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[iBLASTinside] How I Performed on My 2012 Resolutions… FUCK!


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12 Resolutions for 2012 opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png*and I’m five for 12, or there abouts. A few of my resolutions were rather vague. Let’s step through them one by one and see where I fucked up.

[h=2]porn-300x150.png12. Fuck a Porn Star[/h]For the third year running, this has been on my list and for the third year, fucking hell, it’s failed.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I’ve met porn stars virtually who promise they’d let me fuck them but it never happens that we’re in the same town. In fact, I’ll tell you a couple of secrets. I got so desperate last year to fulfill this I gave a particular porn star (who I’ll be kind and won’t name him) gifts that amounted to enough to warrant him a promise to fulfill this particular desire.

As you know, porn stars are always good on their word.


This particular person ended up not fulfilling my desires despite the promise and, well, my payments went unfulfilled.

Another porn star, who does condom-only porn, visited Atlanta and said while he won’t get fucked raw, he does fuck raw. I decided I’d get bottomed. Then he searched my e-mail and, well, he said he’d fuck me raw but pull out to cum.

What’s the use in that?

I’m getting closer but not quite there.

[h=2]11. Meet My Meat (and Boy, Did You Ever)[/h]This one I’ll give myself because, despite passing 45 years of age*— just this side of ancient in the gay world*— I fucked so much ass this year, I’m sure if it had been cunts, about 30 baby Marks would have been in various stages of gestation. Based on my calculations, I bred close to 250 asses including many in Georgia and California. Of course, I happened to breed several dotted all over including Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Texas.

Next year, I hope to do more traveling with a new job and breed even more in a lot more states. I really hope to hit New York City, Chicago and Seattle.

[h=2]surfer-300x225.jpg10. More Asian Invasion[/h]Rice was nice this year. Fucking hell if I didn’t get a lot more of the delicacy. Thanks to my travel west, I saw much more Asian ass. In fact, the exotic ass lined up for my might white cock.

Okay, so my cock is 7 inches. But to a tight-ass Asian, it’s perfect.

Highlighting the Asian ass I took has to be the Asian surfer opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png*and the Las Vegas mystery man opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png, both included in the best fucks of 2012*opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png. But much more ass sat on my cock in 2012 to make it an Asian invasion year.

Arigato, although that’s just the Japanese version of “Thank You.” There’s so many Asian flavors to say thanks, I’d spend too much time figuring them out.

[h=2]my-trainer.png9. Shape It Up[/h]Yea, fuck that. My lovely, tragically straight trainer abandoned me and I never found someone to replace him. Therefore I lost momentum in the gym and never quite returned and boosted up my starting point in 2011.

[h=2]8. Shocking Myself[/h]Yea. Not going to happen. Nothing too kinky for me.

[h=2]7. Tattoo Time[/h]Yes, I did it. On my right calf. Exactly what I wanted. Hurt like hell.

[h=2]boy-grindr-150x150.png6. Curb the Curmudgeon[/h]The photo to the right is the boy I wrote about last year, perhaps on a whim. Turns out he violated one of the most important issues for which I require for all those I fuck*opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png*and he lied about it*opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png.

This year happened to be the year of men lying a lot to me, especially as I had to write about catfish opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png*more and more. The term “catfish”*opens-in-new-window-w.png*comes from the documentary of the same name and refers to those who lie about themselves, normally creating an elaborate persona. For a catfish, being dishonest about one issue isn’t enough. One must create a complete world.

I’ve had too many catfish this year to pin up the curmudgeon. I doubt everyone.

[h=2]5. Roll on Rollercoasters[/h]I got a few in but not enough.

[h=2]4. Occupy the Obvious & 3. Punch Back[/h]Well, Obama won and all is right with the world. Right?

Fuck that.

My job is a hellish nightmare and the condom Nazis continue their assault, with even more cyber-attacks on my website*opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png*and worse. How disappointing. The effort to get a job in an accepting environment continues to elude me and, well, punching back has only left me bloody and bruised. Standing up for my rights doesn’t seem to work.

[h=2]2. Mentoring a Man-Boy & 1. Connect[/h]I made strides in this area and might make some more, but still haven’t found one dedicated to sticking to getting to know me and letting me getting to know them. I’ve met a few, even had coffee here or there. But nothing has clicked yet and made it work.

I’ll start texting someone and suddenly the enthusiasm will fall off on their part*— not mine*— even before we meet. Do they expect me to be all about the fuck all the time? No. It’s sometimes boring. Their loss.

As for the mentoring piece, I speak with many who think it’s just me fucking them. Maybe offering a tip or two then moving on. I think that’s why the bottoms of today truly fail me.

Mentoring is a long-term process. I guess men think they can get all they advice they need off the Internet these days (and goodness knows I provide a lot of sexual advice here with poppers*opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png, gloryhole etiquette*opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png, stealthing tips opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png, bottom commandments*opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png, sleazy Atlanta*opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png*and much more.

I see mentoring as a more personal guide, seeing what this person’s attributes are and exploiting them for that person’s personal gain.

Oh well.

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