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[iBLASTinside] Changes


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Things are changing. Times are changing. Life is changing. Another chapter begins. A page turns. A watershed event.

All the bullshit, trite sayings you can think.

In my bones, I’m sensing it’s time to shake the foundation of my life.

For those of you who monitor my Twitter feed*twitter-tiny.png, you already know a bit about my situation. I’ve also written a little about it*opens-in-a-new-window-ibi.png*on this blog.

I was “laid off,” which is to say politely fired. Then again, my job made me miserable as it sucked the very soul from my existence — or seemed to do so. I’d get recharged over the weekend to return to be drained by the forces of evil.

In a way, it’s a gift to be kicked out the door. But any long-time reader of this blog knows I spent a year out of work. In recent months, I’ve been interviewing for work and been kicked in the teeth there too, once being told I am not a “cultural fit.”

I’m too gay, too old, too fat, too blunt, too technical, too creative or just too much.

Things need to change. I need to change.

I don’t come off half cocked and do shit halfway. If I’m going to change, it’s all the fucking way.

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