his jeans and long johns and shoes.

After 5 minutes or so, he pulls me up and turns me around. “You ready for this nigga cock?” He asks.

I tell him I need to lube more, and I do. And I lubed his thick meat profusely. He then bent me over and pushed his head against my hole.

I was already doing poppers heavily to get ready. He asked for them, and I handed them over. He took a good hit, then shoved his cock all the way in.

I protested a little— the fucker was BIG! It was a good thing I’d already had 2 dicks in me earlier that day, or he would have torn me open. I asked him to go a bit easy.

“What? I thought you said you could take big dick?”

“I can, but…”

“I thought you said you loved taking big black cock in your white cunt?”

“I do, but…”

“Then shut the fuck up and take it. I’m giving you what you want, bitch.”

And he was.

His cock hurt, but also felt incredible. And the left hook at the end was pushing and stretching me inside in unimaginable ways.

We shared the poppers back and forth while he slid in and out of my hole. I had to brace myself against my bed so I wouldn’t fall over from his thrusts. Then he pulled out roughly. Lube went everywhere.

“Get on all fours like a dog. I wanna fuck you like the white bitch you are.”

I slowly sank down onto my bed. I scooted up further on the mattress and he crawled up behind me awkwardly. He still had his shoes on and clothes pooled around his ankles.

I relubed him quickly, hit the poppers and assumed the position. Once he found my hole he shoved right in to the hilt.

He humped me, bent over top of me, feeling my nipples, and cupping my nuts.

“You like that thick nigga dick up in you?” He whispered in my ear.

“Yes,” I grunted.

“Tell me how much you love this nigga dick.”

“I love your dick in me,” I said.

He stabbed his cock violently up my ass making me gasp. “That’s not what I said. Tell me you love my nigga dick!”

“I love your thick black cock inside me sir,” I moaned.

He stabbed violently into me again. “What did I say, bitch?”

Okay, you have to realize something here. I am completely uncomfortable with the N-word, in any context and form. I’ve never said it, grew up in a house where it wasn’t ever said, etc. I am not even comfortable typing it here. But I knew what he was driving at. So I broke down.

“I love that thick fuckin’ nigga dick raping my hole!”

“Yeah, bitch. That’s right. Take this fuckin’ cock up that lily white ass! Yeah, this nigga gonna knock up your fuckin’ cunt!”

He fucked me hard after that for about a minute, punching into my guts deeply with every thrust.

My ass was so worn out at this point that I just really needed him to cum. So I started begging how I hoped he wanted.

“Fuck me! Bust your nut in my cunt! Fuck that nigga jizz into my guts, man!”

A couple more thrusts and he was shooting deep in me. I could feel the left bend pressed up inside me throbbing with every spurt.

“Fuck yeah, cracker! Take it! Take my load, bitch!” He growled loudly. He kept thrusting hard into me, making me take it all. Then he slow-fucked my sloppy hole some.

“Damn, sweet ass! Almost makes me want to bust another nut up there.”

“Can you?” I asked.

“Naw, I’m done. I marked that ass deep.”

Then he pulled out and we stood up. His jizz was leaking out my hole and dribbling down my balls.

“Can i clean up, man?” He asks. I got him a wet rag and a towel and he wiped off then pulled on his layers again.

“Thanks man. Nice ass. Been awhile since I got to really fuck a hole. See you around.”

And then he was out the door. Leaving me to take a long, hot shower and to change the sheets.


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